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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:科(Coe,N)著;王克强译
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:1987
  • ISBN:756000136X
  • 页数:298 页

前言 1

目录 1

第一章 名词词组 3

小引 3

表格 5

表一 限定词及其有关词 5

1.Their son washed the dishes 7

名词 7

2.Food is more important than art 8

3.There isn t much furniture in the flat 9

4.Smoking cigarettes is bad for you 9

5.Mary has never met Mr Jones 10

6.On Saturday we went to Brighton 11

7.Did the Mackeys stay at the Grand? 12

8.The Canaries is the place that my family like best 13

A houseboat 14

9.A boathouse 14

10.Mary s coat was in my brother sbedroom 17

11.I think there s a dentist s next to the butcher s 19

12.I met afriend of Susan s at the party 19

限定词等 20

13.Kate ate a banana and an apple 20

14.The ink was in the cupboard 21

15.The young have little sympathy for the old 23

16.My mother s English but my father s a Swede 23

17.Onions are good for you 26

18.She likes art and classical music 27

19.This picture is interesting.That s interesting as well 27

20.I bought some postcards but I didn t get anystamps 29

21.Do they need any extra workers? 31

Would you like some tea ? 31

22.They had no food and no tickets 32

23.Did you have much trouble? 34

There weren t many cars in town 34

24.She uses a lot of eggs in her cooking 35

25.There were a few people in the park 36

Put a little water in the soup 36

26.Few companies have shown any interest 37

The council has given us little encouragement 37

27.She earns more money than I do 38

29.There are fewer students this term than last term 40

28.This car uses less petrol than our old one 40

30.We need three pounds of rice,two tins of soup and a coupleof big tomatoes 41

31.I heard too much talk and saw too little action 43

32.Are there enough screws to finish the job? 43

33.All animals need water 44

34.The children prepared the whole meal 46

35.Both windows were broken 47

36.Each member is allowed two tickets 47

37.Every box is like this one 48

38.I don t like either of them 49

I like neither of them 49

39.Can you play any other tunes? 49

40.He s such a fool(that)you can t talk to him 51

41.What lovely flowers those are! 51

42.You and I must talk about this problem 52

代词等 52

43.Fred telephoned me yesterday 53

44.Your brother has borrowed my bike 54

45.What language do they speak in Yugoslavia? 56

46.This record is mine 57

47.I didn t recognise myself in the film 57

48.We often lend each other records 58

49.Do you mean the big house or the little one? 58

50.I think there s something behind the door 59

51.Somebody telephoned while you were out 59

52.I need somebody strong to help me 60

53.Everything is made of atoms 60

54.Everybody needs to eat and sleep 61

55.Did you notice the girls at the bus-stop? 61

后置修饰 61

56.The people playing tennis were friends of mine 62

57.The girl mentioned in the report was innocent 63

58.The circle that has an L inside is on the left 64

The square,which has a Tinside,is at the top 64

59.I like The girl that sang 65

60.My parents know the people(that)I work for 67

61.I met the girl whose picture was in the paper 68

62.Do you know the factory where Mr Bingham works? 68

63.York,which is in the north,has a magnificent cathedral 69

64.Ann came early,which surprised everybody 70

65.I need some scissors to cut this paper(with) 70

66.Mrs Lee is the best person to ask 71

67.The Johnsons were the first guests to arrive 72

第二章 形容词、状语和介词词组 73

小引 73

68.The tall girl is my daughter 75

My daughter is tall 75

形容词 75

69.An attractive young Welsh girl sang the first song 76

70.Our house is about as big as that one 77

71.Fred is taller than Kate 78

72.That s the oldest restaurant in the town 80

73.It s the same colour but a different shape 82

74.The clothes should be completely dry 82

76.How stupid we were! 83

75.She s so clever(that)she doesn t need to study 83

77.These shoes are too small for Brian 84

78.This coat isn t big enough for Sara 85

79.Mrs Norton is always lucky at cards 86

80.Our children were sure(that)we would agree 87

81.Pat was content to let the others talk 88

82.The boys are sure to break something 89

状语 89

83.On Saturday we worked quickly to get home early 89

84.They worked hard yesterday 90

Yesterday they worked hard 90

85.She dresses very smartly 93

86.You can obtain a free poster by sending 50 pence 94

