

多元文化中的科学史 第十届国际东亚科学史会议论文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:江晓原主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7313039883
- 页数:420 页
Imperial Mathematics and Western Learning during the Kangxi Reign(1662—1722):Some New Evidence&Catherine Jami and Han Qi 3
What Was a Mathematical Problem in Ancient China?&Karine Chemla 12
The Dawn of Chinese Mathematics:the Method for Extraction of Square Root in Fangtian,Suanshushu&Jochi Shigeru 32
Giacomo Rho,S.J.(1592~1638)and His Mathematical Work in Beijing:the Chou&Jose A.Cervera 46
关于《算数书》的几则校勘&纪志刚 57
中国古代数学的几个基本观念&特古斯 63
数理统计在近代中国的传播与发展&王幼军 69
On the History of Mainland South-East Asian Astronomv&Yukio Ohashi(大桥由纪夫) 77
Research on the Chi System of Records of Historical Astronomical Phenomena&Wang Yu-min 87
The Function of Calender in Ancient China's Diplornatic Activities Using the Song Dynasty as a Case&Dong Yuyu 99
中国近南极星座的设置变迁与定纪始末&潘鼐 105
清钦天监的科学职能和文化职能&史玉民 125
对传教士汤若望的新法地平式日晷的研究与复制&陈凯歌 135
Cholera and the Composition of the Wenre Jingwei(Complementing the Classics on Warmth and Heat)(1852)&Kim Taylor 145
The Pasteur Institutes in Vietnam:a Long History&Annick Guénel 161
Westem Medicine and Pharmaceutics in 17 th Century Japan&Wolfgang Michel 173
论达尔文与孟德尔错失碰撞的两种不同的遗传理论&孙毅霖 185
明代御医顾定芳在心理学方面的成就&高毓秋 191
Technical Drawing in Ming/Qing China and in Renaissance Europe&Peter J.Golas 199
Historical Meteorological Records in Japan in Relation to Rangaku and East Asian History of Science Context&Togo Tsukahara 209
A Comparative Study of the Impact of German Military Technology on China between 1880's and 1930's&You Zhanhong 217
中国计量发展历史分期初探&关增建 223
指南车再研究&陆敬严 231
东周吴越青铜兵器技术研究&谭德睿、廉海萍、徐惠康 247
关于饮茶影响健康的历史人类学研究——中英茶文化比较论&关剑平 264
《器象显真》在图学史上的价值&刘克明 277
Teaching and Research on History of Science Technology in University of Science Technology Beijing(USTB)&Sun Shuyun 289
From Bamboo to'Bamboology':The Search for Scientific Disciplines in Traditional China&Martina Siebert 307
The Systematization of Public Heath Care by Emperor Song Huizong-Benefiting or Policing the Sick&Asaf Goldschmidt 321
Chinese Students Who Specialized in Science or Engineering in Japan before World WarⅡ&Fumihiko Ishida(石田文彦)and Qian Yu LI(李千玉) 335
"Student Radicals"in Science:Youth Cultures and the Root of Modern Physics in Interwar Japan&Kenji Ito 346
Li Seung Ki's Research and the Industrialization of Vinalon in North Korea——An Example of the Appropriation of the Colonial Heritage&Kim Tae HO 352
亚美文化连续体背景下的科学——“李约瑟问题”的人类学观察&王纪潮 357
在一元主义与多元主义之间:一种文化的科学观&文学锋 373
从爱因斯坦的论断到李约瑟难题——从科学形态的角度进行的理论思考&邢兆良 381
李之藻的学问思想和器文化探究&赵建海 393
近代科学的传入与中国人对科学的误解&李思孟 398
六朝科技的主要特点及其历史地位&周瀚光 405
论中国传统方术等“内史”研究新课题&王钱国忠 413
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