- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:邵美贞主编
- 出 版 社:成都:四川科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7536432909
- 页数:205 页
1 Magnesium Metablism and the Vital Roles in Life Processes 1
1.1 Distribution of Magnesium 1
第一部分 概论 1
PartⅠ:General Introduction 1
1 镁的正常代谢及在生命过程中的重要作用 1
1.1 镁的分布 1
1.2 Modulation of Magnesium Balance 2
1.2 镁平衡的调节 2
1.3 镁的生理生化 4
1.3 Physiological and Biological ASPECTS OF MAGNESIUM 4
2 低镁血症 7
2.1 Etiology of Magnesium Deficiency 7
2.1 镁缺乏的病因 7
2 Hypomagnesemia 7
2.3 缺镁的临床表现 9
2.2 Pathology of Magnesium Deficiency 9
2.3 Clinical Manifestation of Magnesium Deficiency 9
2.2 缺镁的病理改变 9
2.4 缺镁的诊断 10
2.4 Diagnosis of Magnesium Deficiency 10
3.1 病因 12
3 高镁血症 12
3.1 Etiology 12
3 Hypermagnesemia 12
3.2 Clinical Manifestation of Hypermagnesemia 13
3.3 高镁血症的诊断 13
3.4 高镁血症的治疗 13
3.2高镁血症的临床表现 13
3.3 Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypermagnesemia 13
PartⅡ:Magnesium and Clinical Diseases 14
4 Magnesium and Cardiac Arrhythmias 14
4.1 Mechanism of Cardiac Arrhythmia due to Magnesium Deficiency 14
第二部分 镁与临床疾病 14
4.1 缺镁引起心律失常的机理 14
4 镁与心律失常 14
4.2 ECG and Electrophysiologic Effects of Hypo and HyperMagnesemia 15
4.2 低镁、高镁的心电图及电生理效应 15
4.3.1 Magnesium Deficiency and Digitalis Intoxication 17
4.3.1缺镁与洋地黄中毒性心律失常 17
4.3 镁的抗心律失常作用 17
4.3 The Antiarrhythmic Role of Magnesium 17
4.3.2镁剂在抢救心脏急症中的重要作用 20
4.3.2 The Impotance Role of Magnesium in Cadiac Emergency 20
4.3.3 Treatment of Torsade de Pointes With Magnesium Sulfate 21
4.3.3镁剂治疗尖端扭转型室速 21
4.3.4 Clinical Effects of Magnesium in the treatmennt of Supraventricular Tachyarrbythmia 22
4.3.4 镁剂治疗室上性快速心律失常 22
4.4 镁抗心律失常的机理 23
4.4 Mechanism of Antiarrhythmic action of Magesium 23
4.5 Clinical Applications of Magnesium Treatment in Arrhythmias 24
4.5 镁剂治疗心律失常的适应症及方法 24
5.3 补镁对心肌收缩性的影响 25
5 镁与心力衰竭 25
5.2 Magnesium Deficiency Exacerbates Severe Heart Failure 25
5.4 Correlation of Magnesium and sudden Death of the patient withHeart Failure 25
5.3 Effect of Myocardial Contractility of Magnesium Supplement 25
5.1 Magnesium Deficiency in Patients with Heart Failure 25
5 Magnesium and Heart Failure 25
5.4 镁与充血性心力衰竭患者猝死的关系 25
5.2 缺镁加重心力衰竭 25
5.1 慢性充血性心力衰竭患者镁缺乏 25
5.4.1 低镁与心力衰竭患者室性心律失常和猝死 26
5.4.2 镁在预防心力衰竭者猝死中的地位 26
5.4.1 Magnesium Deficiency and Ventricular Arrhythmias and Sudcen Death in Patient with Heart Failu 26
5.4.2 Importance of Magnesium in the Prevention of Sudden Death in Patients with Heart Failure 26
6.1 缺镁在冠心病病因学中的影响 28
6 Magnesium and Coronary Hart Disease 28
6.1 Effcct of Magnesum Defuciency in the Etiology of CHD 28
6.1.1 Epedemiological Studies. 28
6.1.2 Magnesium Deficiency and Atherosclerosis. 28
6.1.1 流行病学研究资料 28
6.1.2 缺镁对动脉硬化形成的影响 28
6 镁与冠心病 28
6.1.3 缺镁与冠状动脉痉挛 29
6.1.3 Magnesium and Coronary Spasm. 29
