- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭廉彰编
- 出 版 社:北京:化学工业出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787122098214
- 页数:220 页
Part Ⅰ 经济篇 2
Unit Ⅰ Ten Principles of Economics 2
1 About How people Make Decisions 2
2 About How the Economy Works as A Whole 3
3 About How People Interact 4
Unit Ⅱ Macroeconomics 10
Section 1 11
1 Economic Growth 11
1.1 Short-term stabilization and long-term growth 11
1.2 Theories on economic growth 11
1.3 Positive effects of economic growth 13
1.4 Negative effects of economic growth 14
Section 2 21
2 The Business Cycle 21
2.1 History 21
2.2 Identifying 23
2.3 Explaining 24
2.4 Mitigating 26
Section 3 35
3 Macroeconomic Policies 35
3.1 Fiscal policy 35
3.2 Monetary policy 37
Unit Ⅲ Microeconomics 48
Section 1(1~6) 48
1 Overview 48
2 Production and Markets 48
3 Specialization and Comparative Advantages 51
4 Supply and Demand 52
5 Elasticity and Its Applications 54
5.1 Specific elasticities 55
5.2 Applications 56
6 Game Theory 57
6.1 introduction 57
6.2 Types of games 57
6.3 Application to economics and business 59
Section 2(7~12) 68
7 Market Failure 68
8 Firms and Their Modes of Operation 69
9 Opportunity Cost 71
10 Labor Economics 71
10.1 Notions 71
10.2 Demand 72
10.3 Supply 72
10.4 Equilibrium 73
11 Consumer Choice 73
12 Applied Microeconomics 74
Unit Ⅳ International Economics 81
1 International Trade 81
2 International Finance 81
2.1 Scope and methodology 81
2.2 Exchange rates and capital mobility 82
2.3 Policies and Institutions 83
2.4 International financial stability 83
3 Migration 84
4 Globalization 85
Part Ⅱ 美国篇 92
Unit Ⅴ The Way the U.S.Market Economy Operates 92
1 A Pure Capitalist Economy? 92
2 Basic Ingredients of the U.S.Economy 93
3 A Mixed Economy:The Role of the Market 94
4 Government's Role in the Economy 96
5 Poverty and Inequality 98
6 The Growth of Government 99
Unit Ⅵ A Brief History of the U.S.Market Economy 107
1 The Early Years of the United States 107
2 Colonization 108
3 The New Nation's Economy 109
4 Movement South and Westward 110
5 Industrial Growth 110
6 Inventions,Development,and Tycoons 111
7 Government Involvement 112
8 The Postwar Economy:1945~1960 114
9 Years of Change:The 1960s and 1970s 115
10 The Economy in the 1980s 116
11 The 1990s and Beyond 118
12 Global Economic Integration 119
Unit Ⅶ Businesses in the U.S.Market Economy 128
1 The History of Business Development 128
2 Small business 129
2.1 The sole proprietor 130
2.2 The Business partnership 130
2.3 Franchising and chain stores 131
3 Corporations 131
3.1 Ownership of corporations 132
3.2 How corporations raise capital 133
3.3 Monopolies,mergers,and restructuring 134
Unit Ⅷ Capital Markets of The United States 144
1 Introduction to Capital Markets 144
2 The Stock Exchanges 145
3 A Nation of Investors 146
4 How Stock Prices are Determined 147
5 Market Strategies 147
6 Commodities and Other Futures 149
7 The Regulators 149
8 "Black Monday"and the Long Bull Market 150
Part Ⅲ 世贸篇 160
Unit Ⅸ Basics of the World Trade Organization 160
1 What is the World Trade Organization? 160
1.1 Three main purposes 160
1.2 A few years old,but not so young 160
2 Principles of the Trading System 162
2.1 Trade without discrimination 162
2.2 Freer trade gradually,through negotiation 163
2.3 Predictability:through binding 163
2.4 Promoting fair competition 164
2.5 Encouraging development and economic reform 164
3 The Case for Open Trade 167
4 Roots:from Havana to Marrakech 171
4.1 GATT:"provisional"for almost half a century 171
4.2 The Tokyo Round:a first try to reform the system 172
4.3 Did GATT succeed? 172
4.4 Trade Rounds:progress by package 173
5 The Uruguay Round 178
6 The WTO and GATT—are they the same? 183
Unit Ⅹ The Dispute Settlement Mechanism 186
1 Overview 186
1.1 "The WTO's most individual contribution" 186
1.2 Principles:equitable,fast,effective,mutually acceptable 186
1.3 How long to settle a dispute? 187
1.4 How are disputes settled? 187
1.5 Appeals 188
1.6 The case has been decided:what next? 189
2 The Panel Process:Flow Chart 189
3 Case Study:the Timetable in Practice 191
Unit Ⅺ The Anti-Dumping Agreement 196
1 Introduction 196
1.1 Dumping in the GATT/WTO 196
1.2 The UR Agreement 197
2 Determination of Dumping 200
2.1 Determination of normal value 200
2.2 Determination of export price 202
2.3 Fair comparison of normal value and export price 202
2.4 Calculation of dumping margins and duty assessment 203
3 Determination of Injury and Casual Link 206
3.1 Like product 206
3.2 Domestic industry 206
3.3 Injury 207
3.4 Elements of analysis 207
4 Procedural Requirements 210
4.1 Investigation 210
4.2 Provisional measures and price undertakings 211
4.3 Collection of duties 212
4.4 Review and public notice 212
参考答案 215