常用英语同义词语手册 双解 辨义 作文 文法PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张早生,丰国欣编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国标准出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7506602644
- 页数:473 页
目录 1
a,one,single 1
able,capable,can 2
about,around,or so 3
accept,receive,get 4
above,over,up,on 4
according to,in accordance with,according as 5
account,description 6
across,cross 7
act,action,behaviour,deed 8
act as,act for 9
actor,player 10
activity,activities 10
address,speech,lecture 11
advantage,benefit,profit,good 12
advice,advise,persuade 13
a few,few,a little,little,a bit 14
affair,business,matter,thing 15
afraid,fear,frightened,astonished,astonishing,surprised,surprising,terrified,shocked 16
after all,on earth 18
afterward,afterwards,later 19
again,again and again,time and again,once again,repeatedly,once and again 20
aid,help 21
ago,before 21
aim,object,goal,purpose,end 23
alive,live,living,the living 24
all,whole,entire,complete,perfect,total 25
allow,let,permit 26
almost,nearly,about 27
alone,lone,lonely 28
a lot of,lots of,many,much,plenty of,a great deal of,a number of,an amount of,a great/good many,many a,scores of,dozens of 29
also,too,either,as well 32
aloud,loud,loudly 32
although,though,as 33
always,often,frequently,usually 34
among,between 35
and so forth,and so on,etc 36
amount,number 36
announce,declare,publish 37
another,other others,the other,the others,else 38
answer,reply 40
anxious,eager,earnest,enthusiastic 41
any,some,no 42
any one,anybody,anyone 43
anywhere,any place 44
any thing,anything 44
apology,excuse,forgive,pardon 45
apparently,obviously 46
appear,seem,look 47
argue,discuss,debate 48
army,forces,troops 49
arms,weapon 49
around,round,about 51
arrive,get to,reach 52
as…as,so…as 53
as if,as though 54
as for,as to 54
ask for,require,request,want,need,demand,desire,hope,wish,long for,care 55
asleep,sleep,sleepy 58
as soon as,hardly…when,no sooner…than 59
at hand,in hand,on hand 60
astronaut,pilot 60
at large,in large 61
at last,at length,finally,lastly,in the end 62
at most,at the most 63
at once,immediately,right away,right now,in no time 64
at the end of,by theend of 65
attentive,careful 66
awake,awaken,wake,waken 67
author,writer 67
back,hind,backward behind,after 68
bad,ill,evil,wrong 70
ball,party 71
badly,ill 71
battlewar,campaign,fight,struggle 72
bath,bathe 72
beat,hit,strike,knock,pat,tap 74
bay,gulf 74
bear,borne,born 76
bear,stand,suffer,put up with 77
beautiful,pretty,handsome,lovely,nice,good-looking,fair 78
because,for,since,as 80
because of,thanks,owing to,due to,on account of 81
become,grow,turn,go,get,make 82
before,in front of,in the front of 84
before long,by and by,in a short while,soon,shortly 85
begin,start 86
be grateful,owe to,thank,appreciate 87
be in,have on,put on,wear,dress,dress up 88
believe,believe in,trust,depend on 89
below,under,down 90
be ready to,be ready for 91
bewilder,puzzle 92
besides,moreover 92
big,great,huge,large,grand,enormous,vast 93
bit,piece,sheet 95
blame,criticize,scold 96
bite,chew 96
blanket,carpet 97
boat,ship,canoe 98
border,boundary,frontier 99
borrow,lend,renew 100
both,either,neither 101
breath,breathe 102
box,case 102
bright,clever,wise 103
bring,carry,fetch,take,get 104
broad,wide 105
bring up,raise 105
brook,river,stream 106
bug,insect,pest,worm 107
build,construct,establish,found,set up,put up 108
businessman,tradesman,merchant,trader 110
but,except,except for,except that,besides 111
but,however,yet,still 112
by,beside,at 113
buy,purchase 113
by,with,in 114
by oneself,for oneself,of oneself,in oneself,to oneself 115