6.3 Experimental Study of Magnesiumm in the Prevention of Magnesium 30
6.3.1 Protection Against Acute Experimental Mycardial Ischemia with Magnesium 30
6.2 Correlation of Magnesium and Myocardial Ischemia 30
6.2 心肌缺血与镁的关系 30
6.3 镁防治心肌缺血的实验研究 30
6.3.1 镁对急性实验性心肌缺血的保护作用 30
6.4 镁与急性心肌梗塞 31
6.4 Magnesium and Acute Myocardial Infarction 31
6.3.2 Protection Against Mycardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury with Magnesium 31
6.3.2 镁对心肌缺血一再灌注损伤的保护作用 31
6.4.1 急性心肌梗塞患者镁、钾与严重心律失常 32
6.4.2 镁缺乏易导致梗塞的机理 32
6.4.2 Mechanism of Magnesium Deficiency in Myocardial Infarction 32
6.4.1 Abnormality of Magnesium and Potassium and Severe Carrdiac Arrrhythmias in Patients with AMI 32
6.4.3 镁剂治疗急性心肌梗塞的临床研究 33
6.4.3 Clinical Study of Magnesium Therapy for AMI 33
6.5 镁剂治疗冠心病心绞痛的临床效应 34
6.4.4 镁剂治疗及减少急性心肌梗塞病死率的机理 34
6.4.5 镁剂治疗急性心肌梗塞的方法及剂量 34
6.4.4 Mechanism of Magnesium Therapy in Lowering the Case Fatality Rate of AMI 34
6.4.5 Methods and dosage of Magnesium Therapy in AMI 34
6.5 Clinic Effects of Magnesium treatment in Patients with Angina Pectoris 34
6.6 The Effects of Magnesium on Restenosis After Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty 35
6.6 镁对经皮冠状动脉成形术(PTCA)后再狭窄的效应 35
6.7.2 Myocardial Magnesium Deficiency and IHD Sudden Death 36
6.7.4 镁与应激 36
6.7.1 Magnesium Deficiency as Onc of the Important Factors of Ventricular Fibrillation 36
6.7.3 Magnesium Deficiency Resulting in Coronary Spasm 36
6.7.4 Magnesium and Stress 36
6.7.3 缺镁可引起冠状动脉痉挛 36
6.7.2 心肌镁缺乏与冠心病猝死 36
6.7 Magnesium Deficiency and Cardiac Sudden Death 36
6.7.1 心肌缺镁是造成心室纤颤的重要因素之一 36
6.7 镁缺乏与心脏性猝死 36
6.7.5 镁对缺血心肌的保护作用 37
6.7.5 Protection of Magnesium Against Myocardial Ischemia 37
7.1.2 Epidemiological Study of Magnesium and Hypertension 39
7.1.1 Magnesium Modulating the Intra-and ExtracelluIar Sodium and Calcium Transport 39
7.1 Association of Magnesium Deficiency and the Etiology of Hypertension 39
7 Magnesium and Hypertension 39
7.1.2 镁与血压关系的流行病学研究 39
7.1.1 镁调节细胞内外钠、钙运转 39
7.1 镁缺乏与高血压发病因素的关系 39
7 镁与高血压 39
7.2.2 Magnesium Concentration in Experimental Hyperrension 40
7.2.2 实验主血压水平检查分析 40
7.2 高血压与镁代谢异常 40
7.2.1 高血压患者镁水平与血压的关系 40
7.2.1 Relationship between Magnesium level and Blood Pressure in Patients with Hypertension 40
7.2 Hypertension and Magnesium Metabolic Abnormality 40
7.3.2 镁影响血压的动物实验 41
7.3.1 Clinical Effect of Magnesium in Lowering the Blood Pressure 41
7.3 Magensium in the treatment of Hypertension 41
7.3.2 Animal Experimental Study of Magnesium on Blood Presssure 41
7.3.1 镁降压的临床效应 41
7.3 镁剂治疗高血压 41
7.3.3 Clinical Significance of Oral Magnesium Treatment in Essential Hypertension 42
7.3.3 口服镁剂治疗高血压临床意义 42
8.1 Magnesium and Peripartal Cardiomyopatay and Toxemias in Pregnancy 43