87.They smashed the glass with a brick 94

88.They ran down towards the factory 94

90.They only dance in the evenings 96

89.We ll call again tomorrow 96

91.Jim also plays billiards on Saturdays 97

92.This is pretty,and that is,too 98

93.This isn t long enough,and that isn t,either 98

94.Fred s already here,but Penny hasn t come yet 99

95.We re still waiting for the delivery 100

96.She doesn t sing any longer 100

She no longer sings 100

97.We moved into this flat about a year ago 101

98.We could hardly see anything 102

介词词组 102

99.On Friday they were on top of those boxes 102

100.It s on the table in that room 105

101.Sara was born at 2 o clock on the seventeenth of July 107

102.Reports of the incident are still coming in 109

103.Did you come by bus or by train? 110

104.Peter isn t at schooltoday 111

105.I m speaking asafriend 112

You talk like my boss 112

106.We changed our plans because of his late arrival 113

We changed our plans because he arrived late 113

小引 115

第三章 动词词组 115

表二 表示“义务”、“允许”和“禁止”的情态动词 116

表三 表示“推测”的情态动词 117

表四 动词词组的不同结构 119

107.Her mother is a good cook 125

Be,have 125

108.Where were you yeserday? 127

110.I have(got)two sisters 128

109.The children are cold 128

111.Mr Dobson had a motorbike when he was young 130

112.Can you speak English? 131

情态动词等 131

113.I could swim when I was six 132

114.The sailors managed to swim to the island 133

115.May I come in? 134

116.Joe might come tomorrow 135

117.Will Robin go to the match? 136

118.Shall I make some tea? 137

119.People should be more careful 138

120.You ought to report the matter to the police 139

121.Kate used to be really thin 139

122.Would you open the door,please? 141

123.You had better go there today 143

124.You must get there before nine o clock 143

125.You have(got)to send the papers this week 144

126.Jane had to go to prison 145

127.You are to follow the instructions to the letter 146

129.She can t have loved him very much 147

130.My sister could have been a lawyer 147

128.It must have rained during the night 147

131.They might have taken a later train 148

132.You should have taken an umbrella 148

133.We don t dare(to)open it 150

134.This company needs some new ideas 150

135.You needn t have brought a towel with you 152

动词形式 153

136.Open the door,please 153

137.Let s go to the cinema 153

138.Mrs Jones is talking to a customer 154

139.I am playing football on Saturday 155

140.They are always asking for money 155

141.I work in that office 157

142.Now I understand 158

143.Their train leaves at 9.20 this evening 160

144.Keegan beats the back and crosses the ball to the far 161

145.We are going to see a play on Friday 161

post 161

146.Tom has broken a cup 162

147.My grandfather has never visited London 163

148.I haven t seen her since we left school 164

149.Fred has been cleaning his car 165

150.Yesterday Mrs Turner went to Plymouth 165

151.We were listening to the radio 167

152.They were going to have a party last Saturday 169

153.When Mr Trent arrived,Val had already left 170

154.Tom had been working in the garden 171

155.In two hours I will be doing the exam 172

156.I will have finished this book by tomorrow 172

157.She will have been swimming for two hours 173

小引 175

158.What did Fred cook? 175

Who cooked the meat ? 175

疑问词 175

第四章 句子程式 175

159.What can you do ? 177

161.Which came first,the chicken or the egg? 178

160.Who is coming to the party? 178

162.Whose mother is in hospital? 179

What s your sister like? 180

163.How do you make an omelette? 180

164.How s your sister? 180

165.How many people came? 180

How much can you carry? 180

166.How tall are you? 181

168.How often do you wash your hair? 182

How long did the concert last? 182

167.How far have you walked? 182

169.Who(m)would you like to speak to? 183

171.Where do you live? 185

170.When do the shops open? 185

172.Why did you shout? 186

What are they queuing for? 186

被动态 187

173.Animals are forbidden 187

174.Susan was given a bicycle 190

175.I m going to have my hair cut tomorrow 191

176.Her mother is said to be abrilliant linguist 192

Peter said(that)he liked the park 192

177.Peter said,‘I like the park.’ 192

间接引语 192

She asked where he lived 197

178.‘Where do you live?’she asked 197

179.‘Stand up!’she said 198

180.She said(that)she Was hungry.…………………………(199)She told them(that)she was hungry 199

