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新概念英语词汇双解手册  2、3册
新概念英语词汇双解手册  2、3册

新概念英语词汇双解手册 2、3册PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:孟广坪,程特娜主编
  • 出 版 社:重庆:重庆大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1986
  • ISBN:7562400687
  • 页数:221 页
《新概念英语词汇双解手册 2、3册》目录


Lesson 1 Private Conversation 2



Lesson 2 Breakfast or Lunch 3

Lesson 3 Please Send Me a Card 4

Lesson 4 An Exciting T rip 6

Lesson 5 NoWrong Numbers 7

Lesson 5 The Facts 12 8

Lesson 6 PercyButtons 8

Lesson 7 Too Late 9

Lesson 8 The Best and the Worst 10

Lesson 9 A Cold Welcome 12

Lesson 10 Not for Jazz 12

Lesson 11 One Good Turn Deserves Another 13

Lesson 12 Goodbye and Good Luck 14

Lesson 13 Tho Greenwood Boys 16

Lesson 14 Do You Speak English? 17

Lesson 15 Good News 17

Lesson 16 A Polite Request 18

Lesson 17 Always Young 19

Lesson 18 Hc Often Does This! 20

Lesson 19 Sold Out 21

Lesson 20 One Man in a Boat 22

Lesson 21 Mad or Not? 23

Lesson 22 A Glass Envelope 24

Lesson 23 A New House 27

Lesson 24 It Could be Worse 28

Lesson 25 Do the English Speak English? 30

Lesson 26 The Best Art Critics 31

Lesson 27 A Wet Night 32

Lesson 28 No Parking! 34

Lesson 29 Taxi! 35

Lesson 30 Football or Polo? 36

Lesson 31 Success Story 37

Lesson 32 Shopping Made Easy 38

Lesson 33 Out of the Darkhess 39

Lesson 34 Quick Work 40

Lesson 35 Stop Thief! 40

Lesson 36 Acros s the Channel 41

Lesson 37 The Olympic Games 42

Lesson 38 Everything Except the Weather 43

Lesson 39 Am I All Right? 44

Lesson 40 Food And Talk 45

Lesson 41 Do you Call That a Hat 46

Lesson 42 Not Very Musical 47

Lesson 43 Over the South Pole 48

Lesson 44 Through the Forest 49

Lesson 45 A Clear Conscience 50

Lesson 46 Expensive and Uncomfortable 51

Lesson 47 A Thirsty Ghost 54

Lesson 48 Did You Want to Tell Me Something? 55

Lesson 49 The End of a Dream 56

Lesson 50 Taken for a Ride 57

Lesson 51 Reward for Vi rtue 59

Lesson 52 A Pretty Carpet 60

Lesson 53 Hot Snake 61

Lesson 54 Sticky Fingers 62

Lesson 55 Not a Gold Mine 63

Lesson 56 Faster than Sound! 64

Lesson 57 Can I help You Madam? 65

Lesson 58 A Blessing in Disguise? 66

Lesson 59 In or Out? 68

Lesson 60 The Future 69

Lesson 61 Dangerous Descent 69

Lesson 62 After the Fire 70

Lesson 63 She was not Amused 72

Lesson 64 The Channel Tunnel 73

Lesson 65 Jumbo versus the Police 75

Lesson 66 Cycling through the Air 76

Lesson 67 Volcanoes 77

Lesson 68 Persi stent 78

Lesson 69 But Not Murder! 78

Lesson 70 Red for Danger 80

Lesson 71 A Famous Clock 83

Lesson 72 A Car called‘Bluebird’ 84

Lesson 73 The Record-Holder 86

Lesson 74 Out of the lime-light 87

Lesson 75 SOS 89

Lesson 76 April Fools' Day 90

Lesson 77 A Successful Operation 92

Lesson 78 The last One? 93

Lesson 79 By Air 95

Lesson 80 The Crystal Palace 96

Lesson 81 Escape 98

Lesson 82 Monster or Fish 99

Lesson 83 After the Elections 100

Lesson 84 On Strike 102

Lesson 85 Never too Old to leara 102

Lesson 86 Out of Coatrol 104

Lesson 87 A Perfeet Alibi 106

Lesson 88 Trapped in a Mine 107

Lesson 89 A SliP of the Tongue 108

Lesson 90 Brasilia 110

Lesson 91 Three Men in a Basket 111

Lesson 92 Asking for Trouble 113

Lesson 93 A Noble Gift 114

Lesson 94 Future Champions 116

Lesson 95 A Fantasy 118

Lesson 96 The Dead Return 120

Lesson 1 A Puma at Large 122

Lesson 2 Thirteen Equals One 123

Lesson 3 An Unknown Godde ss 124

Lesson 4 The Double Life of Alfred Bloggs 126

Lesson 6 Smash and G rab 129

Lesson 7 Crazy 131

Lesson 8 A Famous Monastery 133

Lesson 9 A Trip to Mars 135

Lesson 11 Not Guilty 138

Lesson 12 Life on a Desert I sland 140

Lesson 13 ‘It's Only Me’ 142

Lesson 14 A Noble Gangster 143

Lesson 15 Sixpence Worth of Trouble 144

Lesson 16 Mary had a Little Lamb 146

Lesson 17 The Greatest Bridge in the World 147

Lesson 18 Electic Currents in Modern Art 148

Lesson 19 A Very Dear Cat 149

Lesson 20 Pioneer Pilots 150

Lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza 151

Lesson 22 By Heart 152

Lesson 23 One Man's Meat i s Another Man's Poison 153

Lesson 24 A Skeleton in the Cupboard 155

Lesson 25 The‘Cutty Sark’ 157

Lesson 26 Wanted:a Large Biscuit Tin 158

Lesson 27 Nothing to Sell and Nothing to Buy 160

Lesson 28 A Pound too Dear 162

Lesson 29 Funny or Not? 164

Lesson 30 The Death of a Ghost 165

Lesson 31 A Lovable Eccentric 166

Lesson 32 A Lost Ship 167

Lesson 33 A Day to Remember 168

Lesson 34 A Happy Discovery 170

Lesson 35 Justice Was Done 171

Lesson 36 A Chance in a Million 173

Lesson 37 The Westhaven Express 174

Lesson 38 The First Calendar 176

Lesson 39 Nothing to Worry About 178

Lesson 40 Who's Who 180

Lesson 41 Illusions of Pastoral Peace 181

Lesson 42 Modern Cavemen 183

Lesson 43 Fully Insured 185

Lesson 10 The Loss of the‘Titanic’ 186

Lesson 44 Speed and Comfort 187

Lesson 45 The Power of the Press 189

Lesson 46 Do It Yourself 191

Lesson 47 Through the Earth's Crust 194

Lesson 48 The Silent Village 196

Lesson 49 The Ideal Servant 197

Lesson 50 New Year Resolutions 199

Lesson 51 A utomation 200

Lesson 52 Mud is Mud 202

Lesson 53 In the Public Interest 205

Lesson 54 Instinct or Cleverness 207

Lesson 55 From the Earth:Greetings 209

Lesson 56 212

Lesson 57 214

Lesson 58 215

Lesson 59 218

Lesson 60 219
