靳三针疗法解说 中英对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:袁青,罗广明编著;(美)杰佛里·温肃(Jeffrey Winsauer)译
- 出 版 社:上海:上海科学技术文献出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7543923548
- 页数:208 页
1.什么叫“靳三针”疗法? 1
目录 1
What is this Needing Method Called “Jin’s 3-Needle Tech-nique”? 2
2.“三针”的含义 4
The Significance of 3-Needles 4
3.鼻三针(迎香、上迎香、印堂) 6
The 3-Points Around the Nose:Yingxiang(LI 20),Bitong(ex-tra),Yintang(extra) 10
4.眼三针(眼Ⅰ针、眼Ⅱ针、眼Ⅲ针) 15
The 3-Occipital Points:Naohu(DU 17),both Naokong(GB 19
The 3-Eye Points:1st,2nd and 3rd eye acupoints 21
5.耳三针(听宫、听会、完骨) 26
The 3-Points Around the Ear:Tinggong(SI 19),Tinghui(GB 2),Wangu(GB 12) 30
6.舌三针(舌Ⅰ针、舌Ⅱ针、舌Ⅲ针) 34
The 3-Tongue Points:Shang Lianquan(extra),2nd acupoint,3rd acupoint 36
7.智三针(神庭、左右本神) 39
The 3-Points for Intelligence:Shenting(DU 24),both Benshen(GB 13)points 41
8.四神针(四神Ⅰ针、四神Ⅱ针、四神Ⅲ针、四神Ⅳ针) 43
The Four Spirit Points:1st,2nd,3rd,4th of the Spirit Points 47
9.脑三针(脑户、左右脑空) 51
points 53
10.颞三针(颞Ⅰ针、颞Ⅱ针、颞Ⅲ针) 55
The 3-Points in the Temporal Area:1st,2nd and 3rd acupoints in the temporal area 57
11.定神针(定神Ⅰ针、定神Ⅱ针、定神Ⅲ针) 61
The Stabilizing the Shen Points:1st,2nd and 3rd Stabilizing the Shen Points 63
12.晕痛针(四神针、太阳、印堂) 67
The Points to Treat Dizziness and Headache:The Four Spirit Points,both Taiyang(extra),Yintang(extra) 69
13.面肌针(四白、下眼睑阿是穴;地仓透颊车、禾髎、迎香) 71
The 3-Points for a Facial Tic:Sibai(ST 2),an infraorbital Ashi point,Dicang(ST4),Jiache(ST 6),Heliao(LI 19),Yingx-iang(LI 20) 74
14.叉三针(太阳、下关、阿是穴) 76
The 3-Trigeminal Points:Taiyang(extra),Xiaguan(ST 7)and an Ashi point 78
15.面瘫针(翳风、地仓颊车互透、迎香;阳白、太阳、四白) 80
The 3-Points for Facial Paralysis:Yifeng(SJ 17),Dicang(ST4),Jiache(ST 6),Yingxiang(LI 20);Yangbai(GB 14),Taiyang(extra),Sibai(ST2) 85
16.突三针(天突、水突、扶突) 89
The 3-“Tu”Prominence Points:Tiantu(RN 22),Shuitu(ST 10),Futu(LI 18) 89
17.颈三针(天柱、百劳、大杼) 93
The 3-Neck Points:Tianzhu(BL 10),Bailao(extra),Dazhu(BL 11) 95
18.背三针(大杼、风门、肺俞) 98
The 3-Back Points:Dazhu(BL 11),Fengmen(BL 12),Feishu(BL 13) 99
19.肩三针(肩Ⅰ针、肩Ⅱ针、肩Ⅲ针) 101
The 3-Shoulder Points:1st,2nd and 3rd shoulder acupoints 105
20.手三针(曲池、外关、合谷) 107
The 3-Arm Points:Quchi(LI 11),Waiguan(TB 5),Hegu(LI 4) 107
21.足三针(足三里、三阴交、太冲) 110
