中国癌症研究进展 第2卷PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张荫昌主编
- 出 版 社:北京医科大学;中国协和医科大学联合出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7810346008
- 页数:311 页
基因及蛋白工程肿瘤抗体 刘彦仿等 1
研究进展 1
Contents 6
Genetic and Protein Engineering antitumor antibodies Liu Yan fang,et al 6
恶性肿瘤的基因治疗 顾健人 7
肝癌的介入治疗 石木兰 14
Treatment of Primary Hepatocellular Cancer with Interventional Radiology Procedures Shi Mu-lan,et al 18
肝癌“双弹头”组合单抗导向治疗的实验研究 隋延仿等 19
基础研究 19
The Experimental Studies of Tergctting-thcrapy of Double Bomb Mixed Monoclonal Antibody Immunoconj 24
肝硬化和肝癌组织内HCV RNA及HBV DNA的检测及意义 王春杰 25
Detection and significance of HCV RNA and HBV DNA in Liver cirrhosis and Hepatocelluiar carcinoma Wa 28
人原发性肝内胆管细胞癌及其癌旁肝组织内HBV基因的表达及意义 王文亮 29
Expression and Signification of the Genes of Hepatitis B Virus in Human Primary Intrahepatic Cholang 33
胃癌的超微结构与AgNORs形态计量 李其云等 34
An Ultrastructural and AGNORs Morphomctric Analysis of Gastric Carcinoma Li Qi-yun,et al 38
胃粘膜癌前病变的模型建立、发生机理及其逆转治疗的实验研究 李春启等 39
An Experimental Study on Model Establishment,Mechanism of Production and the Reverse the rapy of Gas 44
胃癌特异性免疫脂质体的制备及其体内外抗肿瘤作用 徐梁等 45
In Vitro and in Vivo Targcting Therapy by Immunoliposomes Against Human Gastric Cancer Xu Liang,et a 50
Loss of Heterozygosity of P53 Gene and Expressin of P53 Mutant Protein in Human Gastric Carcinoma Li 55
单链构型多态性分析(SSCP)检测胃癌P53基因及erbB-2基因异常 李 滨等 56
正常人及胃癌患者胃蛋白酶原C基因多态性研究 袁媛等 59
Polymorphism of Pepsinogcn C Gene in Normal Individuals and Patients with Gastric Gancer Yuan Yuan,e 62
食道癌人群遗传易感性的流行病学研究 徐耀初等 64
An Epidemiological Study on the Inherited Susceptibility to Esophageal Cancer in Huai an Xu Yao-chu, 68
维胺酸对二甲基苯蒽/巴豆油诱发小鼠皮肤乳头状瘤的抑制作用及其作用机理 郭昌月等 69
恶性肿瘤的危害及预防 戴旭东 74
The Harm and Prevention of Malignant Neoplasm Dai Yu Dong 79
肿瘤血管形态和机能特点的研究及其在癌化学治疗中的意义 李玉林等 80
The Study of Morphological and Functional Charactcristics of Tumor Blood Vessels and its significanc 85
层粘连蛋白受体与肿瘤转移 郑杰等 86
Laminin Receptors and Cancer Metastasis Zheng Jie,et al 90
咸鱼中挥发性亚硝胺及其前体物——鼻咽癌的可疑病因因素 邹小农等 91
鼻咽癌Epstein-Barr病毒受体(EBVR/CR2)基因的病毒结合区的序列测定 邵细芸等 97
DNA Sequencing of the EBV Binding site of EBVR/CR2 Gene in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Shao Xi-Yun,et a 102
人鼻咽癌细胞株中C-Ha-ras基因DNase-I超敏区的序列分析 江宁等 103
DNA Scquencing of DNase I-hypersensitive Region of C-Ha-ras Gene in Human nasopharygeal Carcinoma Ce 108
对鼻咽癌恶性转化基因Tx表达的初步研究 曹亚等 109
不同食物来源的膳食纤维、钙与结直肠癌关系的病例对照研究 杨工等 111
Investigation on Expression of Nasopharyngcal Carainoma Transforming Gene Tx Cao Ya,et al 113
