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英语写作  范文99篇
英语写作  范文99篇

英语写作 范文99篇PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:潘能主编
  • 出 版 社:西安:西北工业大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7561217943
  • 页数:341 页
《英语写作 范文99篇》目录


1.How to Write a Short Essay如何写短文 1

2.How to Become a Successful Speaker of English如何成功地说英语 4

3.Cultivate Your Reading Habit培养阅读习惯 8

4.How to Use the Library如何使用图书馆 12

5.Books书 15

6.Some People Like to Buy Books to Read,Other People Like to Borrow Books From Libraries or From Other People.Which Do You Prefer?有些人喜欢买书看,有些人喜欢从图书馆或向别人借书看。你喜欢哪一种? 17

7.Studying the English Language in an English-Speaking 20

Country is the Best but Not the Only Way to Learn the Language.Do You Agree or Disagree with This Statement?在说英语国家学习英语是最好的但并不是惟一的学习语言的途径。你同意不同意这种说法? 20

8.Some Students Think Studying in a University is Worth-wile Only Because They Can Get a Degree.Do You Agree or Disagree with This Statement?有些学生认为之所以值得上大学就是因为能获得学位。你同意不同意这种说法? 23

9.On Perseverence论毅力 26

10.The Importance of Self-confidence自信的重要性 29

11.On Failure论失败 32

12.Youth青年时期 35

13.Love and Learning恋爱和学习 37

14.Annual Cycles of the Traffic Accident of a City(graph) 40

某城市交通事故年度发生周期(图表) 43

15.What I Choose to Do upon Graduation我在毕业之际的选择 43

16.My Dream我的梦想 46

17.How to Be Successful in a Job Interview如何在求职面试中获得成功 49

18.You Have Interviewed Three Candidates for an Engineering Job in Your Company(Chart)在你所在的公司里面试三名谋求职工程职位的应聘者(图表) 52

19.In the Examination Hall考场上 56

20.Advantages of Being a Teacher当教师的好处 60

21.My Understanding of the True Meaning of Education我对教育真谛的理解 63

22.Early Rising论早起 66

23.Morning Exercises晨练 68

24.How to Make Friends 70

如何交友 73

25.Some People Like Different Friends.Others Like Similar Friends.Compare the Advantages of These Two Kinds of Friends.Which Kind of Friends Do You Prefer?Explain Why.有些人喜交不同的朋友,有些喜交与自己性格相似的朋友。比较交这两类朋友的好处。你喜 73

26.My Dormitory Room我的宿舍房间 76

27.Which Kind of Accommodation Do You Prefer to Choose?(Picture)你喜欢选择哪种住所?(图画) 78

28.Hobbies and Interests爱好和兴趣 82

29.Advantages of Collecting收藏的好处 85

30.Punctuality论守时 89

31.On Work Efficiency论工作效率 92

32.Honesty is Gold 94

诚信是金 97

33.“Playing a Game Is Fun Only When You Win.”Do You Agree or Disagree with This Statement?“比赛就是要赢才有乐趣。”你同意不同意这种说法? 97

34.Dangerous Sports Should Be Banned应当禁止危险运动 100

35.Do Pop Stars Deserve High Rewards?流行歌星应该得到高报酬吗? 104

36.What's Your Opinion About Clothes你对服饰有什么看法? 107

37.Dancing谈谈跳舞 110

38.Why Blue Jeans Popular?牛仔裤为什么流行? 113

39.Travel by Bike骑车出游 116

40.Advantages of Travel旅游的好处 119

41.Effects of Tourism旅游业的效果 121

42.Week-long Holidays,Good or Bad?What's Your Opinion? 124

长假好不好?你是什么看法? 128

43.Spend Our Leisure to the Best Advantage充分休闲 128

44.Is TV a Plus or a Minus?电视的利弊 131

45.Advertisement on TV电视广告一议 134

46.The“Project Hope”“希望工程” 138

47.Women in the Modern World现代世界上的妇女 141

48.Energy Crisis能源危机 143

49.Science and the World's Problem科学和世界问题 145

50.Health and Wealth,Which Do You Prefer?健康与财富,你要哪一个? 148

51.How Important Is Money?金钱有多重要? 151

52.About the Mobile Phone(Picture)谈谈移动电话(图画) 154

53.What Is Your View Towards Lottery Games?你对彩票游戏的看法 159

54.No Spitting!(Picture)不准随地吐痰!(图画) 163

55.“Nowadays People Are Selfish and Greedy.”Do You Agree or Disagree with This Point of View?“现在人们自私和贪婪。”你同意不同意这种观点? 167

