- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴树青主编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:704017927X
- 页数:486 页
第一篇 改革开放以来高校哲学社会科学的发展进程 1
第一章 拨乱反正,恢复与重建 5
第二章 三个面向,开放与开拓 15
第三章 社会转型,建功主战场 25
第四章 文理并重,创新促繁荣 41
第二篇 2004年高校哲学社会科学的学术进展 59
第五章 马克思主义 61
第六章 哲学 83
第七章 经济学 99
第八章 管理学 130
第九章 法学 149
第十章 政治学 175
第十一章 社会学 195
第十二章 民族学 217
第十三章 历史学 236
第十四章 文学 258
第十五章 艺术学 274
第十六章 新闻学与传播学 285
17 Linguistics 305
第十七章 语言学 305
第十八章 教育学 324
18 Pedagogy 324
第十九章 心理学 348
19 Psychology 348
20 Library Science,Informatics and Philology 369
21 International Affairs Studies 390
22 Interdiscipline 406
Part 3 Ten Important Events on Philosophy and Social Sciences in Colleges and Universities in 2004 423
Part 4 Vigorously Pushing forward the Innovation of Research Management,Entirely Promoting Research Competency of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Colleges and Universities 435
Appendix 457
1.The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Points Out in Openions on Further Prospering and Developing of Philosophy and Social Sciences:Philosophy and Social Sciences have an Nonreplaceable Role 459
2.Jiang Zemin Met with Some Experts of National Defense Science and Technology and of Social Sciences in Bei Dai River and Made an Important Speech Pointing Out:Philosophy and Social Sciences Are As Important As Natural Sciences 464
3.Jiang Zemin Emphasizes When Investigating Renmin University of China:To Vigorously Bring to Prosperity Our Country's Philosophy and Social Sciences Project 470
4.Jiang Zemin Emphasizes while Investigating Chinese Academy of Social Science:To Strongly Strengthen the Construction of Philosophy andSocial Sciences in Our Country and Serve the Socialist Career of Chinese Characteristic 474
5.Hu Jintao Emphasizes When Meeting the Representatives of Working Conference of the Central Committee's Project on Carrying out the Studies and Construction on Marxist Theories:To Hold High the Great Banner of Marxist Theories,and to Gather the Whole P 478
6.Hu Jintao Stresses at the 13th Collective Study of the Total Central Political Bureau:To Always Insist the Leading Position of the Marxism,and Strongly Push forward the Prosperity and Development of Philosophy and Social Sciences 480
7.Hu Jintao Emphasizes the Nonreplaceable Importance of Philosophy and Social Sciences 483
Postscript 485
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