- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张文起主编;刘洁莹,张云霞,张振虹,陆林,段秀娟编
- 出 版 社:天津:南开大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7310024044
- 页数:185 页
Contents 1
议论文 1
.Pollution 1 1
.Can Road Accident Be Avoided? 2 2
.Advertisements 4 3
.Protection of Environment 6 4
.Population and Birth Control 7 5
.Sports and Health 9 6
.Organization Saves Time and Energy 10 7
.Competition and Cooperation 11 8
.The Importance of Confidence 13 9
.Dilligence 15 10
.Hobbies 16 11
.Birth Control:Key to China's Development 18 12
.Fire Accidents in Big Cities 19 13
.Living in a Big City 20 14
.Keep Our City Clean 22 15
.TV:How It Affects Us 24 16
.How to Solve Housing Problems? 25 17
.How to Solve Energy Problems? 27 18
.How to Solve Traffic Problems? 29 19
.My Plan for the Forthcoming Summer Vacation 31 20
.WorkAs a Tutor 32 21
.How I Overcame My Difficulties in Learning English? 34 22
.On Dieting 35 23
.Modern Youth 37 24
.Save Wild Animals 38 25
.Energy Resource 40 26
.Today's Luxuries Are Tomorrow's Necessities 41 27
.Smoking and Cancer 43 28
.We Need to Broaden Our Knowledge 45 29
.The Place of Science and Technology in Modern Life 46 30
.Travel 47 31
.Where to Live——in the City or in the Country? 49 32
.Bicycle Is Popular in China 51 33
.How to Arrange Your Time at College? 53 34
.Is Money All Power? 54 35
.Hope Project 56 36
.On Reading Books 58 37
.On Good Books 59 38
.Choosing an Occupation 61 39
.Should Men and Women Be Equal? 62 40
.Punctuality 64 41
.The Value ofTime 66 42
.How to Prepare for a Job Interview? 67 43
.How to learn EnglishWell? 69 44
.Cigarette Smoking(1) 70 45
.Cigarette Smoking(2) 72 46
.Automobile 73 47
.We Have Only One Earth 75 48
.My Major 77 49
.Is English Easy to Learn? 78 50
.Tourism 80 51
.Purehasing an Apartment of One's Own 81 52
图表作文 53
.Car Accidents Declining in Walton City 84 53
.Changes in People's Diet 85 54
.The Problem of Human Population 87 55
.Cars Are the Most Important Transportation Tools in the United States 88 56
.Health Grains in Developing Countries 89 57
.The City I Like Best 91 58
情景作文 59
.How to Help the Slow Students in Their English Study 93 59
.Is It Right for Students to Rent Houses off Campus? 94 60
.How to Arrange Kid's Daily Life? 95 61
.Balance Your Academic Study and Social Activities 97 62
.My Attitude Toward Parent's Meeting 98 63
.Is This Kidney Transplant Worthwhile? 100 64
.Should the Income Tax Be Paid? 101 65
.Is Independence Always Right? 102 66
.How to Deal with Western Festivals? 103 67
.Young Parents and Their Kids 104 68
.My Opinion on the Reform of CET-4 and CET-6 106 69
.Monitors Installed in Classrooms 107 70
.Awarding Those Who Return the Pick-up Things 108 71
.Advice for Net Worms 110 72
.How to Balance English Study and Speciality Study? 112 73
.Is It Right to Jump a Red Light? 113 74
.One-off Tableware 115 75
.How to Deal with Seat-preoccupied Phenomenon? 116 76
.Whether to Join the Singing Society or not? 118 77
.Working in the East or the West of the Country? 119 78
.Is It Right to Buy Pirated Disks? 121 79
.Part-time Jobs and Academic Performance 122 80
.Students'Attitudes toward Fashion 124 81
.Is It Moral to Ask for“Clue Fee”? 126 82
.Application for Admittance 131 83
自我推荐信、申请信 83
应用文 83
英文书信格式 130 83
英文书信结构 128 83
.Application for a Job 132 84
.Personal Statement 133 85
信件 86
.Apologies 134 86
.Requests and Inquires 135 87
.Congratulations 136 88
.Invitations 137 89
.Thanks 137 90
.Complaint 138 91
演讲与致辞 92
.What to Expect in College 139 92
.AWelcome Speech to the New Members of the Campus Radio 140 93
.Message(1) 141 94
通知、便签 94
.Message(2) 142 95
海报、广告 96
.Selling Used Books 143 96
.English Speaking Contest 143 97
年1月至2005年6月全国大学英语四、六级考试作文题及参考范文 1996
年1四级 145 1996
年1六级 146 1996
年6月四级 147 1996
年6月六级 148 1996
年1月四级 148 1997
年1月六级 150 1997
年6月四级 151 1997
年6月六级 152 1997
年1月四、六级 154 1998
年6月四、六级 155 1998
年6月四、六级 158 1999
年1月四、六级 156 1999
年1月四、六级 159 2000
年6月四、六级 161 2000
年1月四、六级 162 2001
年6月四、六级 163 2001
年1月四、六级 165 2002
年6月四、六级 166 2002
年6月六级 170 2003
年6月四级 169 2003
年1月四、六级 168 2003
年1月四级 172 2004
年1月六级 174 2004
年6月四级 175 2004
年6月六级 177 2004
年1月四级 178 2005
年1月六级 180 2005
年6月四级 181 2005
年6月六级 183 2005
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