She told me to stand up 199

Tell me what to do 200

181.Tell me what I should do 200

名词分句 200

182.Ask whoever you like 201

引导主语there和it 202

183.There is some butter in the fridge 202

185.It s five miles to the nearest petrol station 204

186.It took us two months to paint the whole flat 204

184.It was very cold in Paris 204

187.It s great that she s out of hospital 205

188.It seems(that)they are out 206

189.It s easy to make a mistake 207

190.Wendy reads the newspaper after supper 209

第五章 补语的类型 209

小引 209

直接宾语 209

191.They are looking for a key 210

192.Keep Britain tidy! 211

Mike took in the glasses 212

193.Mike took the glasses in 212

194.Sue took the waist in 214

Sue took in the waist 214

195.We must face up to the facts 215

196.Everybody calls me Kate 215

197.I consider your plan(to be)unwise 216

We want to rest 217

199.Don enjoys helping people 217

198.We want a rest 217

200.I love walking in the rain 219

211.The police warned us of the danger 220

202.We found my brother dancing in a nightclab 220

201.I didn t like them whistling like that 220

204.I watched my cousin arrange some flowers 222

203.My wife soon gotthe fire going 222

206.Onions always make me cry 223

205.We watched a policeman directing traffic 223

They tried opening the door 224

207.They trred to open the door 224

208.Would you like a book to read? 227

209.I realised(that)it was too late 228

We hope not 229

210.I think so 229

212.Find out who did it 231

213.James sent a letter to his cousin 232

直接宾语和间接宾语 232

215.James handed his wife the paintbrush 233

214.We bought a cassette for my mother 233

216.Mother asked David to telephone 234

217.The guide informed us(that)it was closed 236

218.They showed my brother how to make omelettes 236

219.My sister often sleeps until 11 or 12 o clock 237

没有宾语 237

220.The paint ran out while we were aslecp 238

221.The time ran out before I had finished 239

222.We all had to stand clear 240

223.Doy ou often go fishing? 240

224.I m waiting to play 241

I m waiting for my turn 241

225.Later Ken became quite famous 242

小引 244

第六章 并列与从属 244

226.My father sout and my mother s in the bathroom 246

并列 246

227.Both Sue and her sister have had flu 247

228.Neither the staff nor the students liked the exam 247

system 247

从属 248

229.When Mary comes to see us,we usually play cards 248

230.When she arrives,everything will be ready 248

231.When the train stopped,everybody jumped out 249

232.When I opened the curtains,it was snowing 249

233.The phone rang while I was doing my exercises 250

235.Since he isn t very well,he mostly stays at home 251

234.I ran because I was late 251

237.(Al)though he smiled,he wasn t really happy 252

236.I was late,so I ran 252

boring 253

239.If we open the door,(then)the flies come in 253

238.While some parts were funny,others were rather 253

240.If Keith phones,(then)I will explain everything 254

holiday 255

241.If I had a thousand pounds,(hen)I would take a 255

242.If I had studied,(then)I would have passed the exam 257

244.It looks as if he s coming to our house 258

243.Even if we took a taxi,we wouldn t get there in time 258

245.I wish(that)they were cheaper 259

246.We will do the work provided(that)they pay in advance. 259

248.I ll definitely come tomorrow in case you need some 260

help 260

247.We can t write to her unless we have her address 260

249.The more you read,the more you learn 261

250.We sat close together(in order)to keep warm 261

251.She spoke slowly so(that)everyone would understand 261

Scissors are for cutting paper(with) 262

252.I need some scissors to cut this paper(with) 262

253.肯定与否定;some,类词与any类词 263

附录 263

表五 some类词、any类词与否定词 265

254.数词 266

255.时刻表示法 269

256.规则词尾拼写规则 270

257.不规则名词 272

258.不规则比较级和最高级 274

259.不规则动词表 275

260.常用多字动词表 277

语法索引 283

词汇索引 288