人参皂甙Rh2对小鼠黑色素瘤细胞的分化诱导作用 夏丽娟等 113
Dictary Fibcr and Calcium of Various Food Sources with Colorectal Cancer,a Population-Based Case-Con 119
子宫颈癌组织中HPV16癌基因及P53基因的检测 孙毅等 120
The Detection of P53 Genc and HPV16 Oncogene in Cervical Carcinoma Sun Yi,et al 124
子宫颈癌病人乳头瘤病毒16型Ee、E7血清抗体检测 刘天菊等 125
Antibodies to Human Papillomavirus Type 16 E6,E7 in Human Sera with Cervical Cancer Liu Tian-ju,et a 129
几种癌基因在宫颈癌中激活机理研究 黄光琦等 130
Mutiple ()ncogene Alerations in Cervical Carcinoma Huang Guang-Qi,et al 136
卵巢肿瘤患者头发、血清及肿瘤组织中铜、锌含量及铜/锌比值的研究 薛凤霞等 137
Hair,Serum and Tissuc Copper. Zinc Lcvels in Patients with Ovarian Tumors Xue Feng-xia,et al 142
Differentiation of B16 Melanoma Cells Induced by Ginsenoside Rh2 Xia Li-juan,ct al 146
天佛参(TFS)口服液实验研究 李新民等 147
Expcrimcntal Study on Oral TFS Li Xin-men,ct al 157
马蔺子甲素Iq761抗人脑恶性胶质瘤离体细胞系增殖的研究 徐波等 159
The Study of Antiproliferation Effect of Irisquinone A Iq761 on Human Malignant Glioma TJ899 Cell Li 162
MTT比色法在实体瘤药敏的应用研究 杨善民等 163
Evaluation ot MTT Colormetrric Assay on the Chemosensitivity of Solid Tumor Yang Shan-Min,et al 167
新的癌细胞杀伤药物-基因工程重组TGFa-PE40 徐永华等 168
A Novel Auti-Cancer Drug-Rccombinant Protein TGF-PE4G Xu Yong-hua,et al 173
超氧化物歧化酶及二乙基二硫氨基甲酸钠对诱发性大鼠肺鳞状细胞癌的作用 刘铭球等 174
Effect of Superoxide Dismutase and Diethyldithiocarbamate on Inducing Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Lun 177
超氧化物歧化酶与肺癌诱癌、诱导分化、转移及治疗关系的研究 喻伦银等 178
Study on Rclationship between Superoxide Dismutase Activity and Carcinogenesis,Inducing Differentiat 185
免疫抑制酸性蛋白单克隆抗体MI2体外抗肿瘤作用的观察 陈兵等 186
Antitumor Activity of Monoclonal Antibody M12 Against Immunosupprcssive Acidic Protein in Vitro Chen 188
血清肿瘤相关糖蛋白N-糖基化的研究 张积仁等 189
Analysis of the N-glycosylation of the Serum Glycoproteins of Paticnts with Tumors Zhang Ji-ren,et a 192
食管癌腔内加温合并外照射组织学形态变化 张柏林等 193
临床研究 193
The Preliminary Histological Studay on the preoperative Radiation with Combination of Intraluminal H 196
“隧道式”食管胃吻合口加覆大网膜的临床观察 王道喜等 197
Surrounding the Anastomosis of the Tunnel Esophagogastrostomy with the Greater Omntum Wang Dao-xi,et 199
纵劈胸骨入路在食管癌、贲门癌手术中的应用 李刚等 200
Applying Longitudinal Sternum-splitting Incision for Entrance in Operation of the Esophageal and Car 203
食管肿瘤术前CT检查的意义 林若柏等 204
The Significance of Preoperative CT Scan for Esophageal Tumor Lin Ruo-bai,et al 208
抗癌新药西艾克治疗肺癌的临床研究 严德钧等 210
Clinical Study on VDS in the Management of Lung Cancer Yac De-jun,et al 213
胃癌转移扩散的病理学及其临床意义 张荫昌等 214
Some Approaches of Study on Dissemination of Stomach Cancer and its Clinical Significance Zhang Yin- 218