call,cry,shout,scream 116
call,summon 117
call on,call at,visit,pay a visit,drop in 118
can,may 119
cannot,can not 120
cannot help,cannot but,cannot help but 121
car,bus,truck 122
cap,hat 122
carriage,coach,cab 123
catch,catch up with,keep up with 124
catch,capture,seize,grasp,snatch,clasp 125
catch,see,understand,follow 126
cause,reason,excuse 127
centre,middle,midst 128
cave,hole 128
certain,some 129
certainly,of course,sure,surely 130
chance,opportunity,occasion 131
change into,turn into 132
channel,strait 133
character,nature,quality 134
character,characters 134
cheat,crook,lier 135
check,examine 136
chief,head 137
chick,chicken 137
chiefly,mainly,mostly,most 138
choose,select,elect,pick out 139
chop,cut 140
class,lesson,lecture 141
city,town 141
climate,weather 142
clean,sweep 142
close,shut 143
close to,near to,next to 144
cloth,clothes,clothing,dress 145
coast,shore,seashore,seaside,beach,bank 146
cold,cool 147
collapse,fall,flop 148
college,institute,university 149
come across,run across,meet,meet with,come upon,encounter 150
colour,coloured 150
come in,come into,enter,into 152
common,general,popular 153
complete,finish,fulfil,accomplish 154
compare to.compare with 154
conclusion,result 155
connect,join,combine,unite 156
consist of,consist in 157
consult,look up 158
continue,go on doing,go on with,go on to do,keep on doing,keep doing 159
continual,continuous,constant 159
cost,price,value,worth 161
correct,right 161
cost,rake,spend 163
country,land,nation,state,power 164
couch,sofa 164
creep,crawl 166
cover,lid 166
crisp,fresh 167
cure,treat 168
cry,sniffle,sob,weep 168
custom,habit,manners 169
danger,dangerous 170
cut,get in,harvest 170
dare not,do not dare to 171
date,day 172
dark,dim 172
dead,dying,deadly,fatal 173
decide,make up one's mind,be determined 174
decrease,drop,fall 175
deep,deeply 176
defend,protect,guard 177
delighted,delightful,pleased,pleasing,pleasant,cheerful,cheering,merry,happy,joyful,glad,gay 178
delay,put off 178
department,store,shop 181
destiny,fate,luck 182
diary,journal 183
developing,developed 183
different,various 184
diffuse,dismiss,scatter 185
difficult,hard 185
dirt,dust,rubbish 186
disappointed at,disappointed in,disappointed of 187
disclose,expose 188
disinterested,uninterested 189
discover,invent 189
divide,share 190
dislike,hate 190
door,gate,entrance 191
dope,medicine,pill,drug,chemicals,physic 192
double,two,twice 193
drag,push,pull,pluck,draw 194
drawing,painting,picture,figure,photo,portrait 195
drift,heap,pile 197
each other,one another 198
each,every 198
earn,win,gain,get,obtain 199
educator,educationist 201
earth,globe 201
emotion,feeling 202
elderolder 202
empirekingdom 203
emperorking 203
empty,blank,hollow 204
energy,power,strength,force,might 205
error,mistake 207
enoughsufficient 207
especially,specially,particularly,principally 208
eveningnight 209
event,incident,accident 210
every day,everyday,daily 211
ever so,never so,ever such 211
everyone,every one,everybody,every man 212
everything,every thing 213
exact,proper,fit,fitting,suitable 214
evidence,proof 214
examination,exam,test,quiz 216
example,instance,model,pattern 217
excellent,good,well,wonderful,fine,nice 218
excited,exciting,inspiring,moving 219
experiment,test,trial 220
factory,mill,plant,works 221
fairly,rather,a little 222
family househome 224
fame,honour,name 224
famous,well-known 225
far,by far 226
farewell,good-bye 227
far,distant 227
farmer,peasant,tenant 228
farther further 229
fast,quick,quickly,rapid 230
feed,feed on,feed…on,feed…to,live on 231
favourite,lovely 231
feel,touch 232
fight,struggle,quarrel 233
