- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:宋德利编
- 出 版 社:天津:天津科技翻译出版公司
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7543308258
- 页数:418 页
Contents 1
a customer of Tom's 1
a customer to rely on 2
a five-paper letter of credit 3
a new item 4
a number of,the number of 7
a parcel of 9
able to do sth.;capable of(doing)sth. 10
about to 12
absent from 13
accept,acceptable,acceptance 14
acceptable to the buyer;accepted by the buyer 14
accommodate 15
accord 16
according to(the contract) 16
account 18
accuse(the client)of 19
acknowledge receipt 20
acknowledgment 21
acquainted with(the customer) 21
address oneself to 22
adhere to 23
adjust 23
advantage 24
adverbial clause 25
advise 29
afford 30
afraid of(inflation) 31
ago;before 32
agree with(the salesman) 34
agreeable,agree,agreement 35
Agreement 36
allow 40
allowance 41
almost always happy 42
already yet 42
and that 43
an L/C,Ls/C 44
another;the other 45
anticipate 46
any other man;any one else 47
any;some;no 48
anything but;far from 51
appositive 51
appreciate 52
approach 53
articles 54
as a salesman 56
as…as;not so(as)…as 57
as…as possible;as…as one can 59
as…as;…than…;the most 60
as follows 63
as(good as itis…) 64
as if(=as though) 65
as it is;as it were 66
as long as;so long as 67
as mentioned 69
as per 70
as…so 70
as soon as 71
as such 73
as well as 73
attempt 74
assuming 75
assure,insure,ensure 76
at one's option 77
at length 77
at long last 78
at your earliest convenience 79
auxiliary verbs 79
avail 82
available 83
average 84
aware of 85
based on 86
based on purchase in lots of1000 units 87
because;because of 87
before;formerly 89
believe in 90
beside;besides 91
between,among 92
bid,counter-offer 93
blame…for 94
book 95
booking(s) 96
both;all 96
both…and 97
bridge the gap 98
bulk 99
business relations 100
busy with sth.;busy writing sth. 100
but for 101
by;by the time 103
by return 104
by working hard;with a typewriter 104
call for 106
can not help doing;can not but do 106
carry out a contract 107
charge 108
claim 109
clear the way for 109
cognizant of 110
come into effect 111
come to terms 112
commit 113
commit oneself 113
compare,comparative,comparison 114
compare with;compare to 115
compete 116
competitive price 117
condition 117
confirm;confirmation 118
confirm having cabled 119
conform 120
congestion 120
consider…(to be) 121
considerable;considerate 122
consign;consignment 123
consignment 124
consult 126
contact 126
conviction;convinced 127
count 128
cover 129
covering 131
credit 132
dare to do;dare not do 132
date back to 134
deal with 134
decide 135
decline 136
definite 137
deduct 137
deliver 138
deserve 139
demand 139
desire;wish 140
desirous of(doing);desirous to(do) 141
despite;in spite of 141
detail 142
devalue 143
different from;indifferent to 144
discount 144
do the same 145
distinguish A from B 146
disposed to(do sth.) 146
Do,and;Do,or 147
do good to;do harm to 148
during;while 149
each in a different colour 150
each other;one another 151
eager 152
earnest 153
economic;economical 153
either;neither;any;none 154
either…or 155
either you or your manager is 157
embody 157
enclose 158
enough to 160
enquire;enquiry 161
entail 162
entertain 163
entirely different from(the invoice) 163
entitle 164
entitled to 165
equivalent 165
establish 166
eventhough;even if 167
every reason 168
except;except for;except that 168
exclusively 171
exhaust 171
expect to;hope to 172
expect;look forward to 172
expire;expiration 173
explore 174
facilitate 175
fail to do 175
fair 177
familiar with;familiar to 177
familiarize sb.with sth 178
famous for;famous as 179
few customers;a few customers 180
few;little 181
finalize negotiations 182
firm offer 183
find the price too high 183
firm with an upward tendency 184
follow 185
for all(=with all) 185
forbid…to do;prohibit… from doing 186
force…to do;force…into doing 187
for lack of 188
for one's information 188
forward 189
from the outset 190
get round 191
give me what 192
grant 194
had better 195
guarantee 195
had I known 196
had not…before(when) 198
handle 199
handle;deal in 200
happen 200
hardly;scarcely 201
hardly(scarcely)…when(before) 202
have difficulty(in)shipping the goods 204
have the pleasure of 204
heavily booked 205
