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研究生英语听说教程  下
研究生英语听说教程  下

研究生英语听说教程 下PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王建平主编
  • 出 版 社:长沙:中南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7811050196
  • 页数:222 页
《研究生英语听说教程 下》目录

ContentsUnit 1 Outlook on Life and Death 1

Part Ⅰ Warming-up Practice:Short Conversations 3

Part Ⅱ Topic-centered Listening Practice 4

Section A Three Attitudes Towards Life 4

Section B Life is a Test 5

Section C Help Terminally Ill Patients to Face Death Calmly 6

Part Ⅲ Topic-based Speaking Practice 8

What I Have Livedfor 8

Unit 2 Emotional Intelligence 11

Part Ⅰ Warming-up Practice:Short Conversations 13

Section A Emotional Intelligence—A Different Way ofBeing Smart 14

Part Ⅱ Topic-centered Listening Practice 14

Section B Working with Emotional Intelligence 16

Section C A Telephone Interview About“Emotional Hijacking” 17

Part Ⅲ Topic-based Speaking Practice 19

Why It Can Matter More Than IQ 19

Unit 3 Social Problems 21

Part Ⅰ Warming-up Practice:Short Conversations 23

Part Ⅱ Topic-centered Listening Practice 24

Section A Burglary Prevention Measures 24

Section B A Radio Interview About a Robbery 26

Section C Teenager Drug Abuse 27

Part Ⅲ Topic-based Speaking Practice 29

How to Solve the Social Problem of Violence 29

Unit 4 Interpersonal Communication 31

Part Ⅰ Warming-up Practice:Short Conversations 33

Part Ⅱ Topic-centered Listening Practice 34

Section A Six Steps to Put People at Their Ease 34

Section B Pub Etiquette 35

Section C The International Friendship Day 36

Part Ⅲ Topic-based Speaking Practice 37

Conflicts in Communication 37

Unit 5 Advertising 39

Part Ⅰ Warming-up Practice:Short Conversations 41

Section A Radio Advertisements 41

Part Ⅱ Topic-centered Listening Practice 42

Section B How Advertising Came About 43

Section C Various Kinds of Advertising and Their Advantages and Disadvantages 44

Part Ⅲ Topic-based Speaking Practice 46

Subtle Influence of Advertising on Consumers 46

Unit 6 Relaxation and Entertainment 49

Part Ⅰ Warming-up Practice:Short Conversations 51

Part Ⅱ Topic-centered Listening Practice 52

Section A Extracts About Entertainment 52

Section B Holiday Travel 53

Section C An Interview with Miss America 56

Part Ⅲ Topic-based Speaking Practice 56

How to Find Entertainment Without Spending Much Money 56

Test 1 58

Unit 7 Extreme Sports 63

Part Ⅰ Warming-up Practice:Short Conversations 65

Part Ⅱ Topic-centered Listening Practice 66

Section A Holiday Makers Seeking Adventure-based Extreme Sports 66

Section B Rock Climbing 67

Section C A Radio Discussion About Extreme Sports 69

Part Ⅲ Topic-based Speaking Practice 71

Why Are More and More People Turning to Extreme Sports? 71

Unit 8 Application for Studying Abroad 73

Part Ⅰ Warming-up Practice:Short Conversations 75

Part Ⅱ Topic-centered Listening Practice 76

Section A A Brief Account of Major Tests of English Language Proficiency 76

Section B Major Procedures for Applying to Study Abroad 77

Section C Accommodation Options for International Students 79

Part Ⅲ Topic-based Speaking Practice 80

IELTS Speaking Module 80

Unit 9 Accommodation 83

Part Ⅰ Warming-up Practice:Short Conversations 85

Part Ⅱ Topic-centered Listening Practice 86

Section A Subletting and Dispute-settling 86

Section B Staying in One Place 88

Section C Housing in the United Kingdom 89

Part Ⅲ Topic-based Speaking Practice 90

American Space,Chinese Place 90

Unit 10 News and Media 93

Part Ⅰ Warming-up Practice:Short Conversations 95

Part Ⅱ Topic-centered Listening Practice 96

Section A News in Brief 96

Section B The Most Prestigious Prize for American Journalism 97

Section C A Shift in the Content of American News 100

Part Ⅲ Topic-based Speaking Practice 101

A Common Prayer 101

Unit 11 Academic Conference 103

Part Ⅰ Warming-up Practice:Short Conversations 105

Part Ⅱ Topic-centered Listening Practice 106

Section A Access to Information of an International Academic Conference 106

Section B Major Session Modes of an International Academic Conference 108

Section C Financial Assistance for Attending an International Academic Conference 110

Part Ⅲ Topic-based Speaking Practice 111

Attending Academic Conference 111

Unit 12 Food and Health 113

Part Ⅰ Warming-up Practice:Short Conversations 115

Part Ⅱ Topic-centered Listening Practice 116

Section A The Nutrients in Food 116

Section B Fitness and Nutrition 118

Section C Wrong Ideas About Food 119

Part Ⅲ Topic-based Speaking Practice 121

To Be or Not to Be a Vegetarian 121

Test 2 122

Scripts and Keys 125