8.2 Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy and Magnesium Deficiency 43
8 Magnesium and Cardiomyopathy 43
8 镁与心肌病 43
8.1 镁与围产期心肌病 43
8.2 酒精性心肌病与缺镁 43
8.4 克山病与镁缺乏 44
8.3 Diabetic Cardiomyopathy and Magnesium Deficiency 44
8.3 糖尿病性心肌病与缺镁 44
8.4 KeShan Diseae and Magnesium Deficiency 44
8.5 Infantile Cardiomyopathy and Magnesium Deficiency 45
8.5 婴幼儿心肌病与缺镁 45
9.3 心脏外科镁异常的病理生理学 51
9.1 Magnesium and Physiology relating to Cardiac Surgery 51
9.2 心脏外科的镁代谢异常的原因 51
9.1 镁与心脏外科有关的生理学 51
9 Magnesium and Clinical Cardiac Surgery 51
9 镁与临床心血管外科 51
9.2 The Cause of Abnormal Magnesium Metabolism in Cardiac Surgery 51
9.3 Pathophysiology of Abnormal Magnesium Metabolism in Cardiac Surgery 51
9.4 临床心脏外科的围术期处理与镁治疗 52
9.4 Peri-operative Managment and Magnesium Therapy in Clinical Cardiac Surgery 52
9.6 The Management of Hypermagnesemia 53
9.5 镁的补充方法 53
9.5 The Method of Magnesium Supplementation 53
9.6 高镁血症的处理 53
10.2影响肾脏镁转运的因素 55
10.1.3 Terminal Nephrone Segments 55
10.1.2 Loop of Henle 55
10.1.1 Glomerular Filtration and Proximal Tubular Absorptionn 55
10.1 Normal Transportation of Magnesium in Kidney 55
10 Magnesium and Kidney 55
10.1.1肾小球滤过和近端小管吸收 55
10.1.2亨利氏袢 55
10.1.3末端肾单位 55
10.2 Factors Affecting Renal Magnesium Transportation 55
10.1镁在肾脏正常转运 55
10 镁与肾脏 55
10.2.2各种激素对肾脏镁重吸收影响 56
10.2.1非激素原因 56
10.2.2 Various Hormones Affecting Magnesium Reabsorption in the Kidney 56
10.2.1 Nonhormonal Factors 56 先天性或家族性肾镁损耗 57
10.3.1 肾镁损耗导致的低镁血症 57
10.3肾脏镁异常调节 57
10.3 Abnormal Renal Magnesium Regulation 57
10.3.1 Hypomagnesemia due to Renal Magnesium Wasting 57 Congenital or Familial Renal Magnesium Wasting 57 Other Endocrine Disorders 58 Drugs Related to Renal Magnesium Wasting 58 其它内分泌紊乱 58 与药物有关的肾镁损耗 58
10.3.2 Hypermagnesemia due to Renal Magnesium Retention 59
10.3.2肾镁潴留导致的高镁血症 59
10.4 Magnesium and Kidney Disease 60
10.4 镁与肾脏疾病 60
11.1.2 生长激素与镁 61
11.1.1 抗利尿激素与镁 61
11 镁与内分泌疾病 61
11.1 内分泌激素与镁 61
11.1.3 甲状腺激素与镁 61
11 Magnesium and Endocrine Disease 61
11.1 Hormones and Magnesium 61
11.1.1 Antiduiretic Hormone and Magnesium 61
11.1.2 Grouth Hormone and Magnesium 61
11.1.3 Thyroid Hormone and Magnesium 61
11.1.4 Parathyroid Hormone and Magnesium 61
11.1.4 甲状旁腺激素与镁 61
11.2 镁与维生素D·钙·磷和骨 62
11.1.7 垂体激素与镁 62
11.1.6 肾上腺糖皮质激素与镁 62
11.1.5 醛固酮与镁 62
11.2.1 维生素D·钙和磷对镁平衡的影响 62
11.2.1 The Effects of Vitamin D,Calcium and Phosphorus on Magnesium Balance 62
11.2 Magnesium and Metabolism of Vitamin D, Calcium,Phosphorus and Bone 62
11.1.7 Pituitary Hormone and Magnesium 62
11.1.6 Corticosteroids and Magnesium 62
11.1.5 Aldosterone and Magnesium 62
11.2.3 补镁对维生素D·钙·磷代谢的影响 63
11.2.2 低镁血症与伴发的低钙血症 63
11.2.2 Hypomagnesemia and Associated Hypocalcemia 63
11.2.3 The Effects of Magnesium Supplement on Metabolism of Vitamin D, Calcium and Phosphorus 63