30年间胃癌病理检出的变迁 张素敏等 219
Chronological Changes of the Pathological findings on Gastric Cancer During the Past 30 years Zhang 223
胃癌R2、R3手术疗效的对比观察及评价 徐惠锦等 224
Comparison and Evaluation of Curative Effect by R2 and R3 Operation in Gastric Cancer Xu Hui-mian,et 228
胃癌组织雌激素受体、雌二醇和睾酮检测的临床研究 何双梧等 229
Determination of Estrogen Rcceptors,Estradiol and Testosterone in Gastric Carcinomatous Tissue He Sh 233
乙型肝炎、肝硬变中癌前病变的形态学观察及免疫组织化学研究 苏勤等 234
The Precancerous Changes in Hepatitis B and Liver Cirrhosis,A Morphologic and Immunohistochemical St 238
乙型肝炎肝硬化和肝细胞癌患者外周血淋巴细胞姊妹染色单体互换的研究 傅祝能等 240
Study of SCE on Peripheral Blood Lymph Cells of HBV-ivfected Patients with Hepatitis B,Hepatocirlhos 244
丙型肝炎与原发性肝癌研究 林金容等 245
The Relationship Between Hipatitis C Virus and primary Hepatocellular Cancer Lin Jin-rong,et al 248
彩色多普勒联合脉冲多普勒诊断小肝癌的研究 王文平等 249
Studies of Color Doppler Combined with Pulsed Doppler in Small Hepatocellular Carcinomas Wang Wen-Pi 253
乳腺癌DNA含量及雌激素受体测定的临床意义 陈国际等 254
Clinical Significance of DNA Content and Estrogen Reccptor Status in Human Breast Cancer Chen Guo-ii 258
隐性乳腺癌的全乳腺次连续大切片检查 牛昀等 259
Whole Organ Subserial Section Examination of Occult Breast Carcinoma Niu Yun,et al 263
子宫颈癌顺铂化疗加放射治疗综合治疗疗效分析 施建民等 264
Therapeutic Effect Analysis of Combining DDP Chemotherapy Radiotherapy on Carcinoma of Cervix Uter 268
联合化疗治疗非何杰金淋巴瘤 金杏泉等 269
Combination Chemotherapy in Non-Hodgkin s Lymphoma Jin Xing-quan,et al 274
恶性淋巴瘤组织切片结核菌L型检测及其意义 秦凤展等 275
The Detection of L-forms of Tuberclc Bacilli in Malignant Lymphomas and its Significance Qin Feng-zh 278
52例IgG型多发性骨髓瘤及其免疫亚型的临床观察报告 张清河等 279
Clinical Studay and Immunological Subclassification of IgG Multiple with 52 Cases Zhang Qing-he,et a 283
NSE-MCAb免疫组化法在APUD肿瘤中的鉴别诊断 王继营等 284
Immunobistochemisty of McAb Specific for NSE in Differential Diagnosis of APUDomas Wang Ji-ying,et a 288
肿瘤病人若干免疫功能的观察 黄晋生等 289
Observation on the Important Immune Functions of Patients with Carcinoma Huang Jin-sheng,et al 293
骨转移癌的骨闪烁显像145例分析 张新睿等 294
An Analysis of 145 Cases of Skeletal Metastases by Bone Scintigraphy Zhang Xin-rui,et al 298
雌、孕激素受体在膀胱癌中定位观察 单玉喜等 299
Distribution of Estrogen and Progesterorie Receptors in Human Biadder Carcinoma Shan Yu-xi,et al 302
肢体恶性肿瘤高温隔离灌注化疗 徐世伟等 303
右侧开胸治疗中上段食管癌(附60例报告) 程庆书等 306
Esophagogastrostomy through Right Posterolateral Thoracotomy for Carcinoma of the Upper and Middle· 309
进行期乳腺癌术前动脉导管化疗的临床病理分析 齐春莲等 310
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