大学英语六级应试题典 写作200题PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵仕凤,王义静主编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7561113994
- 页数:315 页
上篇 英文作文综述 1
第一章 大学英语六级考试作文题分析及具体写作指导 1
第一节 “大学英语六级考试大纲”、作文题评分原则及标准 1
一、考试大纲(节选) 1
二、作文题评分原则 1
三、评分标准 2
第二节 大学英语六级考试作文题样题解析 3
一、1997年大学英语六级作文题 3
二、1993年6月大学英语六级作文题 6
第三节 大学英语六级考试作文题题型分析及具体写作指导 9
一、根据提纲作文 9
二、根据图表作文 11
三、根据主题句作文 14
四、根据题目作文 16
五、根据所给关键词作文 17
六、根据所给文章写出摘要或大意 18
第四节 大学英语六级考试作文题具体写作指导小结 21
第二章 短文写作 22
第一节 文体 22
一、记叙文(Narration) 22
二、描写文(Description) 28
三、说明文(Exposition) 31
四、议论文(Argumentation) 32
五、应用文 35
二、开篇(Introductory Paragraph) 40
第二节 开篇与结尾 40
一、作文的要素 40
三、结尾(Concluding Paragraph) 43
第三节 过渡 47
第四节 扩展段主要写作方法简介及示例 49
一、列举法(Listing) 49
二、举例说明法(Examples) 50
三、比较对照法(Comparision andContrast) 51
四、因果关系法(Cause and Effect) 53
五、定义法(Definition) 54
六、分类法(Classification) 56
七、时间顺序记叙法(Time) 58
八、空间顺序描述法(Space) 59
九、过程描述法(Process) 61
下篇 范文解析与实践操练 63
1.An International Pen Pal 63
2.Advertising 64
3.Functions of a Newspaper 66
4.The Importance of Rain 67
5.Failure 69
6.The Problem of Population 70
7.Changes on Leisure Time Activities 72
8.A Survey on Hours of Study and Average Scores 75
9.Should Firecrackers Be Banned? 77
10.Advertising:Good or Bad? 79
11.Capital Punishment:For or Against? 81
12.The Qualities of a Friend 83
13.Youth 84
14.Honesty Is the Best Policy 86
15.The Teacher-Student Relationship 87
16.Our Responsibilities 89
17.Staying Healthy 90
18.A Smile or a Frown 91
19.Stresses of Celebrities 93
20.Stupidity 94
21.The Human Impact on the Environment 96
22.My College Idol 97
23.Mother's Day 99
24.How to Get Rid of an Unwanted Admirer 100
25.How to Complain 102
26.Childhood Fears 103
27.A Violent Night 105
28.A Bad Accident 106
29.A Baseball Fan 108
30.Noise Pollution 109
31.Dealing with Disappointment 111
32.One's Background and His Personality 112
33.Weight Lifting 114
34.Successful Exercise 115
35.Teens and Jobs 116
36.A Vote against Computer in Writing Classroom 118
37.Downward Slide 120
38.Inflation 121
39.Rackets or Tennis? 123
40.One Vote for Cafeteria Lunches 124
41.Race between Education and Catastrophe 126
42.Love 127
43.Harmful Effects of Watching Television 129
44.Problems of My Adolescence 132
45.Protect the Environment from Ourselves 133
46.Reactions to Disappointment 135
47.Separation of Powers:How it Works 136
48.Hope Project 138
49.Liberation of Women 139
50.The Use of a College Library 141
51.Rainy Days at Home 142
52.My Favorite Fishing Place 143
53.The Advantages of Being Fat 144
54.My Twin and I 145
55.How to Make Chili 147
56.My Favorite Place 148
57.My Home 150
58.A Night in the Library 152
59.The Asylum 153
60.The Advantages of Increasing Your Vocabulary 154
61.An Unforgettable Musical Night 155
62.Advertisements 157
63.Travel 159
64.From High School to College 160
65.How to Spend the Weekend 161
66.Hobbies 162
67.Physical Exercises 164
68.Computers 165
69.My Favorite Activities 167
70.If I Were the Director of a Research Program 169
71.More Freedom,Less Interference 170
72.For or Against Building a Big Factory near Our Community 171
73.Comparative Ratings of Four Brands of Bread 173
74.To Live to Be a Hundred 175
75.My Favorite Sports 176
76.Satisfied or Dissatisfied 177
77.College Entrants Earning Degrees at Different Levels 179
78.Preparing to Go Abroad to Study 181
79.The Payroll of L.T.D.INC 183
80.How to Produce Photographs 185
81.Wit and Humor 187
82.Attending College 188
83.Patriotism 189
84.Women's Fashions and Men's Fashions 190
