英语一千常用单词 用法详解PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡雄定编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7560003575
- 页数:678 页
词目表Aa,an 1
able 8
abash 8
about 9
above 13
abroad 15
accident 16
accordance 17
accompany 17
account 18
accustom 19
act 20
across 20
advice 21
admit 21
afford 22
affcctionate 22
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after 23
afraid 23
against 26
again 26
age 27
ago 28
aid 29
agree 29
aim 30
ail 30
air 31
alive 32
alike 32
all 33
allow 40
almost 41
alone 43
along 44
already 45
aloud 45
also 46
although 48
alternate 48
altogether 49
always 50
amiss 51
a.m.(A.M.) 51
among 52
amount 53
and 54
ample 54
anxious 61
another (5?)answer 61
any 62
anyone 65
anybody 65
anywhere 66
anything 66
appear 67
apt 68
appreciate 68
arrange 69
around 69
as 70
as for 76
as if 77
as from 77
as long as 78
as to 79
as well as 80
as well 80
ask 81
at 83
assure 83
avoid 86
avail 86
await 87
away 88
aware 88
Bback 89
backward,-s 90
back,-ward 90
base 91
badly 91
be 92
bath,-e 92
be about to 95
be going to 96
bear 97
because 98
become 99
before 100
begin 103
beg 103
beginning 104
believe 105
belief 105
bchind 105
beside 106
below 106
besides 107
best 108
better 110
between 111
beware 112
bld 113
beyond 113
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blt 114
both 115
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broad,-ly 120
bring 120
burn 121
budge 121
brook 121
bud 121
business 122
burst 122
burncd/burnt 122
but 123
bnsy 123
but for 127
by 128
call 132
Ccalculate 132
can(could) 133
capable 137
cannot 137
care 138
case 139
careful 139
catch 141
cease 142
cause 142
certain 143
certainly 144
charge 145
chance 145
choose 146
cheap 146
classic,-al 147
claim 147
clear,-ly 148
clean,-ly2 148
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close,-ly 149
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close 149
come 150
comic,-al 152
commssion 153
command 153
compare 154
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committee 154
comprise 155
compose 155
complete 155
completely 155
concern 156
conceive 156
confess 157
conduct 157
conclude 157
consider 158
conscious 158
consist 159
considering 159
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content,-ed 160
contrary 161
control 162
contrive 162
cost 163
cope 163
conyenient 163
convey 163
cool 163
could 164
couple 165
count 165
coward,-ly 166
cover 166
course 166
cure 167
cross-road,-s 167
creature 167
criticize 167
cross 167
danger 168
Ddamage,-s 168
curious 168
day 169
dar? 169
deal 171
dead,-ly 171
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death 172
dear,-ly 172
decline 173
declare 173
deep,-ly 174
demand 175
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delay 175
deny 176
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die 179
despite 179
desirous 179
different 180
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direct 181
dine 181
difficulty 181
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direct,-ly 182
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dismount 184
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dissuade 185
dissatisfy 185
dispute 185
distrust 186
distinguish 186
distance 186
do 187
don't 190
doubt 191
double,-ly 191
doubtful 192
down1 adv. 193
doubtless,-ly 193
drag 194
dozen 194
down2 prep. 194
dress 195
dread 195
drop 196
drive 196
due 197
drunk,-en 197
drown 197
during 198
Eeach 199
each other 201
eager 202
early 203
easy,-ily 204
east,-ern 204
earth 204
earthly 204
either 205
economic,-al 205
elect 207
either...or 207
else 208
element 208
electric,-al 208
enable 209
clse than 209
end 210
enjoin 211
engage 211
ended 211
endure 211
enough 212
enjoy 212
envy 214
entrust 214
entire,-ly 214
escape 215
equip 215
equally 215
especially 216
especial 216
escort 216
establish 217
essential 217
even 218
etc. 218
ever 219
event 219
every 221
every other 222
everyone 222
except1 v. 223
excellent 223
except2 prep 224
expect 226
excuse 226
excepting 226
extend 227
express,-ly 227
Fface 228
eye 228
extent 228
fail 229
failing 230
fail,-ure 230
fair,-ly 231
family 232
familiar 232
fall 232
far 233
fancy 233
favour 236
fault 236
farther 236
fear 237
favourable 237
feel 238
fetch 239
few 240
fill 241
find 242
finger 243
fine,-ly 243
fine 243
first 244
firm,-ly 244
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flat,-ly 246
flag 246
fit2 v. 246
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flesh 247