The 3-Leg Points:Zusanli(ST 36),Sanyinjiao(SP 6),Tai-chong(LV 3) 111
22.手智针(劳宫、神门、内关) 114
The 3-Intellect Points on the Hand/Arm:Laogong(PC 8),Shenmen(HT 7),Neiguan(PC 6) 116
23.腰三针(肾俞、大肠俞、委中) 118
The 3-Lumbar Points:Shenshu(BL 23),Dachangshu(BL 25),Weizhong(BL 40) 121
24.坐骨针(坐骨点、委中、昆仑) 123
The 3-Sciatic Points:Zuogudian(Jin’s),Weizhong(BL 40),Kunlun(BL 60) 128
25.膝三针(双膝眼、血海、梁丘) 132
The 3-Knee Points:Both Xiyan(extra)acupoints,Xuehai(SP 10),Liangqiu(ST 34) 133
26.踝三针(解溪、昆仑、太溪) 136
The 3-Ankles Points:Jiexi(ST 41),Kunlun(BL 60),Taixi(KI 3) 139
27.足智针(涌泉、泉中、泉中内) 140
The 3-Intellect Points on the Foot:Yongquan(KI 1),Quanzhong(Jin’s),Quanzhongnei(Jin’s) 141
28.痿三针(上肢痿:曲池、合谷、尺泽;下肢痿:足三里、三阴交、太溪) 145
The 3-Points to Treat Wilting:Atrophy of the upper extremities:Hegu(LI 4),Quchi(LI 11),Chize(LU 5);Atrophy of the lower extremities:Zusanli(ST 36),Sanyinjiao(SP 6),Taixi(KI 3) 147
29.褐三针(颧髎、太阳、下关) 149
The 3-Points for the Treatment of Chloasma:Quanliao(SI 18),Taiyang(extra),Xiaguan(ST 7) 149
30.乳三针(乳根、膻中、肩井) 152
The 3-Breast Points:Rugen(ST 18),Danzhong(RN 17),Jian-jing(GB 21) 152
31.胃三针(中脘、内关、足三里) 156
The 3-Gastric Points:Zhongwan(RN 12),Neiguan(PC 6),Zusanli(ST 36) 158
32.肠三针(天枢、关元、上巨墟) 161
The 3-Intestinal Points:Tianshu(ST 25),Guanyuan(RN 4),Shangjuxu(ST 37) 164
33.胆三针(期门、日月、阳陵泉) 166
The 3-Gallbladder Points:Qimen(LV 14),Riyue(GB 29),Yanglingquan(GB 34) 166
34.尿三针(关元、中极、三阴交) 171
The 3-Urinary Points:Guanyuan(RN 4),Zhongji(RN 3),Sa-nyinjiao(SP 6) 175
35.脂三针(内关、足三里、三阴交) 177
The 3-Cholesterol Points:Neiguan(PC 6),Zusanli(ST 36),Sanyinjiao(SP 6) 177
36.肥三针(中脘、带脉、足三里) 181
The 3-Obesity Points:Zhongwan(RN 12),Daimai(GB 26),Zusanli(ST 36) 184
The 3-Epilepsy Points:Neiguan(PC 6),Shenmai(BL 62),Zhaohai(KI 6) 187
37.痫三针(内关、申脉、照海) 187
38.阴三针(关元、归来、三阴交) 190
The 3-Yin Points:Guanyuan(RN 4),Guilai(ST 29),Sanyin-jiao(SP 6) 193
39.阳三针(气海、关元、肾俞) 196
The 3-Yang Points:Qihai(RN 6),Guanyuan(RN 4),Shens-hu(BL 23) 196
40.闭三针和脱三针 200
The 3-Points to Treat Blockage(“Bi”)and the 3-Points to Treat Desertion(“Tuo”) 201
41.学习和掌握靳三针疗法的捷径 203
How to Efficiently Study and Master“Jin’s 3-Needle Treatment Method” 204
42.靳老的入针方法 206
Professor Jin’s Needle Insertion Methods 207
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