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销售学入门  英文版  第5版
销售学入门  英文版  第5版

销售学入门 英文版 第5版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)查尔斯 M.富特雷尔(Charles M.Futrell)著
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7111064216
  • 页数:558 页
《销售学入门 英文版 第5版》目录


Selling as a Profession 1

1 The Life. Times. and Career of the Professional Salesperson 2

2 Relationship Marketing: Where Personal Selling Fits 38

3 Social. Ethical. and Legal Issues in Selling 64


Prepazatian for Relationship Selling 93

4 The Psychology of Selling: Why People Buy 94

5 Communication and Persuasion: It's Not All Talk 130

6 Sales Knowledge; Customers. Products. Technologies 156

PABT Ⅲ 189

The Relationship Selling Process 189

7 Find Your Prospect. Then Plan Your Sales Call 190

8 Select Your Presentation Method. Then Open It Strategically 226

9 Elements of Making a Great Sales Presentation 270

10 Welcome Your Prospect's Objections 302

11 Closing Begins the Relationship 336

12 Service and Follow-up for Customer Retention 368

PART Ⅳ 389

Cazeezs in Selling 389

13 Retail Selling: Challenging and Rewarding 390

14 Organizational Selling: Business. Services. and Nonprofit 418

PART Ⅳ 439

Managing yourself, your Cazeez and Others 439

15 Time. Territory and Self-Management: Keys to Success 440

16 Planning, Organizing, Staffing of Successful Salespeople 464

17 Motivation. Compensation. Leadership. and Evaluation of Salespeople 498

Notes 530

Glossary of Selling Terms 538

Photo Credits and Acknowledgments 547

Name Index 549

Company Index 551

Subject Index 553
