- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:全国三十八所重点中学教师编
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林人民出版社
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7206027652
- 页数:456 页
实用资料篇 1
篇首导语 1
目录 1
第一部分 常用不规则动词分类表 2
第三部分 度量衡表 5
第二部分 某些词英美拼法对照表 5
第四部分 主要国名、首都名、居民和语言 6
第五部分 部分英语前缀、后缀 11
第六部分 英文反义词表 17
第七部分 亲族关系 22
1.倒装与省略(规则1—3条) 24
第八部分 活用文法规则(142条) 24
2.名词(规则4—20条) 25
3.代名词(规则21—45条) 27
5.比较法(规则51—52条) 31
4.形容词(规则46—50条) 31
6.冠词(规则53—57条) 32
8.时式(规则62—71条) 33
7.动词的用法(规则58—61条) 33
9.助动词(规则72—81条) 35
10.语态(规则82—86条) 36
11.语气(规则87—93条) 37
12.不定式与动名词(规则94—109条) 38
13.副词(规则110—118条) 41
14.介词系(119—136条) 42
15.连接词(规则137—142条) 44
(一)语言功能项目简表 45
第九部分 交际语言 45
(二)情景对话(Conversations) 51
1.Telephoning(打电话) 52
2.Shopping(买东西) 53
3.Asking(问路) 55
4.Seeing a Doctor(看病) 57
5.At a Restaurant(上餐馆) 60
6.At the Library(在图书馆) 62
一、如何学习语音 65
篇首导语 65
实用语音篇 65
三、元音和辅音 66
二、字母、音素和音标 66
四、音节的划分 67
(一)元音字母在重读音节中的读音规则和例外情况 68
七、字母和字母组合读音规则及其例外情况 68
五、开音节和闭音节 68
六、-r音节和-re音节 68
(二)部分辅音字母的读音规则和例外情况 71
(三)字母组合的读音规则和例外情况 72
八、单词的重音 75
九、基本语词 76
十、一些单词的读音变化 77
a/an,per 79
a/an,one 79
词汇篇 79
篇首导语 79
第一部分 中学生最易混淆的英语词语 79
a kind of,of a kind 80
a great deal,a grat deal of 80
a bit,a bit of 80
a dozenof,dozensof 80
a score of,scores of 81
a piece of,of a piece 81
alot,alot of,lots of 81
a number of,the numberof 81
accident,incident,event 82
accept,receive 82
about,on 82
above all,after all 82
absent in,absent from 82
afraid of,afraid for 83
advice,advise 83
across,cross 83
act,action 83
act as,act for 83
add to,add up to 83
alike,like 84
aid,help 84
ago,before 84
agree to,agree with 84
all-round,all round 85
allow,permit,let 85
alive,live,living 85
all,all of 85
all,whole 85
all-day,all day 85
already,all ready 86
aloud,loud,loudly 86
almost,nearly 86
alone,only 86
alone,lonely 86
among,between 87
always all ways 87
also,too 87
although,though 87
any,some 88
anxious for,anxious about 88
angry at,angry with 88
another,other,the other 88
anxious,eager 88
argue about,argue with 89
area,rigion 89
anyone,anyone,anybody 89
anyway,any way 89
apologize for,apologize to 89
as……as,so……as 90
as,like 90
arise,rise 90
arms,weapon 90
around,round 90
arouse,rouse 90
arrive at,arrive in 90
as much,much as 91
as for,as to 91
as if,as though 91
at a time,at one time 92
at,in 92
as well,as well as 92
ask,demand 92
ask,ask for 92
as.eep,sleepy,sleeping 92
at sight at the sight of 93
at present,for the present 93
at ease,with ease 93
at hand,in hand 93
at least,in least 93
at peace,in peace 93
atthe end,by the end,in the end 94
at the o?rner,in the corner,on the cornber 94
at stp? at a speed of 94
at the beginning(of),in the begining(of) 94
beggage,luggage 95
back,backwards 95
atthetop of,onthetopof 95
attend,take part in 95
because,because of 96
beat,defeat,win 96
bare,barely 96
base,basis 96
bath,bathe 96
beside,beaides 97
below,under 97
beforelong,long before 97
begin,after 97
believe,believe in 97
break in,break into 98
brain,brains 98
blind,blinded 98
born,borne 98
borrow,lend 98
both,either 98
by bus,onthe bus,inthe bus 99
busy in,busy with 99
breath,breathe 99
broad,wide 99
broadcast,broadcasted 99
burned,burnt 99
care about,care for 100
