业务流程重组 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)乔·佩皮帕德(JoePeppard),(英)菲利普·罗兰(PhilipRowland)著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社;普兰蒂斯霍尔出版公司
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7300024866
- 页数:256 页
Part1:Business Process Re-engineering 1
1 What is Business Process Re-engineering? 3
The traditional organization 5
Business Process Re-engineering-just the 1atest management fad? 13
Summary 21
References 23
2 The imperative to re-engineer business processes 25
The new market-place-the war zone 26
The public sector 30
Economics 32
The rise of quality 34
The IT'black hole' 35
Deciding on BPR 38
Summary 41
References 42
Part2:Underlying principles 45
3 Product and service delivery processes 47
The service task 47
New product development 58
Components of an organization 61
Lead time 64
Capacity management 65
Inventory management 67
Quality management 71
Performance measurement 75
Managing the front office 80
Managing the back office in a manufacturing firm 84
Managing the back office in a service firm 91
An overall process design 94
Summary 95
References 96
4 Organizing people:new organizational blueprints 99
Culture 101
Organization-teams 104
Organization-functions 110
Empowerment 111
Behaviour,skills and development 113
Recruitment and selection 115
Pay and rewards 116
Training and development 117
Making the most of people:the learning organization 119
Summary 120
References 121
5 Exploiting information technology 123
Information as a factor of production 125
Artificial intelligence 129
Communications 132
Multimedia 140
Workflow automation 141
Virtual reality 141
Issues surroundingIT 146
Summary of key points 149
References 151
Part3:Making it happen 153
6 Redesigning processes 155
Process redesign-doing it 161
Where to start 164
Understand existing process 169
Stationery requests-an example 174
Systematic redesign-of an existing process 180
Clean sheet-designing a new process 194
Summary 197
References 200
7 Realizing the benefits:managing change 203
Create the environment 205
Analyse,diagnose and redesign processes 215
Redesign the organization's infrastructure 220
Pilot and roll-out 222
Realize vision 224
Flows between the five stages 226
Issues of power and politics 228
Summary 231
References 233
8 Succeeding at BPR 235
Some guidelines for success 237
Pitfalls to avoid 242
References 245
Epilogue 247
Further reading 250
Index 251
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