fond 248
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foot 249
fondly 249
for 250
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force 255
forbid 255
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forgive 256
forever 256
fortunate 257
forthcoming 257
formerly 257
frequent 258
free,-ly 258
frankly 258
free 258
from 259
freshly 259
fruit 261
front 261
full,-ly 262
full 262
future 263
further 263
fun 263
generally 264
Ggame 264
get 265
give 267
glad 268
go 269
good 271
greatly 272
grow 273
ground 273
Hhabit 274
half 275
hand 276
happily 278
happen 278
hard,-ly 279
hard 279
happy 279
hate 281
harm 281
have 282
healthy 285
head 285
hear 286
heaps 286
heart 287
help 288
here 289
hence 289
high,-ly 290
high 290
hold 291
historic,-al 291
home 292
hope 293
hourly 295
hour 295
hopeful 295
how 296
house 296
however 297
hurry 299
human, 299
Ii 300
hurt 300
if 301
imply 306
immediately 306
ili 306
in 307
important 307
in spite of 311
in order to 311
in order that 311
independent 312
inclusive 312
incapable 312
icident,-al 312
instead of 313
instead 313
individual 313
insist 313
intend 314
instruct 314
invaluable 315
it 316
involve 316
Jjoin 317
just 318
joke 318
Kkeep 320
kind 321
kill 321
kindly 322
know 323
kindness 323
last1 adj. 325
large,-ly 325
Llack 325
last2 v. 326
late,-ly 327
last,-ly 327
later 328
lead 329
least 330
learn 330
leave 331
length 332
lend 332
leisure 332
less 333
let 334
lest 334
lie 336
liberty 336
light1 n. 337
life 337
like1 v. 338
light2 v. 338
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likely 340
little 341
live 343
long 344
look 345
lot 347
lose 347
loose,-n 347
love 348
loud,-ly 348
low,-ly 349
loving 349
make 350
majority 350
Mmagic,-al 350
man 352
many 353
manner 353
manage 353
mark 354
marry 355
may 356
matter2 v. 356
matter1 n. 356
mean 360
means 361
mention 362
melt 362
mean-time,-while 362
meditate 362
middle 363
metric,-al 363
mind1 n. 364
mince 364
midst 364
might 364
mind2 v. 366
miss 367
misgive 367
minute 367
minutely 367
mischief 367
moment 368
mistake 368
more 369
money 369
most 372
most,-ly 373
much 374
move 374
motion 374
murmur 377
must 378
mutual 380
near1 adv.etc. 381
naturally 381
Nname 381
necessarily 383
nearly 383
near2 v. 383
need 384
necessary 384
neglect 385
neither 386
never 388
new 389
next 390
newly 390
no 391
none 394
not 396
nor 396
not only 400
nothing 402
note 402
now 403
notice 403
nowadays 404
number 405
Oo,-h 406
observe 407
oblige 407
object 407
occur 408
occupy 408
occasion 408
of 409
offer 411
off 411
often 412
on 413
once 416
one 417
oneself 421
only 422
oppose 424
open2 v. 424
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or 425
opposite 425
order 426
other 427
ought 429
otherwise 429
out 430
out of 431
over 432
own 434
owing to 434
oversea,-s 434
part1 n. 435
Ppain 435
part2 v. 436
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passing 437
pass 437
people 438
peace 438
patience 438
perfect 439
perceive 439
permit 440
perhaps 440
person 441
persist 441
persevere 441
persuade 442
personally 442
plain,-ly 443
place 443
please 444
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play1 v. 444
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plenty 446
pleasure 446
poetic,-al 447
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posses 448
point 448
police,-man 448
politic,-al 448
politics 448
postpone 449
possibly 449
possible 449
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power 450
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precious 451
practice 451
practise 451
present 453
prepared 453
preferable 453
prejudice 453
pretty 454
pretend 454
presently 454
pres?me 454
prevent 455
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pretty,-ily 455
principle 456
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previous,-ly 456
promise 457
progress 457
prior to 457
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promote 458
proportion 459
properly 459
proper 459
propose 460
proposal 460
prove 461
proud 461
prostr?te 461
protect 461
provided(that) 462
provide 462
purport 463
pull 463
prudent,-ial 463
public 463
purposely 464
purpose 464
put 465
question 466
Qquantity 466
quiet 467
quick,-ly 467
quite 468
quit 468
Rrain 469
rare 470
range 470
raise 470
rather 471
rate 471
rarely 471
real,-ly 474
ready 474
reach 474
reason 475
rear 475
reference 476
recollect 476
recently 476
reck 476
recognise 476
refuse 477
refrain 477