11.2.4 镁与骨代谢 64 镁与骨质疏松 64镁缺乏对骨代谢不利 64 Magnesium Insufficiency and Bone Metabolism 64 Magnesium and Osteoporosis 64
11.2.4 Magnesium and Bone Metabolism 64
11.3.1 镁对胰岛素和血糖的影响 65
11.3 Magnesium and Diabetes Mellitus 65
11.3.1 The Effects of Magnesium on Insulin and Glucose 65
11.3.2 Magnesium Abnormality in Diabetes Mellitus 65
11.3 镁与糖尿病 65
11.3.2 糖尿病时镁的变化 65
11.3.3 Magnesium and Diabetic Complications 66
11.3.3 镁与糖尿病并发症的关系 66
11.3.4 The Usage of Magnesium in the Treattment of Diabetes Mellitus 68
11.3.4 镁在糖尿病治疗中的应用 68
12.1 Magnesium and Inflammatory Bowel Disease 70
12 Magnesium and Gastro-intestinal Diseases 70
12 镁与消化系统疾病 70
12.1镁与炎性肠病 70
12.3 Magnesium and Pancreatitis 72
12.3镁与胰腺炎 72
12.2 Magnesium and Chronic Liver Disease 72
12.2镁与慢性肝病 72
12.4 Magnesium and Peptic Ulcer 73
12.5 Magnesium and Diarrhea 73
12.4镁与消化性溃疡 73
12.5镁与腹泻 73
12.6镁在消化系统疾病中的临床应用 74
12.6 Clinical Application of Magnesium in Gastro-intestinal Diseases 74
13 Magnesium and Respiratory Diseases 76
13.1 Role of Magnesium in Regulation of Bronchial Tone 76
13 镁与呼吸系统疾病 76
13.1镁在调节支气管张力中的作用 76
13.2 Effect of Magnesium in Pulmonary Circulation 77
13.2镁对肺循环的影响 77
13.3 Role of Magnesium in Hypersensitive reaction 79
13.3镁在过敏反应中的作用 79
13.5.1 镁剂治疗支气管哮喘 80
13.5 镁在呼吸系统疾病中的临床应用 80
13.4 镁对呼吸肌及呼吸功能的影响 80
13.5.1 Effect of Magnesium Treatment in Bbronchial Asthma 80
13.5 Clinical Application of Magnesium in Respiratory Diseases 80
13.4 Effect of Magnesium in Respiratory Muscle and Respiratory Function 80
13.5.2 Magnesium and Chronic Obstractive Pulmonary Disease and Chronic Cor Pulmonale 81
13.5.2 镁与慢性阻塞性肺疾病及慢性肺心病 81
14.1 Acute Hypomagnesemia Syndrome 83
14.1 急性低血镁综合征 83
14 Magnesium and Diseases of Nervous System 83
14 镁与神经系统疾病 83
14.2 Magnesium and Neuromuscular Functional Disorders 84
14.2 镁与神经肌肉功能障碍 84
14.3 镁与发作性疾病 84
14.3 Magnesium and Episodic Disorders 84
14.4 镁与偏头痛 85
14.5 Magnesium and Extrapyramidal Diseases 85
14.4 Magnesium and Migraine 85
14.5 镁与锥体外系统疾病 85
14.6 镁与脑血管病 86
14.6 Magnesium and Cerebrovascular Diseases 86
14.7 Other Neurological Diseases 87
14.7.1 Magnesium and Multiple Sclerosis 87
14.7.3 Magnesium and Motor Neurone Diseases 87
14.7.2 Magnesium Dificiency and Dementia 87
14.7.4 Magnesium and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 87
14.7 镁与其它神经系统疾病 87
14.7.6 Magnesium and Meningeal Tumor 87
14.7.6 镁与脑膜瘤 87
14.7.5 镁与酒精戒断综合征 87
14.7.5 Magnesium and Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome 87
14.7.4 镁与慢性疲乏综合征 87
14.7.3 镁缺乏与运动神经元病 87
14.7.2 镁缺乏与痴呆 87
14.7.1 镁与多发性硬化 87
15.2 正常妊娠镁含量及其平衡 90
15 镁与妊娠 90
15.1 正常成人的镁含量及其作用 90
15.2 Magnesium Serum Level in Normal Pregnancy and Its Balance 90
15.1 Magnesium Serum Level in Normal Adult Women and Its Role 90
15 Magnesium and Pregnency 90
