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汉英对照中国哲学名著选读  下

汉英对照中国哲学名著选读 下PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:石峻主编;冯禹,向世陵副主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:7300019463
  • 页数:408 页
《汉英对照中国哲学名著选读 下》目录

二十六、太极图说 2

26.An Exposition to the Diagram of the Great Ulmate 3

二十七、老子 10

27.A Critique of Lao Tsu 11

二十八、正蒙(选) 18

28.Correct Rudiments(Selected) 19

二十九、答横渠张子厚先生书 48

29.A Reply to Master Chang Heng-ch'u's Letter 49

三十、颜子所好何学论 58

30.On What Kind of Learning Master Yen Was Fond of 59

三十一、朱熹著作 70

3P.The Works of Chu Hsi 71

三十二、与曾宅之书(节选) 92

32.A Letter to Tseng chal-chih(Selected) 93

三十三、勉彊行道大有功 100

33.A Treatise on Endeavor to Practice Tao for Great Achievement 101

三十四、习学记言序目(选) 116

34.NoteS and Commentaries of Study(Selected) 117

三十五、答顾东桥书(节选) 128

35.A Letter in Reply tO Ku Tung-Ch'iao'S CriticSm(Selected) 129

三十六、王廷相著作 152

36.The WorkS Of Wang T'lng-hsiang 153

三十七、答耿中丞 170

37.on RepolY tO MiniSter Keng 171

三十八、物理小识自序 182

38.Self-Preface tO A Primary Study On the Reasons of Thinqs 183

三十九、王夫之著作 190

39.The Works of Wang Fu-chih 191

四十、四书正误(选) 206

40.Corrections on the Explanations of the Four Books (Seoected) 207

四十一、孟子字义疏证(选) 216

4P.A Textual Commentary on theTerms in the Books of MenciuS(Selected) 217

四十二、乙丙之际著议第七 230

42.A Paper Completed in 1815 t0 1816 231

四十三、默觚治篇五(节选) 236

43.On Government(Part V)in Wei's NoteS(Selected) 237

四十四、原道救世歌(选) 248

44.A Song on the Origin of Tao and Salvation(Selected) 249

四十五、天演论自序 256

45.Preface to the Chinese Translation of the Evolution and EthiCS 257

四十六、大同书(选) 272

46.The B00k of the Great Unity(Selected) 273

四十七、以太说 290

47.on Ether 291

四十八、孙文学说(选) 302

48.Memoirs of A Chinese Revolutionary(Selected) 303

四十九、菌说(节选) 324

49.on Germs(Selected) 325

五十、吾人最后之觉悟 340

50.our Ultimate Awakening 341

五十一、李大釗著作 364

51.A Work of Li Ta-chao 365

后记 392

Postscript 393

Index 396

人名索引 396