reform,-ation 477
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register 479
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rely 480
relish 480
relapse 480
relate 480
remarkable 481
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remote,-ly 482
remarkably 482
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remind 482
repay 483
repair 483
renown,-ed 483
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reply 484
repent 484
replace 484
repute2 v. 485
repute1 n. 485
represent 485
reputation 485
require 486
request 486
resent 487
resemble 487
research 487
resolve 488
resist 488
reserv-e,-ation 488
resign 488
respect 489
resort 489
rest1 v. 490
responsible 490
respective 490
respectively 490
result 491
rest3 n. 491
rest2 n. 491
revenge 492
retire 492
resume 492
retain 492
right,-ly 493
right 493
ride 493
rough,-ly 494
rise 494
ring 494
rule 495
round,-ly 495
run1 v. 496
running 497
run2 n. 497
same 498
sale 498
Ssake 498
say 500
saw 500
satisfy 500
scheme 502
schedule 502
scarcely 502
search 503
sea 503
scruple 503
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secret 504
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seat 504
seed 506
seeing that 506
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sell 508
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sense 509
send 509
shall 510
several 510
serve 510
sot 510
shine 512
short,-ly 512
share 512
sharp,-ly 512
she 512
should 513
show 515
side 516
sick,-ly 516
since 517
signify 517
sight 517
skilful 520
size 520
singly 520
sit 520
slow,-ly 521
slow2 v. 521
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slightly 521
slow1 adj. 521
smell 522
smashing 522
small 522
so 523
sneeze 523
some 528
soft,-ly 528
so-called 528
sometime,-s 530
somehow 530
soon 531
somewhere 531
soul 533
sorry 533
speak 534
spare 534
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speed 535
speech 535
square,-ly 536
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spirit 536
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spot 536
stand 537
stake 537
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standstill 538
standing 538
starve 539
still 540
step 540
stay 540
steal 540
straight 543
stop 543
stipulate 543
stir 543
stomach 543
substitute 544
subsequent 544
style 544
subject1 adj. 544
subject2 v. 544
such 545
succeed 545
suggest 549
sufficient 549
suffer 549
superior 550
sunk,-en 550
suit1 n. 550
suit2 v. 550
suppose 551
supply 551
sure 552
sure,-ly 553
surround 554
surprised 554
Ttable 555
sword 555
take 556
tactic,-al 556
talk 558
tale 558
tear1 v. 559
teach 559
tall 559
tasteful 559
tasteless 559
tell 560
tear2 n. 560
ten to one 561
temper 561
than 562
term 562
that1 pron. 565
thank 565
that2 conj. 568
that3 adj. 571
the 572
then 579
there 581
therefore 582
thing 583
thick,-ly 583
think 584
this 585
though 586
through 588
thrice 588
throughout 589
tight,-ly 590
tide 590
throw 590
thunder 590
till 591
time 593
tired 597
times 597
to 598
together 599
too 600
tolerate 600
touch 603
top 603
to,-wards 604
trouble 605
town 605
trust 606
truly 606
true 606
try 607
truth 607
tune 608
turn 609
Uunable 611
type,-write 611
twice 611
uneasy 612
underneath 612
unaware,-s 612
unclouded 612
undermine 612
unless 613
universal 613
unique 613
until 614
unusually 615
unused 615
up 616
unwell 616
upright,-ly 617
upon 617
use 618
urgent 618
uptodate 618
urge 618
used 619
useless 620
utter1 v. 621
utmost 621
usual 621
usually 621
valuable 622
Vvainly 622
utter2 adj. 622
utterly 622
very 623
vastly 623
visible 625
view 625
vest 625
vote 626
vital 626
visit 626
want 627
wall 627
Wwage 627
wait 627
waste 629
wash 629
way 630
water 630
watch 630
wea? 633
we 633
weather2 v. 634
weather1 n. 634
wealth 634
well 635
welcome 635
weekend 635
weight 635
wet,-ted 637
what 638
when 641
whatever 641
whereabouts 644
where 644
whether 645
which 646
while 648
who 650
whole 651
whoever 651
whom 653
why 654
whose 654
will 655
wild,-ly 655
widow,-er 655
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wing 657
wind 657
win 657
wish 658
wise 658
with 659
without 662
within 662
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word 665
wood 665
won't 665
work2 v. 667
work1 n. 667
worse 668
worm 668
world 668
worthy 669
worth 669
would 670
write 671
wound 671
yet 672
Yyear 672
wrong,-ly 672
you 674
young 676
zero 677
Zzealous 677
youth 677
zest 678
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