15.3 Magnesium Serum Level of Perinatal Status 91 Possible Role Contribution of Magnesium Deficiency in Pregnancy-induced Hypertension 91
15.3 围产儿血镁状况 91
15.4异常妊娠的血镁含量及治疗 91
15.4.1 重度妊娠高血压综合征(妊高征) 91镁不足可能导致妊高征 91
15.4.1 Severe pregnancy-induced Hypertension 91
15.4 Magnesium Serum Levels in Abnormal Pregnancy and Management 91 Mechanism of Treatment of Magnesium Sulfate of Pregnancy-induced Hypertension 92 Metabolic Disorder of Magnesium-related Substances and pregnancy-induced Hypertension 92 硫酸镁治疗妊高征的机理 92 镁相关物质代谢障碍与妊高征 92
15.4.2 早产儿镁缺乏与治疗 93
15.4.2 Preterm Labor:Magnesium Deficiency and Treatment 93 Approaches and Dosage of Treatment of Magnesium Sulfate on Severe pregnancy-induced Hyperte 93 硫酸镁治疗重度妊高征的剂量及给药途径 93
15.4.4 Use of Magnesium Sulfate in Intrauterine Resuscitation 94
15.4.3 前置胎盘期待疗法与镁 94
15.4.6 Other High Risk Pregnancy and Magnesium 94
15.4.6 其它高危妊娠与镁 94
15.4.5 妊娠合并糖尿病与镁 94
15.4.4 硫酸镁用于胎儿宫内复苏 94
15.4.3 Expectant Treatment of Placenta Previa and Magnesium 94
15.4.5 Magnesium and Pregnancy Complicated with Diabetes Mellitus 94
16.2 镁缺乏症的病因 96
16 Magnesium Deficiency in Childhood 96
16.1 Magnesium Status in Childhood 96
16.2 Etiology of Magnesium Dcficicncy 96
16.1 小儿的镁状况 96
16 小儿镁缺乏症 96
16.4 Clinical Manifestation of Magnesium Deficiency 97
16.4 镁缺乏的临床表现 97
16.3 镁缺乏症的病理生理 97
16.3 Pathophysiology of Magnesium Deficiency 97
16.5 实验室检查 98
16.6 镁缺乏的诊断 98
16.6 Diagnosis of Magnesium Deficiency 98
16.5 Laboratory Examination 98
16.7 镁缺乏的治疗 99
16.8 镁缺乏的预防 99
16.8 Prevention of Magnesium Deficiency 99
16.7 Therapy of Magnesium Deficiency 99
17.1.1 临床血清镁测定方法评价 100
17.1 血清镁测定 100
17 Laboratory Determination of Magnesium 100
17.1 Determination of Serum Magnesium 100
17.1.1 Evaluation of the Methods for Determination of Serum Magnesium 100
17 镁的实验室检测 100
17.1.2 Methods of Serum Magnesium Determination 102
17.1.2 血清镁测定法 102
17.2.1 甲基百里香酚蓝直接测定红细胞内镁 104
17.2 细胞内镁测定 104
17.2.1 Methylthymol Blue Method for Determination of Erythrocytes Magnesium 104
17.2 Intracellulqr Magnesium Determination 104
17.2.2 邻甲酚酞络合酮法直接测定红细胞镁 105
17.2.2 O-Cresolphthalein Complexone Method for Determination of Erythrocytes Magnesium 105
17.2.3 火焰原子吸收法直接测定淋巴细胞内镁 106
17.2.3 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry for Determination of Lymphocytes Magnesium 106
17.2.4 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry for Determination of Platelets Magnesium 107
17.2.4 火焰原子吸收法测定血小板镁 107
Part Ⅲ Basic Experimental Study of Magnesium 110
第三部分 镁的基础实验研究 110
18 Magnesium in the Regulation of Interaction of MitochondrialH-ATPase and Membrane Lipid 110
18 Mg2+对线粒体H+—ATP酶与膜脂相互作用的调节。 110
19 Protective Role of Magnesium Against Adriamycin toxicity on Mitochondria 119
19 镁离子对阿霉素致线粒体毒性的防护作用 119
