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大学英语词汇综合测试题  第1册
大学英语词汇综合测试题  第1册

大学英语词汇综合测试题 第1册PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:崔盈达,施淑贤
  • 出 版 社:厦门:厦门大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1987
  • ISBN:7561500092
  • 页数:201 页
《大学英语词汇综合测试题 第1册》目录

Practice Test One 1

Section Ⅰ:Multiple Choice 1

Section Ⅱ:Substitution 7

Scction Ⅲ:Cloze Test 10

Section Ⅳ:Choose from the list the wordthat most appropriately fills theblank 13

Practice Test Two 19

Section Ⅰ:Multiple Choice 19

Section Ⅱ:Substitution 25

Section Ⅲ:Cloze Test 28

Section Ⅳ:Choose from the list the word that most appropriately fills the blank 31

Practice Test Three 37

Section Ⅰ:Multiple Choice 37

Section Ⅱ: Substitution 43

Section Ⅲ:Cloze Test 46

Section Ⅳ: Choose from the list the word that most appropriately fills the blank 49

Practice Test Four 55

Section Ⅰ:Multiple Choice 55

Section Ⅱ:Substitution 61

Section Ⅲ:Cloze Test 64

Section Ⅳ:Choose from the list the word that most appropriately fills the blank 67

Practice Test Five 74

Section Ⅰ:Multiple Choice 74

Section Ⅱ:Substitution 79

Section Ⅲ:Cloze Test 83

Section Ⅳ:Choos e from the list the word thatmost appropriately fills theblank 86

Section Ⅰ:Multiple Choice 92

Practice Test Six 92

Section Ⅱ:Substitution 97

Section Ⅲ:Cloze Test 100

Section Ⅳ:Choose from the list the word that most appropriately fills the blank 103

Practice Test Seven 109

Section Ⅰ:Multiple Choice 109

Section Ⅱ:Substitution 114

Section Ⅲ:Cloze Test 118

Section Ⅳ:Choose from the list the word that most appropriately fills the blank 121

Practice Test Eight 126

Section Ⅰ:Multiple Choice 126

Section Ⅱ:Substitution 132

Section Ⅲ:Cloze Test 135

Section Ⅳ:Choose from the 1ist the word that most appropriately fills the blank 138

Practice Test Nine 144

Section Ⅰ:Multiple Choice 144

Section Ⅱ:Substitution 149

Section Ⅲ:Cloze Test 153

Section Ⅳ:Choose from the list the word that most appropriately fills the blank 156

Practice Test Ten 161

Section Ⅰ:Multiple Choice 161

Sectioe Ⅱ:Substitution 167

Section Ⅱ:Cloze Test 170

Section Ⅳ:Choose from the list the word that most appropfiately fills the blank 173

Answers 180
