中国国际战略评论 2012 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王缉思主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:978711908158X
- 页数:377 页
China-U.S.Relations in China's Overall Diplomacy in the New Era—On China and U.S.Working Together to Build a New-Type Relationship between Major Countries&Cui Tiankai and Pang Hanzhao 1
The Obama Administration's"Rebalancing"Toward Asia and Sino-U.S.Relations&Zhu Feng 18
The Transition of the Asia-Pacific Order and Japan's Strategy&Ryo Sahashi 38
The Changing Sino-U.S.Relationship and South Korea's Foreign Policy Strategy&Chun Chaesung 58
The U.S."Pivot"to Asia:Impact on Indian Foreign and Security Policies&Jabin T.Jacob 86
Absorbing the Pivot:Nurturing Sino-Australian Relations&William T.Tow 103
Russian Assessments of the U.S."Return"to the Asia-Pacific Region&Vladimir Portyakov 119
The Absent Stabilizer?Europe and East Asian Security Dynamics&Raffaello Pantucci 131
The New Cultural Landscape in International Relations&Yuan Ming 143
China's International Security Challenges and Response at Present and in the Coming Five Years&Jiang Lingfei 152
Analysis on Ma Ying-jeou's Inaugural Address:Challenges and Prospects&Yuan Yi 174
Discussion on Taiwan's International Space Under Current Cross-Strait Relations&Liu Fu-Kuo 184
Sino-U.S.Strategic Maneuvering and the Korean Peninsula Issue&Jin Qiangyi 195
Africa's Emerging Endogenous Dynamics and New Thoughts on Sino-African Cooperation&Liu Haifang 210
On the Protection of China's Interests in Sudan&Hu Jingjing 231
Withdrawal,Peace Talks and the 2011 Pakistan-Afghan Situation&Quan Xuemei 250
The Turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa,and Western Neo-Interventionism&An Huihou 270
Facing the Uncertain:A Critical Appraisal of the Arab Uprisings&Nabil Alsabah 286
Factors Affecting Latin America's International Status&Jiang Shixue 307
Military Operations Other Than War and International Security Cooperation&Xiao Tianliang 325
Some Thoughts on China's National Defense Mobilization&Ouyang Wei 340
Japan's Maritime Strategy&Masahiro Akiyama 360
Postscript&Zhou Mingwei 376
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