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  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:米卫文编著
  • 出 版 社:广州:广东高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:753612502X
  • 页数:143 页
标签:编著 社交

Chapter 1 基本篇 1

1.打电话找某人(May I speak to John?) 3

2.介绍自己(This is John speaking.) 4

3.打错了(Wrong number.) 6

4.结束语(Nice talking to you.) 8

5.请总机转(May I have extension 111?) 9

6.转接故障(I got cut off.) 13

Chapter 2 公司篇 17

1.接电话开场白(May I help you?) 19

2.稍候(Hold on.) 20

3.不能接电话(He is not in.) 23

4.留口信(May I take a message?) 26

5.电话预约(I'd like to make an appoi?tment with Mr.Smith.) 30

6.变更或取消预约(Can we reschedule our ap-pointment?) 36

7.电话求职(I'm calling to apply for the position you advertised in the paper.) 41

Chapter 3 生活篇 57

1.电话预订(Can you help me make reservations?) 59

2.更改或取消预订(I'm calling to cancel my reser-vation.) 66

3.查询商品或服务(I need to get a cab.) 73

4.查询价钱(How much will it cost?) 79

5.查询时间(What time do you open?) 81

6.查询地点、路线(What's your location?) 85

Chapter 4 商务篇 89

1.电话推销(We're running a special offer now.) 91

2.有意购买(Tell me more about it.) 94

3.决定购买(I'll take it.) 98

4.不想购买(I have no interest in it.) 100

5.电话抱怨(I've a complaint to make.) 103

Chapter 5 电话服务篇 113

1.查号(May I have the number for John Smith?) 115

2.打长途电话(I need to make a collect call to Japan.) 118

3.查问费用及时差(How much are the rates?) 122

4.紧急电话(Would you interrupt the conversation?) 127

5.电话寻呼(I'd like to page 99021.) 130

Chapter 6 出国应急篇——电话报警 135

1.要救护车(I need an ambulance.) 137

2.被盗(Some people broke into my house.) 138

3.要消防车(Send a fire engine right now!) 141

4.车坏了(My car broke down.) 143