help one(to)do 206
hold a fair 207
how far we went 208
honour 208
I do love this style 209
I doubt it 210
in advance 211
in a last effort 212
in a position 213
in case 214
in compliance with 217
incur 217
indebted to sb.for sth 218
induce 219
inform;advise 222
in due course……………………………………………? 222
in due time………………………………………………………?in excess of 222
in line with 223
in my opinion 223
in our dealing 224
in no case 225
in order to;in order that…may 225
in question 227
in receipt of 228
in reply 229
inst.,ult.,prox 229
insurance 230
insure 232
interest 233
in the light of 234
in the market for 235
in the near future 235
in the way of 236
invite one's attention to 237
invoice 237
involve 239
is to arrive 240
It is time(that) 241
It will be…before 242
justify 243
late,lately 244
keep…on file,for one's file(s) 244
leave it to your option 245
lest…should 246
lie in(with) 246
liable 247
lifting 248
like;alike;as 248
likely to do 250
line of business 251
locate 251
lodge 252
lodge claim 252
make onedo 253
make offer 255
make sure 256
make the buyer happy 257
make the conclusion of business possible 258
market 259
may rest assured of(that) 260
mean to do 261
meet with 262
minor,major;small,big 262
modify;alter 263
more goods than are needed 264
more…than 264
more…than I am;as(so)…as I am 266
most;almost 267
much obliged 270
must be;must havebeen 271
need amending;need to be amended 273
need to do,need not do 274
negotiate 275
neither…nor 275
Neither(nor)am I 277
Never did I 278
no client but 280
no longer;not…any longer 281
no matter what 282
nominate 283
no more…than 285
no;not 286
no one but 287
no sooner…than 288
not…because not…,because 289
note 290
not only…but(also) 291
not so much…as 293
not…until(till) 293
not…without 295
nothing is so…as 295
now that 296
object to;be opposed to 297
offer 298
of ever date 298
of importance 301
on behalf of 302
on hearing the news 303
on the high side 304
one…the other,the one…the other 304
One more…,and 306
…one thing…another 307
only when 308
order 309
others,the others 310
Our manager,who;a man who 311
out of line with the price 316
place order 317
pack;packing 317
practice 318
premium 319
primary;primarily 319
propose 320
Pro rate;in proportion 321
provide 321
put…on your market 322
put to a test 323
quantity 323
quotation,quote 324
read;reading 325
realize 326
ready market 326
refer 327
regret 328
reimburse 329
reject 330
remain,remaining,remainder 331
remember doing 332
remind one of 333
request 334
reduce 335
requirements 336
reserve 336
response;reply;answer 337
result in;result from 338
room 339
rule out 340
sample;catalogue;pamphlet 340
satisfy;satisfactory;satisfaction 341
scope of business activities 342
see in the same light 343
see one's way(clear) 344
seek 344
seem to be;seem to have been 345
serve 346
sell well 347
settle 348
short;shortage 349
share a view 349
should have done 350
should one do 351
since 351
So as I./So I am 353
so as to;so…as to 354
so…that;such…that 356
speak fluently 357
square 359
start sb.off 359
step up the trade 360
stock 360
strenuous 361
subject to 362
substantial 363
such as;such…as 364
such customer as believe me 366
superior to 368
supply 369
switch 371
take up 371
tend 372
there is no doing 373
the company 374
the computer whose 375
the contract(which)I made 376
the customer who 377
the customer whose 378
the customer whom 379
the day when 380
the man to whom 381
the place where 384
the reason why 386
the same…as;the same…that 386
the way in which 387
This is a contract 388
three metres long;three metres in length 390
three times as many…as 391
to be due 392
to be in session 392
to the extent 393
to be interested 393
too…to 394
To see is to believe 395
to the contrary 397
to the letter 398
trade 398
transit 399
try to do;try doing 399
two of whom 400
under advice to us 402
unless 403
used to;be used to 404
usual practice 405
venture to;take the liberty of 406
utmost 406
very;much;by far 407
waive 408
well 409
when;as;while 409
When it comes to 411
wish(that) 411
without 413
without delay 415
with the exception of 416
with transhipment at 416
would like;should like 417
would rather…than 418
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