85.Advantages of Typing 192
86.Older and Younger Sisters 193
87.Fate 194
88.To Live a Moral Life 195
89.Route to Success 197
90.The Four Seasons 198
91.Living in the City or in the Country 199
92.Televisions 201
93.The Three Major Influences on My Life 202
94.Trying to Decide Which College to Attend 204
95.How to Make Friends in a Foreign Country 206
96.The Bright Child and the Dull Child 208
97.Changes of People's Diet 210
98.Three Types of Automobiles 211
99.Automobiles 213
100.Living in a Big City 214
101.How to Prepare for a Job Interview 215
102.Preparations for Final Examinations 216
103.Newspapers 218
104.A Description of Tian'anmen Square 219
105.Physical Activities and Intellectual Pastimes 220
106.My Opinion on Examinations 221
107.The Mid-Autumn Festival 223
108.Contact Lenses and Eyeglasses 224
109.How to Build a Wood Fire 225
110.A Typical Day in My Life 227
111.Language for Communication 228
112.Television Is Bad for Children 229
113.A Road Accident 231
114.Sports in Our Country 232
115.Is Intelligence Born or Developed? 234
116.A Wealth of Pleasures 235
117.Cheating at Examinations 236
118.TOEFL Is Hard 237
119.Living at College or at Home 239
120.The Objective Test and the Essay Exam 240
121.The Great Wall 241
122.Our College 242
123.Energy 243
124.My Messy Study 244
125.China's Population in Different Periods 246
126.Making Decision 248
127.Colours and People 250
128.Cigarette Smoking 251
129.Living in the Present 252
130.Bicycles 254
131.Making Dumplings 255
132.Tolerance 256
133.Different Roommates 258
134.Summer Jobs 259
135.Sex:There Is a Difference! 261
136.One-Child Policy Enforce by Taxation 262
137.Advertisements on TV 263
138.Attending College at One's Own Expense 264
139.How Does a Sick Person Feel? 265
140.A Hospital Scene 267
141.Want to Fail in College? 269
142.The Modern Teenage Girl 270
143.For the Worthy Use of Leisure Time 271
144.What Is Language? 273
145.Iceland 275
146.How to Open a Bottle of Wine 277
147.Which Bicycle to Buy 279
148.The Average Family Expenses in the United States 281
149.The Families of Stars 283
150.The Sizes of the United States 285
151.Normal Working Week Should Be Reduced to 30 Hours 287
152.Normal Working Week Should NOT Be Reduced to 30 Hours 288
153.On Reducing Working Week to 30 Hours 290
154.Letter Inquiring about(or Applying for)a Job 291
155.Letter Replying to Complaint of Damage 292
156.Letter Applying to Study Abroad 293
157.Letter to a Friend 294
158.A Day off Work 295
159.How to Be Successfulin an Interview 297
160.Career Requirements 300
161.Student Newspaper 303
162.My Mother's Hands 306
163.The Sixth Sense 310
参考书目(References) 315
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- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《思维导图 超好用英语单词书》(中国)王若琳 2019
- 《初中生英语作文 提高篇》清瑶主编 2019
- 《培生高级英语语法 练习册》培生教育 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 七年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《365奇趣英语乐园 世界民间故事》爱思得图书国际企业 2018
- 《新课标背景下英语教学理论与教学活动研究》应丽君 2018
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
- 《幼儿英语游戏活动指导与实训》苏小菊,任晓琴主编;颜晓芳,覃静,谢恬恬,钟博维副主编 2020
- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
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- 《大学英语教学的跨文化交际视角研究与创新发展》许丽云,刘枫,尚利明著 2020
- 《复旦大学新闻学院教授学术丛书 新闻实务随想录》刘海贵 2019
- 《大学英语综合教程 1》王佃春,骆敏主编 2015
- 《大学物理简明教程 下 第2版》施卫主编 2020
- 《大学化学实验》李爱勤,侯学会主编 2016
- 《中国十大出版家》王震,贺越明著 1991
- 《近代民营出版机构的英语函授教育 以“商务、中华、开明”函授学校为个案 1915年-1946年版》丁伟 2017