can,may 100
by day,by the day 100
call at,call on 100
can,able 100
change into,change…into 101
chance,opportunity 101
cause,reason 101
celebrate,congratulate 101
celebrated,famous 101
centre,middle 101
clever at,clever with 102
clever,wise 102
childish,childlike 102
china,China 102
choose,select 102
clean,clear 102
clean,cleanly 102
compare…to,compare…with 103
commonsense,common sense 103
climate,weather 103
close,closely 103
clothes,cloth,clothing 103
come,go 103
couple,pair 104
cost,spend,take 104
connect with,connected with 104
consult,consult with 104
cook,cooker 104
deaf to,deaf in 105
dark,black ( 105
crew,crewman 105
cure,treat 105
costom,habit 105
daily,everyday 105
devote…to,devoted to 106
desert,dessert 106
decide,determine 106
deep,deeply 106
delighted,delightful 106
depend,depend on 106
draw,drag 107
discover,invent 107
die,dead 107
die for,die from,die of 107
dinner,meal 107
disappointed,disappointing 107
early,so on 108
each other,one another 108
dress,suit 108
drill,excercise 108
drunk,drunken 108
each,every 108
everybody,every body,everyone,every one 109
ect,and soon 109
economic,economical 109
e.g…i,e 109
either…or,neither…nor 109
elder,older 109
excited,exciting 110
except,cxcept for 110
everyday,every day 110
example,sample,specimen 110
fast,fastly 111
farther,further 111
fail,fail in 111
fall,drop 111
famous as,famous for 111
faraway,far away 111
find,find out 112
fight for,fight with 112
fast,quick 112
feed,foot 112
few,a few,little,a little 112
fight,battle 112
for a moment,for the moment 113
for,during 113
finish,firstly,at first 113
floor,storey 113
friendly to,friendly with 114
forget to do,forget doing 114
for onself,by oneself,to oneself,of oneself 114
force,oblige 114
forest,wood 114
give in,give up 115
gift,present 115
frigh?ened,frightening 115
game,play 115
gate,door 115
gather,collect 115
goto sea,gotothe sea 116
goto school,gotothe school 116
go on strike,be on strike 116
go on to do,go on doing,go on with 116
go to bed,go to sleep 116
happen,take place 117
happen,happen to 117
god,God 117
gold,golden 117
good at,good for 117
greenhouse,green house 117
hanged,hung 117
hear,listen 118
healthful,healthy 118
hard,hardly 118
hard,difficult 118
have a word with,have wordswith 118
have something to do,have 118
something to do with 118
home,house,family 119
holiday,vacation 119
hear of,hear from 119
help,help with,help…with 119
high,highly 119
highway,freeway 119
historic,historical 119
infavour,infavour of 120
in case of,in the case of 120
homework,housework 120
hour,o'clock 120
if,in case 120
ill,sick 120
in the east of,to the east of,on the east of 121
in the distance,at a distance 121
infront of,inthefront of 121
in order to,in order that 121
in sight,in sight of 121
in the air,on the air 121
in word,in a word 122
in time,on time 122
in the evening,on the evening of 122
in the field,on the field of 122
in the road,on the road 122
in the street,on the road 122
in the street,on the street 122
in the way,on the way 122
job,work 123
jewel,jewellery 123
indoor,indoors 123
in dustrial,industrious 123
in stead,in stead of 123
into,in to 123
introduce…to,introduce…into 123
know,learn 124