20 Mechanism and Preliminary Clinical Study of Exogenous ATP-MGCI Complex in the Protection Against 125
20 外源性能量制剂ATP—MgCl2复合物保护心肌缺血和再灌注损伤的作用机制及初步临床研究 125
21 镁盐抗心肌缺血—再灌注损伤作用及其机理的在体实验研究 130
21 In Vivo Experimental Study of Action and Mechanism of MagnesiumAgains Myocardial Ischemia and Rep 130
22 镁在再灌注心律失常中的作用及其与钾的相互关系 141
22 Role of Magnesium in Reperfusion Cardiac Arrhythmia and ItsRelation to Potassium 141
23 镁对豚鼠心室肌细胞离子通道的影响 144
23 Effect of Magnesium on Ionic Channel of Ventricular Muscle Cell ofGuinea Pig 144
24 Experimental Study of High Magnesium Perfusion in improving theStunned Myocardium 146
24 高镁改善挫抑心肌功能的实验研究 146
25 Magnesium Against Noradrenaline-induced Myocardial Cellular Damage 151
25 镁离子对抗去甲肾上腺素引起心肌细胞损害 151
26 Magnesium Modification on The Activity of Myocardial cAMP-adenylateCyclase 154
26 镁离子对心肌cAMP—腺苷酸环化酶系统活性的调整作用 154
27 镁剂对实验性心肌梗塞范围的影响 156
27 Effects of Magnesium on Experimental Infarct Size 156
28 In Vivo Study of the Effects of Magnesium Sulfate on ElectricAction Potential of Rabbit Left Vent 159
28 硫酸镁对在体兔左心室动作电位影响 159
29 Investigation of Intra-and Extracellular Magnesium 、Potassium、Calcium、Sodium and Phosphate in 162
29 慢性肺心病急性期患者细胞内外液离子镁、钾、钙、钠、磷状况的研究 162
30 ATP-MgCl on Intestinal Ischemia and Hypoxia 167
30 三磷酸腺苷—氯化镁与小肠缺血缺氧 167
31 Correlation of Intraerythrocytic Hypomagnesiosis and DiabeticRetina Disease 173
31 低红细胞镁症与糖尿病性视网膜病变的发生相关联 173
32 Magnesium and Diabetic Retina Disease 177
32 镁与糖尿病视网膜病变 177
33 Mg2+——ATP合剂对豚鼠噪声性聋及庆大霉素耳中毒防治的实验观察(附缺镁增加庆大霉素耳毒性及噪声性聋 189
33 The Study of Mg-ATP Complex in the Prcvcntion and Treatment of Noise-induced Hearing Loss and Ge 189
PartⅣ Magnesium in Nutrition and Health 194
34 194
34.1 镁代谢概论 194
第四部分 镁与营养保健 194
34 镁与营养保健 194
34.1 Introduction to Magnesium Metabolism 194
34.2 The Recommended Dietary of Magnesium Intake and the Mg-rich Foods 195
34.2镁的膳食推荐供给量及食物来源 195
34.3 Dietary Magnesium and Health 196
34.3饮食镁与保健;饮食镁摄入与心血管疾病发生率的关系 196
34.4.1 Pregnancy,Growth and Development 197
34.4.2 Possible Factors of Magnesiun Deficiency in Elderly 197
34.4.2 老年人镁缺乏的可能因素 197
34.4.1 妊娠,小儿生长发育期 197
34.4增加镁需要的生理因素 197
34.4.4应激增加镁的需要 198
34.4.3运动员与镁 198
34.4.3 Magnesium and Athelete 198
34.4.4 Strees Increasing the Magnesium Requirement 198
34.5 The Way of Magnesium Supplementation 199
34.5.3含镁保健药及镁添加食物 199
34.5.1 Intake of Mg-rich Foods 199
34.5.3 Health Providing Drugs containg Mg and Mg-additive Foods 199
34.5.2 Intake of Low-Sodium Salt Containing K and Mg instead of Common Salt 199
34.5.2 食用含钾、镁的低钠盐代替普通钠盐 199
34.5.1 食用含镁丰富的食品 199
34.5 增加补充镁营养的途径 199
Others: 201
1.Magnesium Agents 201
1.潘南金(Panangin) 201
2.其他镁制剂 202
2.Low Sodium and K 、Mg rich Salts 203
附录Ⅱ 含钾镁的低钠盐 203
3.Mg rich Chinese Tranditional Drugs 204
附录Ⅲ 含镁丰富的中药 204
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