CFA学习精要 Level 5 权益证券投资、固定收益证券投资PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:金圣才主编
- 出 版 社:北京市:中国石化出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:780229004X
- 页数:345 页
Study Session 12 Equity Investments:Securities Markets(权益证券投资:证券市场) 1
一、学习任务(Reading Assignments) 1
二、学习要求(Learning Outcome Statements,LOS) 1
三、学习精要(Study Notes) 2
52.Organization and Functioning of Securities Markets(证券市场的组织和功能) 2
53.Security-Market Indicator Series(证券市场指数) 24
54.Efficient Capital Markets(有效资本市场) 39
四、证券学预备知识 64
Study Session 13 Equity Investments:Industry and Company Analysis(权益证券投资:行业与公司分析) 81
一、学习任务(Reading Assignments) 81
二、学习要求(Learning Outcome Statements,LOS) 81
三、学习精要(Study Notes) 83
55.An Introduction to Security Valuation(证券估值介绍) 83
56.Stock-Market Analysis(股票市场分析) 106
57.Industry Analysis(行业分析) 117
58.Equity:Concepts and Techniques(权益证券:概念与技术) 118
59.Company Analysis and Stock Valuation(公司分析与股票估值) 130
60.Technical Analysis(技术分析) 139
61.Introduction to Price Multiples(价格乘数指标介绍) 147
Study Session 14 Fixed Income Investments:Basic Concepts(固定收益证券投资:基本概念) 154
一、学习任务(Reading Assignments) 154
二、学习要求(Learning Outcome Statements,LOS) 154
三、学习精要(Study Notes) 156
62.Features of Debt Securities(债务证券的特性) 156
63.Risks Associated with Investing in Bonds(与债券投资相关的风险) 177
64.Overview of Bond Sectors and Instruments(债券种类与债务工具概述) 205
65.Understanding Yield Spreads(理解利差) 235
Study Session 15 Fixed Income Investments:Analysis and Valuation(固定收益证券投资:分析与估值) 254
一、学习任务(Reading Assignments) 254
二、学习要求(Learning Outcome Statements,LOS) 254
三、学习精要(Study Notes) 256
66.Introduction to the Valuation of Debt Securities(债券估值介绍) 256
67.Yield Measures,Spot Rates,and Forward Rates(收益率衡量、即期利率与远期利率) 280
68.Introduction to the Measurement of Interest Rate Risk(利率风险衡量方法介绍) 316
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