- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王轶军主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:湖北教育出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7535111637
- 页数:219 页
a,an 1
目录 1
a an,one 2
a an,per 2
a an,the 3
a bit,a bit of 4
a dozen of,dozens of 4
a great deal,a greet deal of 5
a kind of,of a king 5
a lot,a lot of,lots of 6
a piece of,of a piece 7
a number of,the number of 7
a score of,scores of 8
about,on 8
above,over 9
above all,after all 9
absent in,absent from 10
accept,receive 10
accident,incident,event 11
across,cross 11
act,action 12
act as,act for 12
advice,advise 13
add to,add up to 13
afraid of,afraid for 14
ago,before 14
agree to,agree with 15
ahead,ahead of 15
aid,help 16
alike,like 16
alive,live,living 17
all,all of 18
all,whole 18
all-day,all day 19
allow,permit,let 19
all-round,all round 20
almost,nearly 21
alone,only 21
alone,lonely 22
aloud,loud,loudly 22
already,all ready 23
also,too 23
although,though 24
altogether,all together 24
always,all ways 25
a,m.,morning 25
among,between 26
angry at,angry with 26
anxious,eager 27
another,other 27
anxious for,anxious about 28
any,some 28
anyone,any one,anybody 29
anyway,any way 30
apologize for,apologize to 30
area,region 31
argue about,argue with 31
arise,rise 32
arms,weapon 32
arouse,rouse 33
around,round 33
arrive at,arrive in 34
as,like 34
as…as,so…as 35
as for,as to 35
as if,as though 36
as much,much as 36
as such,such as,such…as 37
as well,as well as 38
ask,demand 38
ask,ask for 39
asleep,sleepy,sleeping 39
at,in 40
at ease,with ease 41
at a time,at one time 41
at hand,in hand 42
at least,in the least 42
at peace in peace 43
at present,for the present 43
at sight,at the sight of 44
at speed,at a speed of 44
at table,at the table 45
at the back of,in the back of 45
at the beginning(of),in the begin-ning(of) 46
at the corner,in the corner,on the corner 46
at the end,by the end,in the end 47
at work,in work 48
at the top of,on the top of 48
attend, take part in 49
back,backwards 49
baggage,luggage 50
bare,barely 50
bare-foot,bare-footed 51
base,basis 51
bath,bathe 52
beat,defeat,win 52
because,because of 53
before long,long before 53
begin,start 54
begin with,to begin with,start with,to start with 54
behind,after 55
believe,believe in 56
below,under 56
beside,besides 57
blind,blinded 57
born,borne 58
born in,born of 58
borrow,lend 59
both,either 59
brain,brains 60
break in,break into 60
broad,wide 61
breath,breathe 61
broadcast,broadcasted 62
burned,burnt 62
busy in,busy with 62
by bus,on the bus,in the bus 63
by day,by the day 63
call at,call on 64
can,able 64
can,may 65
cannot,can't,can not 65
care about,care for 66
cause,reason 66
celebrated,famous 67
celebrate,congratulate 67
chance,opportunity 68
centre,middle 68
change into,change…into 69
childish,childlike 69
china,China 70
choose,select 70
clean,clear 71
clean,cleanly 71
clever,wise 71
clever at,clever with 72
climate,weather 72
clothes,cloth,clothing 73
close,closely 73
come,go 74
commonsense,common sense 75
compare…to,compare…with 75
connect with,connected with 76
consult,consult with 77
cook,cooker 77
cost,spend,take 78
couple,pair 78
crew,crewman 79
cry,weep 79
custom,habit 80
cure,treat 80
daily,everyday 81
dark,black 81
date,day 82
day,daytime 82
day by day,day after day 83
dead,deadly 83
deaf to,deaf in 84
decide,determine 84
deep,deeply 85
delighted,delightful 85
desert,dessert 86
depend,depend on 86
devote…to,devoted to 87
die.dead 87
die for,die from,die of 87
dinner,meal 88
disappointed disappointing 89
discover,invent 89
draw,drag 90
dress,suit 90
drill,exercise 91
drunk,drunken 91
each,every 92
each other,one,another 92
economic economical 93
early,soon 93
e,g.,i,e 94
either…or,neither…nor 94
elder,older 94
etc.,and so on 95
everybody,every body,everyone,every one 95
everyday,every day 96
example,sample,specimen 97
except,except for 97
excited,exeiting 98
fail,fail in 98
famous as,famous for 99
fall,drop 99
faraway,far away 100
farther,further 100
fast,fastly 101
fast,quick 101
feet,foot 102
few,a few,little,a little 102
fight,battle 103
fight for,fight with 104
find,find out 104
finish,complete 105
first,firstly,at first 105
for.during 106
floor,storey 106
for a moment,for the moment 107
for oneself,by oneself,to oneself,of oneself 108
force,oblige 108
forest,wood 109
forget to do,forget doing 109
friendly to,friendly with 110
frightened,frightening 110
