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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:曲智勇等著
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民军医出版社
  • 出版年份:1992
  • ISBN:7800203336
  • 页数:297 页
标签:手术学 手术

Chapter 1 Functional Anatomy of The Hand 1

第一章 手的功能解剖 1

A. Skin 1

一、皮肤 1

三、掌腱膜 2

C. Palmar Aponeurosis 2

二、手的姿势 2

B. Postures of Hand 2

四、手部肌肉 3

D. Muscles of Hand 3

E. Blood Vessels 12

五、血管 12

F. Nerves 15

六、神经 15

G. Bones,Joints and Ligaments 16

七、骨、关节与韧带 16

Chapter 2 Basic Operative Techniques of Hand surgery 18

A. Commom anaesthesia for hand surgery 18

第二章 手外科基本技术操作 18

一、手外科常用麻醉 18

二、止血带的应用 23

B. The application of tourniquet 23

C. Atraumatic manoeuvre 24

三、无创操作技术 24

四、清创术 25

D. Debridement 25

E. Skin suture:principle and requirements 28

五 、皮肤缝合的原则与要求 28

F. Postoperative bandaging and splinting 29

六、术后包扎与制动 29

G. Intra tendon sheath block 32

七、腱鞘封闭术 32

H. Surgical incisions 34

八、手部切口 34

Chapter 3 Amputation 36

A. Amputation of finger 36

第三章 截指(肢)术 36

一、截指术 36

二、上臂截肢术 37

三、前臂截肢术 37

C. Forearm a mputation 37

B. Upper arm a mputation 37

D. Revisional operation of a mputation stump 39

四、残端修整术 39

Chapter 4 Operations for Pyogenic Infection of Hand 41

A. Nail extractuon and drainage fors ubungual hematoma 41

第四章 手部化脓性感染切开引流术 41

一、甲下血肿引流及拔甲术 41

B. Incision and drainage for paronychia abscess 42

C. Incision and drainage for felon 42

三、脓性指头炎切开引流术 42

二、甲沟炎切开引流术 42

四、指蹼感染切开引流术 43

五、掌间隙感染切开引流术 43

E. Incision and drainage for suppurative infection in pal mar spaces 43

D. Incision and drainage for finger web infection 43

六、化脓性腱鞘炎切开灌注术 44

F. Incision and antibiotic perfusion fo suppurative lenosynovitis 44

七、前臂间隙感染切开引流术 45

G. Incision and drainage of quadreulateral space in forcarm 45

八、骨髓炎和化脓性关节炎病灶清除术 46

H. Focaleradication operation for osteomyelitis and pyogenic arthritis 46

第五章 皮肤移植术 47

一、皮肤的组织结构 47

二、皮片种类 47

A. The structures of skin 47

B. Types of split thickness skin graft 47

Chapter 5 Skin Graft 47

三、皮片切取方法 48

C. Methods of harvesting split thickness skin flap 48

四、皮片移植 50

D. Split thickness skin flap graft 50

五、指甲游离移植 51

E. Nail graft 51

Chapter 6 Skin Flap Transplantation 53

A. Types of skin flap 53

第六章 皮瓣移植 53

一、皮瓣的种类 53

二、带蒂皮瓣 54

B. Pedicle flaps 54

三、带血管蒂的岛状皮瓣 64

C. Vascular pedicled lsland flap 64

D. Free flap 82

四、游离皮瓣移植 82

Chapter 7 Bone and Joint Operations 100

第七章 骨与关节手术 100

A. Reduction and fixation of fracture of phalangeal bone 101

一、指骨骨折整复固定术 101

B. Reduction and fixation of fracture of metacarpal bone 106

二、掌骨骨折 106

三、舟状骨骨折 110

C. Fracture of Scaphoid bone 110

五、月骨摘除术 112

D. Open reduction of dislocation of lunate bone 112

四、月骨脱位切开复位术 112

E. Excision of lunate bone 112

F. Open reduction of first metacarpo phalangeal jonint dislocation 114

六、拇指掌指关节脱位切开复位术 114

G. Open reduction of second metacarpo phalangeal joint 115

七、第二掌指关节脱位切开复位术 115

H. Ligament reconstruction in old dislocation of first metacarpo carpal joint 116

八、第一腕掌关节习惯性脱位韧带成形术 116

I. Repair of collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint 117

九、指间关节侧副韧带修复术 117

J.Capsulecto my for contracture of collateral ligament of metacarpo phalangeal joint 118

