大学英语教程 第4册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨立民主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:1986
- ISBN:756001111X
- 页数:537 页
Lesson One 1
Text: The Pleasure of Learning by Gilbert Highet 1
Word Study: maintain, convey, develop, contain, order 13
Grammar: Rather 29
Lesson Two 42
Text: A Dill Pickle by Katherine Mansfield 42
Word Study: fix, stretch, bear, beyond, become of, apart 56
Grammar: Negative Questions as a Form of Invitation and Suggestion 71
Lesson Three 81
Text: Solve That Problem—with Humor by William D. Ellis 81
Word Study: assign, draft, issue, consider, handle, patch, in the course of 95
Grammar: More About Adverbial Clauses of Time 114
Lesson Four 126
Text: Unforgettable Johnny Broderick by Toots Shor 126
Word Study: effect, off, as good as, tackle, drive 140
2.Some Uses of As 156
Lesson Five 171
Text: History and Historian by Allen F. Davis and Harold D. Woodman 171
Word Study: lack, concern, pursue, conclude, suggest, by way of 183
Grammar: 1. Transitional Expressions 198
2.Some Uses of One 198
Lesson Six 213
Text: The Enormous Radio by John Cheever 213
Word Study: intend, pronounce, more uses of the word work, more uses of the word strike 231
Grammar: Adverbial Clauses Cut Short 247
Lesson Seven 259
Text: The$ 99, 000 Answer by Leonard Stern and Sydney Zelinka 259
Word Study: wish, clear, be at a loss as to, talk somebody out of/into something, be liable to do something, appeal 283
2.Adjective + to-infinitive 299
Lesson Eight 314
Text: The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell 314
Word Study: strain, claim, but for, dress, focus, score 329
Grammar and Usage: Figurative Language 343
Lesson Nine 355
Text: In My Day by Russel Baker 355
Word Study: utter, define, mind, prevent, amount to 368
Grammar and Usage: Preposition + which/whom 379
Lesson Ten 388
Text: The American Character by Bradford Smith 388
Word Study: deny, result, demand, need, infinitive phrase of result 404
2.The Subjunctive Mood After Whether in Conditional Clauses 418
Lesson Eleven 428
Text: On Being the Right Size by J.B.S.Haldane 428
Word Study: engage, reduce, project, compose, hit 444
Grammar and Usage: Ways of Expressing Similarities and Differences 457
Lesson Twelve 467
Text: The Shelter by Rod Serling 467
Word Study: deserve, admit, remind, space 497
Grammar and Usage: Link Verbs 511
Lesson Thirteen 521
Text: The Damned Human Race by Mark Twain 521
Word Study: adopt, offer, at, oblige, render 536
Grammar and Usage: Negation 551
Lesson Fourteen 562
Text: Propaganda Techniques in Today s Advertising by Ann McClintock 562
Word Study: favor, apply, state, respect 576
Grammar and Usage: The Present Continuous Passive and the Passive Present Participle 590
Lesson Fifteen 599
Text: Japan: The Productivity Challenge by Michael LeBoeuf 599
Word Study: commit, control, regard, promote 614
Grammar and Usage : 1. Fractions and Percentages 633
2. Like Used to Compare Things 633
Lesson Sixteen 645
Text: The Never-ending Fight by Isaac Asimov 645
Word Study: address, more uses of word, otherwise, dispose 659
Grammar and Usage: More Expressions of Condition and Concession 673
Vocabulary List 685
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