- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭旭编注
- 出 版 社:昆明:云南人民出版社
- 出版年份:1981
- ISBN:7116·788
- 页数:290 页
1.Stars 1
2.A Little Bird 2
3.Good Fishing 3
4.Insects 4
5.Colour 5
6.Ants 6
7.A Big American and a Little American 7
8.The Little Deer 8
9.Let Me Help You 9
10.Pigeon 10
11.Big Ships 11
12.A Date 12
13.To Go Fishing 13
14.Late Again 14
15.A Monkey 15
16.Not a Bus Driver Any More 16
17.First Ride in an Aeroplane 17
18.The Circus 18
19.He Never Comes Late 19
20.A Siamese Cat 20
21.A Game 21
22.They Come Late 22
23.Venice 23
24.The Roof of the World 24
25.Magnets 25
26.On The Moon 26
27.The First Ballon 27
28.Birds 28
29.Feeding Fish 29
30.Turtles 30
31.Teeth 31
32.Rice 32
33.Self-Introduction 33
34.Something Wrong 34
35.A football Match 35
36.Going To Mars 36
37.Children's Education 37
38.Very Important News 38
39.Good Reason for Laughing 39
40.The Fisherman and the Gold Fish 40
41.Bunny the Rabbit 45
42.The Hare and the Tortoise 47
43.Jim at Sea 50
44.The Grasshopper and the Ant 51
45.Do You Speak English? 53
46.Spending a Holiday at a Farm 54
47.The Seasons 56
48.Invitation to Stay the Week-end 58
49.Inflation 60
50.Food Prices Go Up Again 61
51.Hamlet 62
52.The Travellers and the Bear 63
53.The Greatest Sea Disasters 64
54.The Lion Ate Me 65
55.Farms and Factories 66
56.Poor and Rich Countries 68
57.Isaac Newton 70
58.Three Men and a Train 72
59.Mr.,Mrs.,Miss,and Ms 74
60.Shopping for Clothes 76
61.A Tall Hat 78
62.Getting a Letter 80
63.Not Asleep 82
64.A Private Conversation 83
65.The Merchant of venice 84
66.A Letter of Thanks 88
67.Follow Chou Enlai's Great Example 90
68.A Rule 92
69.Introducing Myself 93
70.Travelling in London 96
71.What Makes Iron Get Rusty? 98
72.Summer Holidays 99
73.Christopher Columbus 101
74.The Early Colonial Days 103
75.Walt Whitman,Poet of American Democracy 105
76.Mark Twain and the Man Who Never Laughed 107
77.Harvest Work 109
78.Robert Bruce and the Spider 111
79.A Clever Worker 113
80.Water Sport 115
81.Living in London 117
82.Recreation and Sports 119
83.Football 121
84.A Lessonfor Tomorrow 123
85.Copper 125
86.The Peasant and the Snake 127
87.Mark Twain 128
88.Please Send Me the Necessary Forms 131
89.A Little game 133
90.A Sea Journey 135
91.Sir Walter Scott 137
92.Giving Advice and Opinions 139
93.The Countryside in Summer 141
94.Nothing to Nothing 143
95.Evening 144
96.Mark Twain and the Game Warden 146
97.Radio and Television 148
98.A Day in London 150
99.A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing 152
100.The Apple Tree 154
101.The United States 156
102.New York Guide 158
103.Logic 161
104.Newspapers and Magazines 163
105.A Journey from London to the Country 165
106.A Letter About a Vacation Trip 167
107.The Underground in London 170
108.The Congress of the United States 173
109.A Day at the Seaside 175
110.A Telephone Call 178
111.Expectation 180
112.You Dropped Something! 182
113.A Guide in the Fog 184
114.A Better Proof 186
115.Shave Me First 188
116.Behaving Like a Lady 190
117.A Nurse in a Children's Hospital 192
118.Mr Jones's Game 194
119.The Christmas Present 196
120.The Smell of Fried Fish 198
121.Too Late 200
122.Letter From Yu Rong 201
123.Dear Doctor 205
124.Ships 208
125.Memory 210
126.My Hobby 212
127.The Loss of the "Titanic" 215
128.Asking Favors of Other People 217
129.The Spider's Web 219
130.Asking for Trouble 221
131.National Heroes 223
132.Mary Had a Little Lamb 225
133.A Letter to the Editor of China Reconstructs 227
134.Rocket in Stages 229
135.The Blind Men and the Elephant 231
136.A Visit to Shakespeare's Birthplace 234
137.Discussing Different Points of View 236
138.Games 238
139.Work and Careers 240
140.Electric Trains 242
141.Am I All Right 244
142.The Three Wishes 245
143.The Hero 247
144.By Air 249
145.Trees 251
146.Life at Cambridge 253
147.Radar 256
148.What People Don't Know About Air 259
149.Life on a Desert Island 262
150.Sports and Games 264
151.An Unusual Dream 266
152.Tom Edison,Newspaper Boy 268
153.SOS 271
154.Washington,D.C 273
155.How I Start My Day 275
156.Colorful Expressions-Being Up a Tree 277
157.Hot Snake 279
158.Amusements 281
159.Taxation 283
160.A Trip to Mars 285
161.A Famous Match 287
162.The Aims of Teaching English 289
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