kill,murder 124
join,join in 124
just,just now 124
keep doing,keep on doing 124
key of,key to 124
lay,lie 125
laugh,smile 125
know,know of 125
known as,known for,known to 125
lady,woman 125
last,at last 125
late,lately 125
look good,look well 126
live by,live on 126
learn,study 126
learned,learnt 126
leave,leave for 126
let's,let us 126
many,much 127
made of,made up of,made from 127
looking-glass,mirror 127
love,lover 127
machine,machinery 127
most,mostly 128
more than,more…than 128
marry…to,married to 128
matter,material 128
maybe,may be 128
meet,meet with 128
meeting,party 128
no,not 129
Negro,Black 129
move,remove 129
movie,movies 129
Mr,sir 129
near,nearly 129
now,now that 130
not…but,not only…but also 130
no more than,not more than,no more…than,not more…than 130
noise,sound,voice 130
none,no one 130
one day,some day 131
once again,once and again 131
officer,official 131
often,always 131
on earth,in the earth 131
on the left,to the left 131
part of,a part of 132
over and over,over agai 132
onto,on to 132
origm,original 132
other,the other 132
out of quesiton,out of thee question 132
outdoor,outdoors 132
play,play with 133
phenomena,phenomenon 133
passed,past 133
pause,stop 133
people,peoples,the people 133
prepare for,prepared for 134
practical,practicable 134
pleased,plsasing 134
p.m.,afternoon 134
politic,political 134
politician,statesman 134
real,true 135
raise,rise 135
principal,principle 135
provide…for,provide…with 135
question,problem 135
respectful,respectable 136
research,re-search 136
regrettodo,regretdoing 136
regretful,regrettable 136
remember to do,remember doing 136
repeat,repeat again 136
require to do,require doing 136
satisfactory,satisfied 137
run out,run out of 137
responsible for,responsible to 137
reward,aware 137
ride,drive 137
right,correctable 137
shoot,shoot at 138
send,send for 138
scarce,scarcely 138
scene,scenery 138
search,search for 138
seat,sit 138
select,elect 138
sometime,sometimes,some time 139
some,somewhat 139
shout at,shout to 139
slow,slowly 139
so…that,such…that 139
stay,remain 140
stare at,glare at 140
sorry,excuse,pardon 140
sorry for,sorry to 140
spend…in,spend…on 140
tall,high 141
take care,take care of 141
stop to do,stop doing 141
strict in,strict with 141
supply…to,supply…with 141
take,bring,fetch 141
too…to,only too…to 142
too,either 142
tasteful,tasty 142
technology,techinque 142
the same as,the same…as 142
till until 142
tired of,tired with 142
under the sun,in the sun 143
under one's arm,in one's arms 143
tour,trip,travel,voyage,journey 143
try to do,try doing 143
turn mto,turn…into 143
welcome,welcomed 144
warn…of,warn…against 144
unless,if…not 144
usedto,be usedto 144
useful for,useful to 144
valued,valuable 144
want to,want doing 144
work,works 145
wide,widely 145
whether,if 145
3.above 146
2.about 146
write in,write with 146
第二部分 英语主题与核心词汇讲解267题 146
1.abbreviations 146
9.across 147
8.acrobatics 147
4.abroad 147
5.absence 147
6.aceent 147
7.accept 147
12.adjective 148
11.address 148
10.act 148
13.adverb 149
17.against 150
16.afternoon 150
14.affect 150
15.after 150
21.alive 151
20.aerline 151
18.ago 151
19.agree 151
24.also,as well,too 152
23.almost 152
22.all 152
