1.Acceleration 1
2.Aging Problem 2
3.A Laser 4
4.A New Kind of Machine 6
5.A New-type City at Sea 7
6.Annealing 10
7.A Nobel Prize 11
8.Another Cheap Energy 13
9.Antifreezes 15
10.A Sandglass 17
11.Asbestos 18
12.Aspirin 20
13.Atoms 21
14.Back from Space 23
15.Bionics—a Growing Science 25
16.Body Rhythms 27
17.Body Temperature 29
18.Can Trees Talk? 31
19.Carbon-14 33
20.Cars and Polluted Air 35
21.Cars for Tomorrow 37
22.Cells 39
23.Climate 40
24.Colour 42
25.Colour Is Important for Animals 43
26.Computer Helps Fire-fighters 45
27.Computers 47
28.Daydreams 49
29.Discovery of Penicillin 52
30.Does Warm Water Freeze More Quickly? 54
31.Dreams(Ⅰ) 55
32.Dreams(Ⅱ) 57
33.Dreams(Ⅲ) 59
34.Dreams(Ⅳ) 61
35.Dried Foods 62
36.Eating and Drinking in Space 64
37.Electricity 66
38.Enzymes 69
39.Erosions and the Ways to Fight against Erosions 70
40.Exploring Space 72
41.Fatness and Health 74
42.Fires Need Air 76
43.Flying to the Moon 77
44.Food 79
45.Food Chains 81
46.Food Production 82
47.Future Energy 84
48.Geothermal Energy 86
49.Getting Information for Our Body 88
50.Giving Blood 89
51.Glass Fibres 91
52.Gold 93
53.Great Inventions(Ⅰ) 94
54.Great Inventions(Ⅱ) 96
55.Halley and Comets 98
56.Hibernation 99
57.How Does the Brain Work? 101
58.How Do the Deaf Communicate? 104
59.Human Body 105
60.Human Brain 107
61.Human Skin 109
62.Hydrapulper Reclaims Rubbish 110
63.Ice Can Be Nice 112
64.Intelligence(Ⅰ) 114
65.Intelligence(Ⅱ) 116
66.Learning about Our Minds through Science 118
67.Life on Other Planets 120
68.Light 121
69.Liquid Gold 122
70.Looking into the Sky 124
71.Man Can Run Farms under the Sea in the Future 126
72.Man's Four Types of Blood 128
73.Multi-stage Rockets 130
74.New Discoveries Lead to Many Others 132
75.Newton's First Law of Motion 134
76.Noise Pollution 135
77.Nuclear Energy 137
78.Objects Expand When Heated 140
79.Overheat Is Threatening Us 142
80.Psychological Space 143
81.Raindrops 145
82.Refrigeration 147
83.Sailing along a Canal 149
84.Salt Can Damage Arteries 151
85.Searching for the"Fountain of Youth" 153
86.Sleep 155
87.Smoking(Ⅰ) 157
88.Smoking(Ⅱ) 159
89.Smoking(Ⅲ) 160
90.Solar Energy(Ⅰ) 162
91.Solar Energy(Ⅱ) 164
92.Solar Energy(Ⅲ) 167
93.Sound 168
94.Sound Waves and Radio Waves 170
95.Space Junk 172
96.Spontaneous Combustion 173
97.Summer Time 175
98.Taking Pictures 177
99.Telephones 178
100.Telescopes 180
101.Television Pictures 181
102.Telling Time by Shadows 183
103.The Beginning of Horsepower 185
104.The Differences between Men and Women 186
105.The Effect of the Blood Group on Personality 189
106.The Effects of Weightlessness 191
107.The Energy Cycle of Body 192
108.The Greenhouse Effect 194
109.The History of Pens 197
110.The Huge Mirror 198
111.The Invention of Printing 199
112.The Loud Noise and Hearing Loss 201
113.The Moon(Ⅰ) 203
114.The Moon(Ⅱ) 205
115.The Moon(Ⅲ) 207
116.The Noise-killing System 209
117.The Sixth Sense 211
118.The"Sleep Study"Method 213
119.The Strangeness of Sleep 215
120.The Sun(Ⅰ) 217
121.The Sun(Ⅱ) 218
122.Time Zone 220
123.Tiredness 222
124.Unidentified Flying Objects(UFOs) 224
125.Vaccination 226
126.Walking on the Moon 229
127.Water Pollution 230
128.Waves 232
129.Weather Forecasting 233
130.Weather Satellites 236
131.What Is Friction? 237
132.What Has Brought Future to Film? 240
133.Where Does the Hot Water for Your Shower Come from? 242
134.Where Does Water Come from? 244
135.Why Do People Cry? 246
136.Why Do We Sweat? 247
137.World's Fastest and Quietest Train 249
Key to the Tests 252
后记 254
- 《《走近科学》精选丛书 中国UFO悬案调查》郭之文 2019
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- 《中国十大出版家》王震,贺越明著 1991
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