- 电子书积分:7 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐琪著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:1980
- ISBN:16119·682
- 页数:98 页
原色图版(Photo No.) 1
图版(Photo)2 太湖农业地区的农业景观 The agricultural landscape in Tai-hu plain 1
图版(Photo)1 太湖农业地区的农业景观 The agricultural landscape in Tai-hu plain 1
图版(Photo)3 杭嘉湖地区的农业景观 The agricultural landscape in Hung-jia-hu region 2
图版(Photo)4 阳澄湖地区的农业景观 The agricultural landscape in Yang-cheng-hu region 2
图版(Photo)5 前洲圩区的农业景观 The agricultural landscape in Qian Zhou polder region 3
图版(Photo)6 丘陵地区的农业景观 The agricultural landscape in hill region 3
图版(Photo)7 冲积平原地区的农业景观 The agricultural landscape in alluvial plain 4
图版(Photo)8 滨湖洼地的农业景观 The agricultural landscape in shore depression 4
图版(Photo)9 爽水水稻土(黄泥土) Permeable paddy soil(huang ni tu) 5
图版(Photo)10 爽水水稻土(乌黄泥土) Permeable paddy soil(hu huang ni tu) 6
图版(Photo)11 爽水水稻土(白底乌黄泥土) Permeable paddy soil(bai de hu huang ni tu) 7
图版(Photo)12 侧渗水稻土(白土头) Side bleaching paddy soil(bai tu tou) 8
图版(Photo)13 侧渗水稻土(板浆白土) Side bleaching paddy soil(ban jiang bai tu) 9
图版(Photo)14 侧渗水稻土(小粉土) Side bleaching paddy soil(xiao fen tu) 10
图版(Photo)15 侧渗水稻土(马干土) Side bleaching paddy soil(ma gan tu) 11
图版(Photo)16 滞水水稻土(小粉白土) Stagnating paddy soil(xiao fen bai tu) 12
图版(Photo)17 滞水水稻土(小粉白土) Stagnating paddy soil(xiao fen bai tu) 13
图版(Photo)18 滞水水稻土(黄泥白土) Stagnating paddy soil(huang ni bai tu) 14
图版(Photo)19 滞水水稻土(青黄泥土) Stagnating paddy soil(qing huang ni tu) 15
图版(Photo)20 囊水水稻土(沙青土) Waterlogged paddy soil(sha qing tu) 16
图版(Photo)21 囊水水稻土(青紫泥) Waterlogged paddy soil(qing zhi ni) 17
图版(Photo)22 囊水水稻土(青泥白土) Waterlogged paddy soil(qing ni bai tu) 18
图版(Photo)23 囊水水稻土(乌栅土) Waterlogged paddy soil(hu san tu) 19
图版(Photo)24 囊水水稻土(粘乌栅土) Waterlogged paddy soil(nian hu san tu) 20
图版(Photo)25 囊水水稻土(沙底青泥土) Waterlogged paddy soil(sha de qing ni tu) 21
图版(Photo)26 囊水水稻土(灰炉底) Waterlogged paddy soil(hui lu de) 22
图版(Photo)27 囊水水稻土(竖头乌栅土) Waterlogged paddy soil(shu tou hu san tu) 23
图版(Photo)28 漏水水稻土(乌沙土) Percolating paddy soil(hu sha tu) 24
图版(Photo)29 漏水水稻土(乌泥土) Percolating paddy soil(hu ni tu) 25
图版(Photo)30 漏水水稻土(乌泥土) Percolating paddy soil(hu ni tu) 26
图版(Photo)31 漏水水稻土(狗头沙土) Percolating paddy soil(gou tou sha tu) 27
图版(Photo)32 漏水水稻土(黄夹沙) Percolating paddy soil(huang jia sha) 28
图版(Photo)33 漏水水稻土(沙夹黄) Percolating paddy soil(sha jia huang) 29
图版(Photo)34 漏水水稻土(小粉沙土) Percolating paddy soil(xiao fen sha tu) 30
图版(Photo)35 冲积土 Alluvial soil 31
图版(Photo)36 侵蚀黄棕壤 Strongly eroded yellow brown soil 31
图版(Photo)37 耕种沼泽土 32
Cultivated bog soil 32
图版(Photo)38 鳝血的形态特点 Morphological features of Fe-humic coatings 32
图版(Photo)39 鳝血的微形态 Micromorphology of Fe-humic coatings 33
图版(Photo)40 爽水水稻土的渗渍层 Percosubmergic layer of permeable paddy soil 33
图版(Photo)41 侧渗水稻土的渗渍层与侧漂层 Percosubmergic layer and side bleaching layer of side bleaching paddy soil 34
图版(Photo)42 滞水水稻土的渗渍层 Percosubmergic layer of stagnating paddy soil 34
图版(Photo)43 囊水水稻土的潜育层 Gley layer of waterlogged paddy soil 35
图版(Photo)44 囊水水稻土的渗渍层 Percosubmergic layer of waterlogged paddy soil 35
图版(Photo)45 漏水水稻土的渗渍层 Percosubmergic layer of percolating paddy soil 36
图版(Photo)46 沼泽土中的管状铁锰结核 Tubular Fe-Mn concretions in bog soil 36