27.and 153
26.among和between 153
25.although和though 153
34.around和round 154
33.appliance 154
28.another 154
29.anxious和eagar 154
30.any 154
31.apart 154
32.appear 154
36.as 155
35.article 155
38.at 156
37.ask 156
40.back 157
39.baby-sit 157
47.be 158
46.bath和bathe 158
41.bad和badly 158
42.bad和bold 158
43.band和orchestra 158
44.banner和flag 158
45.basic和BASIC 158
54.behave 159
53.begin和start 159
48.because和because of 159
49.become,welcome和overcome 159
50.bed 159
51.beef,pork和mutton 159
52.before 159
62.black 160
61.biscuit,cracker和cookie 160
55.believe和believe in 160
56.besides和except 160
57.better 160
58.between 160
59.beyond 160
60.bi- 160
70.British English和American English 161
69.bringing和take 161
63.blame 161
64.blunder 161
65.blush 161
66.boil 161
67.bow 161
68.bridge 161
72.but和except 162
71.burst 162
84.close和colsely 163
83.close和shut 163
73.by和with 163
74.cafeteria和canteen 163
75.can 163
76.capable和able 163
77.careful 163
78.casual 163
79.centigrade 163
80.certain与sure 163
81.chemical和chemistry 163
82.client 163
92.comparison 164
91.CD 164
85.cloth,clothes和clothing 164
86.cock 164
87.c/o 164
88.column和row 164
89.Combination 164
90.commerical 164
94.conditional 165
93.compose 165
96.conscience 166
95.conjunction 166
101.contractions 167
100.continuolls和continual 167
97.conscious 167
98.consider 167
99.contagious和infections 167
105.dare和need 168
104.cure 168
102.countable nouns和uncountable nouns 168
103.country 168
110.demand 169
109.delete 169
106.date 169
107.dead 169
108.deep和deeply 169
115.do 170
114.discourse maker 170
111.depth 170
112.desert 170
113.die 170
118.down和up 171
117.dollar 171
116.doctor 171
121.elder和older 172
120.each 172
119.during 172
124.else 173
123.ellipsis 173
122.electric和electrical 173
129.enter 174
128.enough 174
125.emigrate和migrate 174
126.employer和employee 174
127.English 174
136.even 175
135.ethic和ethics 175
130.envious和enviable 175
131.equipment 175
132.error和mistake 175
133.escape 175
134.especially和specially 175
138.every 176
137.ever 176
142.expect,hope,look 177
141.excuse me,pardon及sorry 177
139.exam和examination 177
140 exclamation 177
148.fit和suit 178
147.film 178
143.explain 178
144.fairly,quite,rather,pretty和very 178
145.fare和free 178
146.few和little 178
153.girl和boy 179
152.gas和petrol 179
149.fixed pairs 179
150.football 179
151.future tense 179
155.get 180
154.gender 180
159.hair 181
158.habit和custom 181
156.go 181
157.group of things and people 181
164.have 182
163.harmful 182
160.half和halfof 182
161.happen,occur和take place 182
162.hard和hardly 182
165.hire,rent和let 183
170.if 184
169.how 184
166.historic和historcal 184
167.holiday 184
168.hope 184
174.in和into 185
173.imperative 185
171.ill和sick 185
172.illness和disease 185
176.infinitive 186
175.include 186
178 inversion 188
177.-ing 188
180.it 191
179.irregular verbs 191
184.lack 192
183.kind 192
181.its和it's 192
182.journey,trip travel,voyage和tour 192
188.词尾-ly 193
187.long 193
185.last和the last 193
186.let's 193
192.meals 194
191.me 194
189.may和might 194
190.maybe和may be 194
194.measurments 195
193.mean 195
195.mistake和fault 196
201.must 197
200.much 197
196.mdifiers 197
197.more和moreof 197
198.most和most of 197