find,find out,look for,search for,be after,seek for 234
first,firstly,at first 236
firmly,tightly 236
fix on fixupon,glare at,gaze at,stare at 237
flag,banner 238
flatter,satisfy 239
flee,fly,escape,run away,get away 240
flesh,meat 241
floor,ground 242
follow,pursue,chase 243
foolish,silly,stupid 244
form,shape,figure,pattern 245
forest,woods 245
form,make,come into being 247
fun,joke 248
founder,maker 248
game,sport,play 249
gap,room,space,margin 250
gas,steam,vapour 251
gather,collect 252
get along with,get on with 253
gift,present 254
get rid of,do away with 254
give off,give out,send out 255
give back,return 255
glisten,glow,twinkle 256
go,walk,step 257
go down,set 258
gold,golden 259
go over,review 260
good-bye,so long,bye-bye 260
govern,control,rule 261
graduate from,be graduated from 262
gradually,step by step,little by little 262
grow,plant 263
grateful,thankful 263
guess,suppose,imagine,fancy,assume 264
guest,visitor 265
guide,lead 266
had rather,would rather 267
had best,had better 267
hand in,turn in 268
happen,take place,break out,occur 269
happiness,pleasure,joy,delight,enjoyment 270
hardly,seldom,scarcely,barely 271
hare,rabbit 272
harm,hurt,injure,damage,destroy,ruin,wound,break 273
have/has,there be,have/has got,own,possess 275
have a word,have words 276
have come,is come 277
have been to,have gone to 277
heart,mind,spirit,soul 278
heaven,sky 279
heavy,weighty 280
high,tall,highly 281
helpful,useful 281
hill,mount,mountain 282
holiday,vaeation 283
hold up,put up 283
home,native place 284
horrible,terrible 285
hotel,inn 286
hot,warm 286
house,hut,cabin,cottage,shed 287
how about,what about 288
how many,how much,what 289
hurt,injured,wounded 290
idea,opinion,point,view,thought 291
if,whether 292
ill,sick 294
illness,sickness,disease,trouble 295
in,into,inside 296
in a word,at a word 297
in charge of,in the charge of,be responsible for 298
income,pay,salary,wage 299
increase,rise 300
indeed,truly,really,in fact,actually,in reality 301
in fact,as a matter of fact 302
in future,in the future 303
in order to,in order that,so as to,so that 304
in hospital,in the hospital 304
insist on,persist in,stick to,persevere,hold out 305
instead,instead of,take the place of 307
interested,interesting 308
in the meantime,meantime,meanwhile,in the meanwhile 309
in the distance,at a distance 309
in the way,on the way,by the way 310
in time on time 311
job,work,task 312
join in,take part in 313
journey,trip,travel,tour,way,voyage 314
judge,tell 316
jump,leap,hop,skip 317
just,only,simply 318
just,fair 319
keep,hold,have,retain 320
just so,quite so 320
keep…from,stop…from,prevent…from 322
keep away,keep out 322
kind,sort,species,type 323
kill,murder,slaughter 323
kind,kindly 324
know,recognize 325
knowledge,learning 326
labour,toil,work 327
lack,want 328
lamp,light 329
language,speech,tongue 330
last,latest,final 331
late,latest,lately,recently 332
laugh,smile,sheer 333
law,rule 334
laugh at,laugh over,make fun of 334
lay,put,place,set 335
learn,study 336
let,make,have,get,cause 337
let's,let us 339
lie,lay 340
lift,pick up,raise 341
like,alike 342
like,love,be fond of,care for,prefer 343
likely probable,possible 345
little,small,young,tiny,slight 347
long before,before long 348
look,see,watch,observe,view,notice,glare,catch sight of 349
look after,tend 351
look on…as,look upon…as,regard…as,think of…as,treat…as,consider 352
look forward to,expect 352
looking-glass,mirror 354
look over,look through 354
machine,machinery,engine,works 355
low,lowly 355
madam,madame 356
major,main,key,chief 357
mail,post 357
majority,most 358
