中国环境与发展国际合作委员会年度政策报告 2008 英文版 机制创新与和谐发展PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国环境与发展国际合作委员会编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国环境科学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787802099777
- 页数:316 页
Chapter Ⅰ CCICED Policy Recommendations to Decision Makers 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Recommendations 3
Chapter Ⅱ Environment and Development for a Harmonious Society 14
2.1 Introduction 14
2.2 Harmonious Society Explained 16
2.3 International Experience 19
2.4 China's Challenges 30
2.5 Environmental Protection and Harmonious Society 37
2.6 Conclusion 42
Chapter Ⅲ Building an Environmentally Friendly Society through Innovation:Challenges and Choices 45
3.1 Introduction 47
3.2 Current State of China's Environmental Innovation 54
3.3 Technology Innovation for Environment and Sustainable Development 58
3.4 Environmental Innovation System of China 71
3.5 Regulation,Standards,and Enforcement 77
3.6 Public Participation and Environmental Innovation 84
3.7 Conclusions and Recommendations 89
Appendix 97
Chapter Ⅳ Environment and Health Management System and Policy Framework 156
4.1 Status Quo of Chinese Environment and Health Problems 156
4.2 Analysis of the Problems and Requirements of Chinese Environment and Health Management 162
4.3 International Experiences and Lessons in Establishing an Environment and Health Management System 168
4.4 Construction of China's Environment and Health Management System 181
4.5 Policy and Legislation Framework of Environment and Health 192
4.6 Report on Recommendations for Policies on Strengthening the Environment and Health Management 203
Chapter Ⅴ Research on the Pathway to Low Carbon Economy for China 211
5.1 The Concept and Connotation of a Low Carbon Economy and its Relations with Some Key Concepts 211
5.2 The International Development and Trend of Low Carbon Economy 212
5.3 Necessity and Urgency to Develop a Low Carbon Economy in China 218
5.4 Difficulties and Obstacles in the Development of a Low Carbon Economy in China 225
5.5 Policy Suggestions 236
Chapter Ⅵ Policy Research on Energy Efficiency and Urban Development 237
6.1 Energy Efficiency and Urbanization:Concepts and Methodology 237
6.2 Review of Situations and Trends of Energy Consumption and Energy Efficiency in Urban Areas in China and Worldwide 243
6.3 Conclusions 267
Chapter Ⅶ Long-term Incentive Strategies for Energy Efficiency 271
7.1 Energy Productivity as a National Goal 271
7.2 A Surprise Lesson from History:Resource Prices Have Been Falling 273
7.3 International Experiences in Raising Energy Prices:Introducing Environment-Related Taxes 275
7.4 Increasing Energy Prices in Parallel with Energy Productivity Gains 278
7.5 Is There a Problem for the Poor,Industry,or Inflation? 278
7.6 The Paradigm of a Twenty-Fold Increase of Labor Productivity 279
7.7 A Revenue-Neutral Ecological Tax Reform 281
7.8 Long Term Price Elasticity is High 281
7.9 Conclusions and Strategic Recommendations 282
Appendix 285
Annex Ⅰ CCICED Membership 314
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