199.most 197
203.nationality words 198
202.name 198
207.next和the next 199
206.never 199
204.necessary 199
205.need 199
210.no?s 200
209.not only 200
208.ro 200
212.occasion 202
211.number 202
216.on 203
215.old 203
213.of 203
214.officer和official 203
221.over 204
220.other 204
217.one 204
218.open 204
219.or 204
227.permission 205
226.past 205
222.own 205
223.paper 205
224.part of和a part of 205
225.the Passive 205
229.pieces and amounts 206
228.phrasal verbs 206
230.plural forms of nouns 207
234.present 208
233.pratice和practise 208
231.politics 208
232.post和mail 208
236.punctuation 209
235.pronoun 209
237.question mark 210
239.rather 211
238.question tags 211
240.relative clause 212
241.reporting 214
244.'s 216
243.result 216
242.request,order in struetion 216
249.should like和would like 217
248.should 217
245.sale 217
246.search和search for 217
247.shall和will 217
252.Subordinate Clauses 218
251.Split Infintives 218
250.so 218
254.Tense 220
253.suggestion 220
257.to 221
256.Thanking Someone 221
255.than 221
259.“to”-infinitive clauses 222
258.toilet 222
260.Verbs 223
261.warning 225
266.when 226
265.what 226
262.way 226
263.week 226
264.welcome 226
267.whether和if 227
一、名词的种类 228
第一部分 名词 228
实用语法篇 228
二、名词的数 229
三、名词的所有格 232
四、名词的作用 235
一、冠词的种类 238
第二部分 冠词 238
二、冠词的用法 239
三、不用冠词的场合 241
四、冠词的位置 242
五、有与无定冠词的区别 243
六、表语名词前的冠词用法 244
一、人称代词 246
第三部分 代词 246
二、物主代词 247
三、反身代词 248
四、指示代词 250
五、不定代词 251
第四部分 数词 260
一、数词的种类 260
二、数词在句中的作用 261
三、基数词和序数词的其他用法 261
四、表示不定数量的常用词与词组 262
第五部分 形容词和副词 264
一、形容词 264
(一)形容词的用法 264
(二)形容词的位置 264
(三)以a—开头的形容词 的用法 266
二、副词 269
(一)副词的用法 270
(二)副词的构成 270
(四)副词的位置 271
(三)副词的种类 271
三、形容词和副词的比较等级 272
四、没有比较级最高级的形容词、副词 275
五、合成形容词的构成 278
二、介词短语及其用法 279
一、介词的种类 279
三、常用介词的主要用法举例 279
第六部分 介词 279
四、易错、常考的介词和介词搭配 292
一、动词的基本形式 295
二、动词的时态 295
第七部分 动词 295
(一)一般现在时 296
(二)一般过去时 297
(三)一般将来时 298
(四)过去将来时 300
(五)现在进行时 300
(六)过去进行时 301
(七)现在完成时 302
(八)现在完成进行时 304
(九)过去完成时 305
(一)语态的基本概念 306
(二)被动语态的基本概念及构成形式 306
三、动词的语态 306
的相互变化关系 307
(四)被动语态的用法 307
(三)主动语态和被动语态 307
(五)使用被动语态时注意的几个问题 308
(六)被动语态和“连系动词to be+表语(过去分词)”的区别 309
(七)不能变被动语态的句子 309
四、动词的语气 311
(一)语气的种类 311
(二)虚拟语气在条件句中的用法 312
(三)虚拟语气的其他用法 314
五、情态动词 318
六、非限定动词(动词的非谓语形式) 326
(一)动词不定式 326
(二)动名词 332
(三)分词 336
第八部分 句子分类 341
一、独立主格结构 341
二、祈使句 343
三、感叹句 344
四、there be结构 345
第九部分 复合句 347
一、主语从句 347
二、表语从句 348
三、宾语从句 348
四、同痊语从句 350
五、定语从句 350
六、状语从句 357
第十部分 其它专项知识 371
一、主谓一致 371
二、强调形式 376
三、关于否定现象 379
四、倒装结构 381
五、反意问句 384
一、阅读理解能力测试的主要要求 388
第一部分 怎样做阅读理解题 388
二、阅读理解题的考察内容 388
篇首导语 388
阅读理解篇 388
三、阅读理解测试要点及应试策略 389
第二部分 词义涉猎的技巧 394
一、怎样根据构词知识判断词义 394
二、怎样根据语境判断词义 397
三、怎样判断同形近义词与同形异义词的词义 398
四、怎样判断惯用语的意义 398
第三部分 句义理解的技巧 399
一、难句理解技巧 399
二、注意句义理解的若干语言 400
现象 400
三、如何判断一句多义 405
四、句子复述和推论 406
第四部分 文章的阅读与理解 407
一、段落的阅读与理解 407
二、怎样作判断、推论和结论 417
三、全文的阅读与理解 421
第五部分 NMET阅读理解(A)题的类型、拟题手段及解题技巧一、NMET阅读理解(A)题的类型特点 425
二、NMET阅读理解(A)题的问题类型及拟题手段 426
三、NMET阅读理解(A)题的解题技巧 429
一、如何限题和写提纲 432
第一部分 怎样做《书面表达》题 432
二、如何开端和结尾 432
篇首导语 432
书面表达篇 432
三、如何才能答好高考“书面表达”题 433
第二部分 各种文体写作 434
一、记叙文(Naration) 434
二、说明文(Exposition) 438
三、应用文(Practical English) 440
(一)书信 440
(二)通知 447
(三)日记 451
四、看图写短文(Write About Pictures) 453
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