K. Arthroplasty of metacarpo phalangeal joint 118

十一、掌指关节成形术 118

十、掌指关节侧副韧带挛缩切除术 118

十二、吻合血管的跖趾关节移植掌指关节重建术 120

L. Reconstruction of metacarpo phalangeat joint by vascularized metatarso phalangeal joint transplan 120

M.Implant arthroplasty 124

十三、人工关节置换术 124

N. Bone graft 126

十四、骨移植术 126

O. Interphalangeat joint arthrodesis 129

十五、指间关节融合术 129

P. Arthrodesis of metacarpo phalangeal joint of thumb 130

十六、拇指掌指关节融合术 130

Q. Arthrodesis of carpo metacarpal joint of thumb 131

十七、拇指掌腕关节融合术 131

R. Wrist fusion 132

十八、腕关节融合术 132

S. Correction osteotomy of malunion of phalangeal and metacarpal bone 135

十九、掌指骨畸形连接截骨矫正术 135

Chapter 8 Repair of Tendon 137

一、肌腱损伤的治疗原则 137

第八章 肌腱修复术 137

A. Principles of treatment of tendon injury 137

B. Tendon suturing 138

二、肌腱缝合术 138

C. Source and havesting of rendon graft 143

三、移植肌腱的来源及切取方法 143

D. Repair of distal extensor tendon rupture 146

四、末节伸指肌腱损伤修复术 146

E. Repair of central tendon rupture 148

五、中央腱损伤修复术 148

F. Repair of extensor hood (dislocation of extensor tendon) 150

六、腱帽(伸腱滑脱)修复术 150

G. Repair of extensor pollicis longus tendon 152

七、拇长伸肌腱修复术 152

H. Repair of extensor digitorum communis tendon 153

八、指总伸肌腱修复术 153

I. Repair of flexor digitorum tendons 154

九、拇长屈肌腱损伤修复术 154

J. Tendon graft for defect of flexor digitorum profundus tendon 157

十、指屈肌腱损伤修复术 157

十一、指深屈肌腱缺损游离肌腱修复术 158

K. C orrection operations for swan neck deformity 158

十二、鹅颈畸形矫治术 162

L. Reconstruction of digital sheath pulley 162

十三、滑车重建术 164

M. Incision and release operation for stenosing tenovaginitis 164

十四、狭窄性腱鞘炎切开松解术 166

第九章 上肢神经损伤修复术 167

一、神经损伤分类及治疗原则 167

Chapter 9 Repair of Nerve Injury of Upper Extremity 167

A. Classification and principle of treatment in nerve injury 167

B. The methods of nerve suturing 168

二、神经缝合方法 168

C. Exploration operation of brachial plexus 170

三、臂丛神经探查术 170

四、正中神经显露 174

D. Surgical exposures of median nerve 174

E. Surgical exposure of uinar nerve 176

五、尺神经显露 176

六、桡神经显露 179

F. Surgical exposure of radial nerve 179

H. Neurorrhaphy of digital proper nerve 182

七、正中神经损伤修复术 182

八、指固有神经损伤修复术 182

G. Neurorrhaphy of median nerve at wist region 182

I. Vascularized Nerve Graft 183

九、吻合血管的神经游离移植术 183

十、神经松解术 184

J. Nerve release operation 184

K. Deco mpression operations of upper extremity nerve compression syndromes 184

十一、上肢神经嵌压综合征松解术 184

B. Tendon tranfer for radial palsy 189

A. Prequisits for tendon transfer 189

一、肌腱移位术的条件 189

第十章 上肢神经损伤肌腱移位术 189

Chapter 10 Tendon Transfer for Recontruction of Nerve Injury of Upper Extremity 189

