- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张祥麟编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国标准出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:7506601494
- 页数:595 页
目录 1
第一部分 语法问题 1
Ⅰ 名词 1
1.集体名词有哪些?单、复数怎么算? 1
2.percent of+名词(作主语)用单数动词还是复数动词? 6
3.名词用作定语有无规律? 7
4.kind(kinds) of后接单数名词还是复数名词? 9
Exercise 1 10
5.名词怎样作状语? 13
6.of短语和它前面的动作名词形成什么关系? 14
7.a能和不可数名词连用吗? 16
8.哪些名词变为复数,意义不同了? 17
9.什么叫“双重所有格”? 18
Exercise 2 20
Ⅱ.代词 23
10.自身代词有哪些用法? 23
11.在什么情况下必须用that作关系代词? 24
12.关系代词、关系副词何时可以省略? 26
Exercise 3 29
13.but怎样用作关系代词和介词? 31
14.代替词one和that怎样区别使用? 35
15.在什么情况下,that用作副词? 37
Exercise 4 38
Ⅲ.形容词 40
16.怎样掌握形容词比较级和最高级的形式变化? 40
17.形容词怎样用作状语? 44
18.复合形容词怎样构成? 45
19.最高级形容词前,何时省去the? 47
Exercise 5 49
Ⅳ.副词 51
20.哪些副词可做表语? 51
21.哪些副词可做定语? 53
Exercise 6 54
22.每隔若干时间(一次)怎样表达? 55
23.as well as怎样使用? 56
24.else属何词类?怎样用? 57
25.just now常用于什么时态? 59
26.lately,recently,these days用于什么时态? 60
Exercise 7 62
Ⅴ.动词 64
27.怎样掌握进行时的使用场合? 64
28.虚拟语气有哪些常用句式? 78
Exercise 8 86
29.哪些动词能用名词作“宾补”? 88
30.哪些动词能用形容词作“宾补”? 89
31.哪些动词可以后接同根宾语? 92
Exercise 9 93
32.哪些动词含有被动意味? 94
33.哪些动词的“动作宾语”该用动名词? 96
34.哪些动词可带“双直宾”? 97
Exercise 10 98
36.哪些系动词表示变化? 100
35.哪些系动词表示感觉? 100
37.哪些系动词表示依旧? 102
38.哪些系动词可带名词表语? 103
Exercise 11 104
39.情态动词的完成式有哪些用法? 105
40.情态动词的进行式怎样使用? 110
Exercise 12 112
41.哪几个动词适于主句否定? 113
42.哪些动词后接动名词等于后接被动的不定式? 114
43.瞬时性动词同for some time有无矛盾? 114
Exercise 13 116
44.过去分词后面的by或with怎样辨用? 117
45.怎样区分系表结构和被动结构? 119
Exercise 14 120
46.need和dare的用法怎样掌握? 121
47.shall,will怎样使用? 123
48.be going to和be about to怎样使用? 127
49.be to do sth.是什么时态?怎样使用? 129
Exercise 15 130
50.主、谓语一致应注意哪些问题? 132
Exercise 16 140
51.作定语的不定式共有几种类型? 142
52.怎样辨用不定式的主动语态和被动语态? 145
Exercise 17 147
53.try to do和manage to do怎样辨用? 148
54.用作宾语的动名词和不定式含义有何不同? 149
55.stop用法上应注意什么? 151
Exercise 18 152
56.能用不定式作“宾补”的动词有哪些? 154
Exercise 19 157
57.怎样区分done,being done和having been done作状语的用法? 158
58.现在分词作定语和动名词作定语怎样分辨? 159
59.哪些动词能用分词作“宾补”? 161
60.怎样分清现在分词和过去分词的不同用法? 163
Exercise 20 164
61.英语中有哪几个动词显得最活跃? 166
Exercise 21 177
Ⅵ.介词 179
62.掌握介词有无窍门? 179
Exercise 22 199
63.with有哪些种用法? 205
Exercise 23 211
64.间接宾语前用to还是用for? 212
65.形容词后用to sb.(sth.),还是用for sb.(sth.)? 216
Exercise 24 218
Ⅶ.连词 221
66.条件句常用哪些连词? 221
Exercise 25 223
67.since有哪些用法? 224
68.betore和until(till)怎样辨用? 226
Exercise 26 229
69.什么叫混合疑问句? 230
Ⅷ.疑问句、否定句 230
70.what有哪些用法? 231
71.反意问句的句末提问该注意什么? 233
72.什么情况下some可用在疑问句? 237
73.疑问词能后置吗? 238
Exercise 27 239
74.什么叫做部分否定和全部否定? 241
75.无not的否定句怎样构成? 243
76.nothing but+不定式,要不要to? 245
Exercise 28 246
Ⅸ.句型 249
77.简单句、复合句怎样相互转化? 249
78.怎样使用It is…that结构? 254
79.独立主格结构怎样构成? 256
80.“主语+系动词be”什么情况下能同时省略? 258
Exercise 29 262
81.(more…)than从句怎样精简用词? 265
82.more than,more…than,各有哪些用法? 268
83.no more than和not more than怎样辨用? 271
84.less,less than用在什么场合? 273
85.no less than,not less than和nothing less than怎样辨用? 275
Exercise 30 276
86.产(数)量增减宜怎样表达? 277
Exercise 31 280
87.常用的考试用语怎么说? 281
Exercise 32 283
88.“一……就”一般怎么说”? 283
Ⅹ.as的用法 285
89.关系代词as常与何词搭配? 285
90.无搭配关系时,关系代词as常代表什么? 286
91.such…as,such as常用于哪种句子? 288
Exercise 33 290
92.(as…)as从句怎样精简用词? 291
Exercise 34 295
93.as能引出几种状语从句? 296
Exercise 35 298
94.as if(though)能引出什么从句和短语? 299
Exercise 36 301
95.介词as短语有哪些功能? 302
Exercise 37 304
96.as,because怎样辨用? 305
97.as,like用法有何异同? 306
98.as,when,while用法有何异同? 309
Exercise 38 312
99.as引起的惯用词组该掌握哪些? 313
第二部分词语辨析 320
100.ache,pain 320
101.affair,matter,business 321
102.ago,before 323
103.agree with,agree to,agree that 324
104.alone,lonely 326
105.another,the other,other,others,the others 327
