中国油气区地层古生物论文集 1PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:《中国油气区地层古生物》编辑委员会编
- 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:1987
- ISBN:15037·2700
- 页数:320 页
1985 CONTENTS 14
Sporo-Pollen Assemblage from the U pper Paleozoic of Northern Shandong Province Zhou Heyi 14
Microflora of Lower Permian in Southern Ordos Basin,Northwest China Geng Guocang 32
Late Late Permian Sporo-Pollen Assemblage in Jieshou County,Northwes-tern Anhuj Province Wang Rong 54
Middle Jurassic Sporo-Pollen Assemblage in Beijing and Tianjin Regions Wang Xianzeng,Yu Youqing 70
Early Cretaceous Sporo-Pollen Assemblage in Beijing,Tianjin and Central Hebei Province Wang Xianzeng,Yu Youqing 91
Palynological Assemblage of the 2nd Member of Mingshi Formation in Songliao Basin Zhao Chuanben 112
Jurassic-Cretaceous Conchostracans and Their Stratigraphical Significance of Erlian Basin Cui Tongcui 122
Study on Paleogene Palynology in the North Continental Shelf of South China Sea and along Its Coastal Region Li Mingxing 135
Sporo-Pollen Assemblages of Crude Oil in the Minqiao Oilfield of Northern Jiangsu Province Qian Zeshu 142
New Materials of Dinoflagellates from the 4th Member of Shahe jie Formation in Dongying Basin,Shandong Province Xu Jinli 155
New Materials of Charophytes from Shahejie Formation of Paleogene in Dongying Depression and their environmentYang Chenqiong 162
New Materials ot Paleogene Gastropod Fauna from Lower Liaohe River Valley with its Stratigraphical Significance Huang Lusheng 198
Characteristics and Geological Significance of Paleogene MicrofossilAssem-blages from Zhoukou Sag and Z hongmu Depression,Henan Province Li Zhenxiong 216
On the occurrence of Rseudohyria in Zhungar Basin,Xinjiang,with Discussion on the Age of Honglishan Formationwei Jingming 223
Conodonts from the Lowermost Dolomitite Member of Huanglong Forma- 240
tion(Upper Carbaniferous),South Anhui Province Shen Hou 240
Earlv Permian Foraminifera of Sichuan Province Fu Yu 249
Early Cretaceous Ostracoda in Central Hebei Province Li Hongrong 267
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