二、桡神经损伤后肌腱移位术 189

C. Tendon transfser for median palsy 192

三、正中神经损伤肌腱移位术 192

D. Tendon transfer for uluar palsy 199

四、尺神经损伤的肌腱移位术 199

五、正中、尺神经损伤肌腱移位术 200

E. Tendon transfer for combined median and ulnar nerve injury 200

八、蚓状肌功能重建术 202

F. Reconstruction of intrinsic muscle function 202

六、尺神经、桡神经损伤的肌腱移位术 202

七、正中神经、桡神经损伤的肌腱移位术 202

一、线状瘢痕挛缩“Z”字改形术 207

第十一章 手部挛缩畸形矫治术 207

A. ?plasty for linear scar contracture 207

Chapter 11 Plastic Operation for Contracture Deformitis of Hand 207

B. Excision of palmar aponeurosis contracture 209

二、掌腱膜挛缩切除术 209

三、拇收肌挛缩切断术 211

C. Tenotomy of adductor brevis 211

D. Plastic operations for Volkmann contracture 212

四、伏克曼缺血挛缩功能重建术 212

A. Operation for syndactyly 214

Chapter 12 Correction and Reconstructive Operations for Congenital Hand Deformitues 214

第十二章 先天性畸表矫治术 214

一、并指畸形分指术 214

二、多指畸形切除术 216

B. Excision and plasty of supernumery dactyly 216

D. Plastic operation for cleft hand 219

四、裂手畸形矫治 219

C. Correction of congenital ring constriction of finher 219

三、手指环沟畸形矫治 219

E. Treatment of congenital aplasia of radius 222

五、桡骨发育不良与缺如的矫治 222

F. Plastic operations for congenital aplasia of ulna 227

六、尺骨发育不全和缺如矫治 227

A. The anato my of blood vessels of fingers 228

一、手指血管解剖 228

第十三章 断指再植术 228

Chapter 13 Digital Replantation 228

B. Blood vessel anastomosis 230

二、血管吻合术 230

C. Replantation of thumb and finger 234

三、断指再植术 234

D. Replantation of disal segment amputation 237

四、末节断指再植术 237

E. Replantation of rotational avulsion amputation of thumb 238

五、拇指旋转撕脱性离断再植术 238

六、断掌再植术 241

F. Replantation of palmar amputation 241

G. Replantation of wrist amputation 244

七、断腕再植术 244

H. Exploratory operation of vascular erisis 246

八、血管危象探查术 246

Chapter 14 Reconstruction of Thumb and finger 248

A. The grading of thumb loss 248

B. Pollicisation of index finger 248

二、食指转位拇指再造术 248

一、拇指缺损分度 248

第十四章 拇、手指再造术 248

C. Elongation of thumb stump 252

三、拇指残端提升术 252

D. Deepening of first wed and thumb lengthening 253

E. Thumb lengthening by bone peg and cross forearm skin flap 253

四、虎口加深拇指延长术 253

五、拇指植骨交臂皮瓣拇指加长术 253

F. Thumb lengthening by bone peg and index finger dorsal island flap 254

六、拇指植骨食指背侧岛状皮瓣移位拇指加长术 254

G. Hiac bone peg osteoplastic reconstruction 256

H. Toe to hand plasty for reconstruction of thumb or finger(s) 256

八、足趾移植拇指手指再造术 256

七、骼骨植骨皮管形成拇指再造术 256

I. Bilateral toe transfer for thumb and finger reconstruction 273

九、双足趾移植拇指、手指再造术 273

J. Combined tissue transfer for thumb reconstruction 277

十、复合组织移植拇指再造术 277

K. Great toe transfer for thumb reconstruction 278

十一、?趾移植线拇指再造术 278

十二、?趾皮甲瓣移植拇指再造术 281

L. Nail skin flap of great toe transfer for thumb reconstruction 281

M. Partial thumb and finger reconstruction by anastomosis of digital proper arteries of toe and fing 285

十三、吻合趾-指动静脉的部分拇、手指再造术 285

第十五章 急症手再造术 289

Chapter 15 Emergency Reconstruction of Hand 289