106.answer,reply 328
Exercise 39 329
107.bemade of,bemadefrom,bemade upof,bemadeout of 331
108.be tired of,be tired from(with) 332
109.be used to,used to,would 333
110.beat,hit,strike 334
Exercise 40 335
111.beautiful,pretty,handsome,fair 337
112.become,become of 339
113.believe,believe in,trust,trust in 340
114.both,either,neither 341
115.bring,take,carry 343
116.by turns.in turn 344
Exercise 41 345
117.call,call on,call at,call for 347
118.can but,cannot but 348
119.care.mind 349
120.carry on,carry out,carry through 351
121.cause,have,get.make,let 352
122.cause.reason 353
123.cease,stop 354
Exercise 42 355
124.chance,opportunity.occasion 357
125.choose,select,elect,pick out 358
126.clothes,clothing,dress 360
127.compare with.compare to 362
128.country,nation,state 363
129.crop,harvest,plant 364
Exercise 43 365
130.cry,shout,exclaim 367
131.cry,weep,sob 369
132.cure,heal,treat 370
Exercise 44 372
133.defend,protect,guard,safeguard 373
134.demand,require 374
135.die of,die from,die by,die with 376
136.divide,separate 377
Exercise 45 379
137.doubt.suspect 380
138.draw,drag,pull 382
Exercise 46 383
139.each,every,per 384
140.east,eastern,easterly,eastwards 385
141.escape.flee 387
142.except,except for,except that,excepting,besides 388
143.expand,extend,stretch 390
Exercise 47 391
144.family,home,house 393
145.feel,feel like 395
146.few,a few,little,a little 397
147.finally,at last,in the end,eventually,at length 398
Exercise 48 400
148.fire,shoot 401
149.flower,bloom,blossom 403
150.for,because 404
151.from,since 405
Exercise 49 407
152.gather,collect 408
153.go on,proceed 410
154.gold,8olden 411
Exercise 50 412
155.happen,occur,take place 413
156.have been to(in,at),have gone to 415
157.high,tall,lofty 417
Exercise 51 418
158.idle,lazy 419
159.in,after,within 420
160.insist,persist 421
161.join,join in,take part in 425
162.journey,trip,tour,travel,outing,excursion,voyage 427
Exercise 52 429
163.keep doing,keep on doing 430
164.know,know of,get to know 432
165.learn,study 433
166.like,love,be fond of,prefer 434
167.live,stay,put up 436
168.look for,find,find out 438
Exercise 53 440
169.man,people,person 442
170.meet,meet with 444
171.no,not 445
172.no longer,no more 448
Exercise 54 449
173.once,ever 450
174.plus,add,increase 453
175.play,play with 455
Exercise 55 457
176.power,strength,force,might 458
177.prepare,get ready 460
178.put,place,lay,set 462
179.put on,wear,have on,dress,be in 464
Exercise 56 466
180.rather,fairly,quite 468
181.real,true 470
182.receive,accept 472
Exercise 57 473
183.regret,repent 474
184.remember,recollect,recall,memorize 476
185.rob,steal 479
Exercise 58 480
186.salary,wage,pay 482
187.say,speak,talk,mention 483
188.search,search for,search after,search into 485
189.sit,seat 487
Exercise 59 488
190.some time,sometime,sometimes 489
191.sound,noise,voice,tone 490
192.spend,pay,cost,take 491
193.strict,severe,stern 493
Exercise 60 495
194.the Chinese,the English,the Americans 496
195.understand,realize,comprehend 497
196.very,much 499
Exercise 61………………………………………………………(501)197.want,desire,long,expect,hope,wish 502
Exercise 62……………………………………………………(509)198.way,road,path,route 510
199.whether,if 512
200.wide,broad 514
201.work,job,task 515
Exercise 63 517
202.worth,worthy,deserve 519
203.would rather,would rather…than,rather than,prefer…(to…) 521
204.wound,injure,hurt 524
205.yet,still:yet,already 526
Exercise 64 530
Key to the exercises 533
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