make a promise,promise,keep one's word 359
make of,make from,make up of,make in 360
man,person,people,human,folks,mankind 361
market,mark,fair 364
manage,treat,deal with 364
marry,marriage,wed,wedding 365
material,stuff,matter,substance 366
maybe,perhaps,probably 367
meaning,sense,signifieation,significance,import 368
meeting,meet,party,assembly 369
memorial,monument 370
mercy,pity,compassion,sympathy 371
mend,repair,fix 371
minister,ministry 373
method,means,manner,way 373
miserable,wretched,pitiful 374
mister,sir 375
mistaken,wrong,incorrect 375
moment,instant,minute 376
morals,morally 377
monkey,ape 377
more than,over,above,up ward of,or more 378
motion,move,movement 379
morning,morn 379
much,very,so,quite 380
much more,much less 381
must,have to,should,ought to 382
near,nearby,close 383
mysterious,mystic 383
neither,none,no one 384
newspaper,press,journal,daily,paper 386
new,fresh 386
no less than,not less than,no less…than,not less…than 387
noise,sound,voice 388
no more than,not more than,no more…than 389
no longer,not…any longer,not…any more,no more 389
not,no,never 390
of an age,of the age,of age 391
one after another,one and another,one after the other 392
only,but 393
one day,some day 393
opposite,contrary 394
outer,outward,outside 395
outdoor,outdoors 395
over night,overnight 396
out of question out of the question 396
overcome,smooth away 397
package,parcel 398
pace,step 398
owe,due 398
pain,ache,smart 399
pair,couple,a pair of,a coupleof 400
path,road,route trail,way 401
pass,pass by,past 401
per day,a day 403
pence,pennies 403
permit,permission 404
period,age,era 404
place,site,spot,position,situation,station 405
plan,design,project 406
poem,poetry 407
play,perform 407
problem,question 408
prison,jail 408
product,production,produce 409
pupil,student,scholar 410
quality,property 411
put aside,put away,throw away 411
raise,rise,arise 412
real,true 413
rare,rarely 413
recall,remind,remember,put in mind 414
refuse,reject,resist 415
respect,respectable,respectful,respected 416
remain,stay 416
riches,wealth,rich,wealthy,bumper 418
rough,rude 419
right well,very well 419
sadness,sorrow,suffering,pain,misery 420
sad,sorry 420
same…as,same…that 421
safe,safely,safety 421
say,speak,tell,talk 422
satisfactory,satisfied 422
seat,sit 424
saying,proverb 424
set off,set out 425
second,secondary 425
settle,solve 426
shiver,tremble 427
shine,light up 427
slow,slowly 428
shoot,hunt 428
soldier,fighter,warrior 429
so,such 429
sometime,sometimes,some time 430
someone,somebody 430
state,condition,situation 431
spare time,spare-time 431
steal,rob 432
storey,story,floor 433
stop,pause,end 433
strange,curious,odd,singular 434
strong,powerful 435
take cold,catch cold,have a cold 436
take a walk,go for a walk 436
suddenly,all of a sudden,on a sudden 436
teacher,master,instructor,professor 437
ten to one,in nine out of ten 438
telegram,telegraph,telegraphy 438
term,word,remark 439
that,this 440
till,until,by,up to 441
ticket-office,booking-office 441
try,attempt,undertake 442
towards,toward 442
turn on,turn down 443
union,unity,connection 444
under repair(s),in repair 444
upward,upwards 445
unfortunately,unluckily 445
view,scenery,scene,sight 446
vest,waistcoat 446
welcome,welcomed 448
wait,await,waitfor 448
woman,lady 449
when,while,as 449
work at,work on,work out 450
would like,should like 451
worth,worthy 451
would,used to,be used to 452
wrap,envelop 453
wound,injury 453
young,youth,youthful,young man,lad,fellow 454
yours truly,yours very truly,yours faithfully 455
zoo,garden 456
索引 457
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