game,play 111
gate,door 111
gift,presem 112
gather,collect 112
give in,give up 113
give off,give out 113
go on strike,be on strike 114
go on to do,go on doing,go on with 114
go to bed,go to sleep 115
go to school,go to the school 115
go to sea,go to the sea 116
god,God 116
gold,golden 117
good at,good for 117
hanged,hung 118
happen,happen to 118
greenhouse,green house 118
happen,take place 119
hard,hardly 120
hard,diffieult 120
have a word with,have words with 121
have something to do,have some-thing to do with 121
healthful,healthy 121
hear,listen 122
hear of,hear from 122
help,help with,help…with 123
high,highly 123
historic,historical 124
highway,freeway 124
holiday,vacation 125
home,house,family 125
homework,housework 126
hour,o'clock 126
if,in case 127
ill,sick 127
in case of,in the case of 128
in favour,in favour of 128
in front of,in the front of 129
in order to,in order that 129
in sight,in sight of 130
in the air,on the air 130
in the east of,to the east of,on the east of 131
in the distance,at a distance 131
in the evening,on the evening 132
in the field,on the field 132
in the road,on the road 133
in the street,on the street 133
in the way,on the way 133
in time,on time 134
in word,in a word 134
indoor,indoors 135
industrial,industrious 135
instead,instead of 136
into,in to 136
jewel,jewellery 137
introduce…to,introduce…into 137
job,work 138
join,join in 138
just,just now 139
keep doing,keep on doing 139
key of,key to 140
kill,murder 140
know,learn 140
know,know of 141
known as,known for,known to 141
lady,woman 142
laugh,smile 143
last,at last 143
late,lately 143
lay,lie 144
learn,study 145
learned,learnt 145
leave,leave for 146
let's,let us 146
live by,live on 147
look good,look well 147
looking-glass,mirror 147
love,lover 148
machine,machinery 148
many,much 149
made of,made up of,made from 149
marry…to,married to 150
matter,material 150
maybe,may be 151
meet,meet with 151
meeting,party 152
more than,more…than 152
most,mostly 153
move,remove 153
movie,movies 154
Mr,sir 154
no,not 155
Negro,Black 155
near,nearly 155
no more than,not more than,no more…than,not more…than 156
noise,sound,voice 157
none,no one 157
not…but,not only…but also 158
now.now that 158
officer,official 159
often,always 159
on earth,in the earth 160
on the left,to the left 160
one day,some day 161
once again,once and again 161
onto,on to 162
origin,original 162
other,the other 163
out of question,out of the question 163
outdoor,outdoors 164
over and over,over again 164
part of,a part of 164
passed,past 165
pause,stop 166
people,peoples,the people 166
play,play with 167
phenomena,phenomenon 167
pleased,pleasing 168
p,m,afternoon 168
politic,political 169
politician,statesman 169
practical,practicable 170
prepare for,prepared for 170
principal,principle 170
provide…for,provide…with 171
question,problem 171
quiet,silent 172
railroad,railway 172
real,true 173
raise,rise 173
reason that,reason why 174
regret to do,regriertdoing 174
regretful,regrettable 175
remember to do,remember doing 175
repeat,repeat aggin 176
require to do,require doing 176
research,re-search 176
respectful,respectable 177
responsible for,responsible to 177
reward,award 178
ride,drive 178
run out,run out of 179
right,correct 179
satisfactory,satisfied 180
scarce,scarcely 180
scene,scenery 181
search,search for 181
seat,sit 182
select,elect 182
send,send for 183
shoot,shoot at 183
shout at,shout to 184
slow,slowly 184
some,somewhat 185
so…that,such…that 185
sometime,sometimes,some time 186
sorry,excuse,pardon 186
sorry for,sorry to 187
spend…in,spend…on 188
stare at,glare at 188
stay,remain 189
stop to do,stop doing 189
strict in,strict with 190
supply…to,supply…with 190
take,bring,fetch 191
take care,take care of 191
tasteful,tasty 192
tall,high 192
technology,technique 193
the same as,the same…as 193
till,until 194
tired of,tired with 194
too,either 195
too…to.only to…to 195
tour,trip,travel,voyage,journey 195
try to do,try doing 197
turn into,turn…into 197
under the sun,in the sun 198
unless,if…not 198
under one's arm,in one's arms 198
used to,be used to 199
useful for,useful to 199
valued,valuable 200
want to do,want doing 200
warn…of,warn…against 201
welcome,welcomed 201
worth,worthy 201
whether,if 202
wide,widely 202
work,works 203
worry about,worried about 203
write in,write with 205
索引 206
- 《词语翻译丛谈》陈忠诚著 1983
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