大学核心英语学习参考书 第4册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴铭方主编;张炳章等编写
- 出 版 社:东营:石油大学出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:756360085X
- 页数:193 页
Text A:Working at Home—The Growth of Cottage Industry 1
目录Unit 1 1
Text A:The Big Bang and AfterText C:Hanging the Universe on StringsUnit 6
Text C:keep up with the satohsUnit 2 19
Text A:Exercising and MetabolismText C:The National Nutrition QuizUnit 3 34
Text A:Ifyou Want Some thing DoneText C:When Machines Have EarsUnit 4 54
Text A:Be prepared:PIanning Video ProgrammesText C:The Open CollegeUnit 5 74
Simulated CET-4(I)Unit 7 92
Text A:Predicting Crime from the WeatherText C:Protecting the EnvironmentUnit 8 109
Text A:Chunneling the ChannelText C:Hands off Captains on the BridgeUnit 9 131
Text A:Fire in the BushRext C:Alaska's Speeding GlacierUnit 10 149
Text A:Sound Strategies for SurvivalText C:Strange World of Palau's Salt LakesUnit 11 168
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