第一章(Chapter Ⅰ) 太湖地区的自然条件与农业生产特点(Natural Conditions and Characteristic Features of Agricultural Production)一、自然条件概况(Natural Conditions) 37
1.气候(Climate) 37
2.植被(Plant Cover) 37
3.土壤(Zonal Soils) 38
4.母质与地形(Parent Materials and Geomorphology) 38
5.湖泊水系(Lakes and Water Systems) 38
二、农业生产特点(Characteristic Features of Agricultural Production) 38
2.耕作制度(Cropping Systems) 39
1.土地利用方式(Forms of Land Utilization) 39
一、母质、地形对水稻土形成的影响(Influence of Parent Material and Geomorphology on the Formation of Paddy Soils) 41
1.低山丘陵地区母质、地形对水稻土的影响(Rolling Hills) 41
第二章(Chapter Ⅱ) 太湖地区水稻土的形成条件(Conditions under Which Paddy Soils are Formed) 41
2.平原地区母质、地形对水稻土的影响(Plains) 42
3.沿江平原地区母质、地形对水稻土的影响(Alluvial Plains) 42
4.湖泊洼地母质、地形对水稻土的影响(Lake Depressions) 42
二、耕作制度对水稻土形成的影响(Influence of Cropping Systems on the Formation of Paddy Soils) 43
1.轮荒阶段(Shifting Stage) 43
2.沤田阶段(Water-logging Stage) 43
3.稻麦两熟阶段(Rice-Wheat Stage) 44
4.三熟制阶段(Rice-Rice-Wheat Stage) 45
第三章(Chapter Ⅲ) 太湖地区水稻土的形成特点(Characteristics of Paddy Soil Formation) 46
一、氧化还原作用(Oxidation-reduction) 46
二、白土形成作用(Formation of White Bleaching Paddy Soil) 47
2.关于白土是否还在形成的问题(On the Current Process of White Bleaching) 48
1.关于双层母质的问题(On the Double Layers of Parent Material) 48
4.白土形成过程探讨(On the Process of White Bleaching In Stagnating Paddy Soil) 49
3.关于侧向淋洗的问题(On the Process of Side Bleaching) 49
三、鳝血形成作用(Formation of Iron-humic Coating) 50
1.关于水稻土的概念(On the Concept of Paddy Soils) 53
一、水稻土的概念及其分类概况(Conception and Classification of paddy Soils) 53
第四章(Chapter Ⅳ) 太湖地区水稻土的发生及分类(Classification of Paddy Soils In Tai-hu Region) 53
2.水稻土分类的研究概况(A Review of the Classification of Paddy Soils) 53
二、太湖地区水稻土的诊断层与土体构型(Diagnostic Horizon and Profile Patterns) 54
三、太湖地区水稻土的发生分类(Classification of Paddy Soils In Tai-hu Region) 56
1.水稻土分类命名原则(Principles of Classification of Paddy Soils) 56
2.水稻土分类系统(Classification System of Paddy Soils) 57
四、太湖地区水稻土类型的基本性状(Characteristics of Main Types of Paddy Soil in Tai-hu Region) 58
1.爽水水稻土(Permeable Paddy Soils) 58
2.侧渗水稻土(Side-bleaching Paddy Soils) 58
3.滞水水稻土(Stagnating Paddy Soils) 60
4.囊水水稻土(Water-logged Paddy Soils) 62
5.漏水水稻土(Percolating Paddy Soils) 62
2.耕层变浅与结构性变差(Thinning of Plowed Layer and Deterioration of Soil Structure) 65
第五章(Chapter Ⅴ) 太湖地区水稻土的肥力特点及改制后的变化(Fertility of Paddy Soil and Its Changes after Alteration of Cropping System)一、水稻土形态与物理性质的变化(Changes of Morphological and Physical Characters) 65
1.土壤通透性变差与犁底层滞水(The Variation of Soil Permeability and the Stagnating Water Of Plow Pan) 65
二、水稻土养分状况的改变与合理施肥(Nutrient Status of Paddy Soils and Reasonable Fertilization) 66
1.养分含量及改制后的变化(Soil Nutrients Content and It's Variation After Chang-ing to Triple Cropping System) 66
2.氮肥有效利用与磷钾的协调供应(Efficient Use of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Coordina- 70
tion of Supply of Phosphorus and Potassium) 70
一、丘陵低山土区(Hill-mountain's Soil Region) 72
第六章(Chapter Ⅵ) 太湖地区水稻土的利用分区(Reasonable Utilization of Paddy Soils in Differential Regions) 72
二、太湖平原土区(Plain's Soil Region) 74
三、冲积平原土区(Alluvial Plain's Soil Region) 76
四、低洼圩田土区(Polder's Soil Region) 77
英文提要(Abstract) 81
参考文献(References) 94
后记(Acknowledgements) 98
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