- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴有训著;郭奕玲等编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7030054695
- 页数:202 页
Note on absorption measurements of the x-rays reflected from a calcite crystal,Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.10(1924)145 1
The wave—length of molybdenum Kαrays when scattered by light elements,by A.H.Compton and Y.H.Woo,Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.,10(1924)271 5
The wave—length of molybdenum Kαrays scattered by light elements,by A.H.Compton and Y.H.Woo,Phys.Rev.23(1924)763 8
Tests of the effect of an enclosing box on the spectrum of scattered x-rays,by A.H.Compton,J.A.Bearden and Y.H.Woo,Phys.Rev.25(1925)236 9
The Compton effect and tertiary X-radiation,Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.11(1925)123 10
The intensity of the scattering of X-rays by recoiling electrons,Phys.Rev.25(1925)444 13
The Compton effect,University of Chicago Dissertation(1925) 21
The distribution of energy between the modified and the unmodified rays in the Compton effect,Phys.Rev.27(1926)119 37
Ratio of intensities of modified and unmodified rays in the Compton effect,Phys.Rev.28(1926)426 48
The disappearance of the unmodified line in the Compton effect,Phys.Rev.28(1926)426 49
Intensity distribution in the Kαdoublet of the fluorescent X-radiation,Phys.Rev.28(1926)427 50
Intensity of total scattering of x-rays by monatomic gases,Nature,126(1930)501 51
Compton效应中变线强度与不变线强度之比率,清华学报,6卷2期(1930)23 53
On the intensity distribution between the Compton lines,Trans.Sci.Soc.China,7(1931)5 63
Scattering of x-rays by mercury vapour,Nature,127(1931)556 75
On the intensity of total scattering of x-rays by monatomic gases,Nat.Tsing Hua Univ.Sci.Rep.A1(1931)55 76
On the intensity of total scattering of x-rays by gases,Ⅰ,Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.17(1931)467 89
On the intensity of total scattering of x-rays by gases,Ⅱ,Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.17(1931)470 93
Temperature and diffuse scattering of X-rays from crystals,Phys.Rev.,38(1931)6 99
气体及晶体散射X线之理论(The scattering of x-rays by gases and crystals),中国物理学会第一次年会报告论文提要之六 108
多原子气体所散射X线之强度,吴有训陆学善(On the scattering of x-rays by polyatomic gases,by Y.H.Woo and S.S.Lu),中国物理学会第一次年会报告论文提要之七 109
立方晶体所散射X线之强度(Diffuse scattering of x-rays from cubic crystals),中国物理学会第一次年会报告论文提要之八 110
The scattering of x-rays by polyatomic gases,Phys.Rev.,39(1932)555 112
The scattering of X-rays by monatomic gases,Nat.Tsing Hua Univ.Sci.Rep.A1(1932)135 118
The scattering of x-rays by gases and crystals,Phys.Rev.41(1932)21 127
Note on scattering of x-rays by diatomic gases,Nat.Tsing Hua Univ.Sci.Rep.A1(1932)177 130
Note on the X-ray scattering coefficients of gases,by Y.H.Woo and C.P.Sun,Nat.Tsing Hua Univ.Sci.Rep.A111(1936)549 134
On the absorption of x-rays,by Y.H.Woo and C.P.Sun,Nat.Tsing Hua Uniu.Sci.Rep.,AIV(1941)398 139
On the absorption of X-rays Ⅱ,by Y.H.Woo and Y.H.Hu,Sci.Rec.Academia Sinica,Vol.1,(1945)407 160
The slow neutron induced activities of Germanium,by Y.H.Woo,C.E.Mandeville,M.V.Scherb and W.B.Keighton,Bull.Am.Phys.Soc.24,13(1949) 162
Radiations from Ge77 and Ge71,by C.E.MandeviUe,Y.H.Woo,M.V.Scherb,W.B.Keighton and E.Shapiro,Phys.Rev.75(1949)1528 163
附录 170
近代物理备课手稿 170
有关层子理论工作的一封信 194
有关科研工作的七点意见 199
编后记 201
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