赞成与反对 英汉注译本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)亚历山大(Alexander,L.G.)著;钱建立注译
- 出 版 社:北京市:科学普及出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7110018334
- 页数:160 页
1 It s high time men ceased to regard women as second-class citizens 10 70
2 World governments should conduct serious campaigns against smoking 12 73
3 Television is doing irreparable harm 14 76
4 Any form of education other than co-education is simply unthinkable 16 79
5 Camping is the ideal way of spending a holiday 18 82
6 New fashions in clothing are created solely for the commercial exploitationof women 20 85
7 We should all grow fat and be happy 22 88
8 The younger generation knows best 24 91
9 Only stricter traffic laws can prevent accidents 26 94
10 Parents are too permissive with their children nowadays 28 96
11 Advertisers perform a useful service to the community 30 101
12 Pop stars certainly earn their money 32 104
13 Vicious and dangerous sports should be banned by law 34 107
14 Transistor radios should be prohibited in public places 36 110
15 The only thing people are interested in today is earning more money 38 114
16 Compulsory military service should be abolished in all countries 40 117
17 Childhood is certainly not the happiest time of your life 42 119
18 Untidy people are not nice to know 44 122
19 The only way to travel is on foot 46 125
20 Examinations exert a pernicious influence on education 48 127
21 Books,plays and films should be censored 50 130
22 People should be rewarded according to ability,not according to age andexperience 52 132
23 The tourist trade contributes absolutely nothing to increasing understandingbetween nations 54 135
24 Only a madman would choose to live in a large modern city 56 138
25 Equality of opportunity in the twentieth century has not destroyed the classsystem 58 140
26 No one wants to live to be a hundred 60 143
27 Capital punishment is the only way to deter criminals 62 146
28 The space race is the world s biggest money waster 64 149
29 Violence can do nothing to diminish race prejudice 66 151
30 The most important of all human qualities is a sense of humour 68 155
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