56.Should Young People Always Respect and Obey Those Older Than Themselves?年轻人应当永远尊敬和服从长者吗? 170

57.The Generation Gap说说代沟 173

58.“Nowadays Parents Are Too Permissive with Their Children.”Do you Agree or Disagree with This Statement?“现在父母过于放纵子女。”你同意不同意这种说法? 176

59.About Juvenile Delinquency关于青少年犯罪 180

60.Tobacco Production and Consumption(Picture)烟草的生产与消耗的趋势(图画) 184

61.Governments of All Countries Should Launch Serious Campaigns Against Smoking.Do You Agree?各国政府应当发起禁烟运动,你同意吗? 188

for Children (Chart)为儿童选用一种面包(图表) 192

62.Choose a Particular Brand of Bread 192

63.Advantages and Disadvantages of Being an Only Child独生子女的利弊 196

64.Publications Should Be Censored.What's Your Opinion?出版物应受审查,你有什么意见? 199

65.Such a Promise(Picture)如此承诺(图画) 202

66.“Women Are Exploited by New Fashions in Clothing.”Do You Agree or Disagree with This Statement?妇女受到时装的剥削。你同意不同意这种说法 206

67.Advantages of Getting a Loan from the Bank for My Studies助学贷款的好处 210

68.The Decline of Small Businesses小型企业的倒闭 214

69.The Growth of Fast Food in China快餐在中国的发展 217

70.Seeking Employment in U.K.(Graph)在英国的谋职情况(图表) 220

71.Living in a Large Modern City or in the Country?住现代大城市还是住乡下? 223

72.High-rise Buildings in Big Cities大城市里的高层建筑 226

73.The Function of Mass Media传媒的作用 229

74.Some People Say That the Computer Is More of a Menace Than a Blessing.What Do You Think?有些人说计算机威胁多于幸事,你有什么意见? 232

75.The Metropolitan Rush Hour都市交通高峰 236

76.The Pros and Cons of Owning a Private Car拥有私车的利弊 239

77.Which Transportation Vehicle Do You Prefer?(Picture)你喜欢用哪种交通工具(图画) 243

78.Help the Victims of Natural Calamities帮助灾民 247

79.Love Is Like a Lamp in Darkness(Picture)爱是黑暗里的一盏明灯(图画) 250

80.An Ark of Love爱的方舟 255

81.The Ups and Downs of Population Growth(Graph)人口增长与野生动物数量的起伏(图表) 260

82.The Expanding Population and the Birth Control人口增长与生育控制 265

83.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in the 21st Century生活在21世纪的优缺点 268

84.Supermarket—a Convenient Shopping Area 超市——方便的购物区 273

85.Chinese Herbs中草药 276

86.A Brief History of World Commercial Fishing (Picture)世界渔业的简短回顾(图画) 279

87.On Rain雨 285

88.The Voice of Spring春之声 286

89.Seasons四季 289

90.An Adventure一次巧遇 292

91.A Letter of Thanks 294

感谢信 296

92.A Letter of Appreciation感激信 296

93.A Letter of Inquiry询问信 298

94.A Letter of Friendship友谊信 301

95.A Letter of Complaint(1)抱怨信(1) 305

96.A Letter of Complaint(2)抱怨信(2) 307

97.A Letter of Apology致歉信 311

98.A Letter of Congratulation祝贺信 313

99.A Letter of Application申请信 315

附表1 不规则动词表 317

附表2 短文写作中常用过渡词语 324

附表3 短文写和中常用句型、词语和表达 326
