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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:赵希锵主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:华东师范大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1996
  • ISBN:7561715587
  • 页数:185 页


1.抓尾巴(Catching My Tail) 1

2.速战速决(As Quick as Possible) 3

3.拼词比赛(A Spelling Match) 5

4.趣味游戏(An Interesting Game of Spelling) 7

5.更换字母比赛(A Letter-changing Game) 9

6.心领神会(Taking a Hint) 11

7.找出孪生兄弟(Finding Twin Brothers) 13

8.愈多愈好(The More the Better) 15

9.形容词、副词变级接力赛(A Relay Game of Comparison) 17

10.快乐大转盘(Happy Revolving-plates) 19

11.游艺园(An English Club) 21

12.扩词比赛(A Word-building Match) 26

13.找朋友(Looking for a Friend) 28

14.反义词配对(Antonym-pairing) 30

15.词语配对(Matching the Words) 32

16.是还是非(True or False) 34

17.他在干什么?(What Is He Doing?) 36

18.登高台(Getting to the Top) 38

19.填表(Filling in the Form) 41

20.边听边画(Listen and Draw) 43

21.看图说写(Look,Speak and Write) 46

22.谈论事物(Talking About Things) 48

26.参加拍卖会(Taking Part in an Auction) 48

23.盘问(Questioning) 50

24.配音(Dubbing Pictures) 52

25.传话(一),(二)[Passing on a Message(Ⅰ),(Ⅱ)] 54

27.计算接力赛(A Counting Relay) 60

28.数钱(Counting Money) 63

29.问时间(What's the Time?) 65

30.数字计算(Counting Up Figures) 67

31.数字练习及时间表达(一),(二) [Practice on Numbers and Time-telling(Ⅰ),(Ⅱ)] 69

32.开支票(Writing a Cheque) 75

33.英语速算比赛(A Quick Counting Match) 77

34.快速组句(Forming Sentences at a Rush) 80

35.扩句(Sentence Expanding) 82

36.搭台阶(Building Steps) 84

37.句子接龙(Sentence After Sentence) 86

38.编故事(Making up Stories) 87

39.造句(一),(二),(三)[Making Sentences(Ⅰ),(Ⅱ),(Ⅲ)] 89

40.主从句配对(Linking Up Clauses) 94

41.完成句子(Sentence Completing) 96

42.组句游戏(A Sentence-making Game) 98

43.故事复述(Story Retelling) 100

44.寻找指挥所(Looking for the Command Post) 102

45.问路(一),(二)[Asking the Way(Ⅰ),(Ⅱ)] 104

46.猜猜看(一),(二)[Making a Guess(Ⅰ),(Ⅱ)] 109

47.猜颜色(Guessing Colours) 113

48.看动作打一词或词组(Guessing at Actions) 115

49.学副词哑剧(Acting Out Some Adverbs) 117

50.记者招待会(A Press Conference) 118

51.刨根问底(Getting to the Bottom of the Matter) 120

52.当小记者(Being a Little Reporter) 122

53.打电话接力赛(A Relay Game of Making a Phone Call) 124

54.接电话(Answering a Phone Call) 127

55.用英语配音(一),(二)[Dubbing Dialogues in English(Ⅰ),(Ⅱ)] 129

56.抓俘虏(Taking Prisoners) 133

57.提问(Asking Questions) 135

58.龟兔赛(A Race Between the Hare and the Tortoise) 138

59.当教练(Being a Coach) 141

60.不用“是”“否”来答题(Answering Tag QuestionsWithout Using“Yes”or“No”) 143

61.交际性猜谜游戏(A Communicative Puzzle Game) 145

62.找位置(一),(二)[Finding Positions(Ⅰ),(Ⅱ)] 147

63.捕鱼(Catching Fish) 151

64.喜好和厌恶(Like and Dislike) 152

65.结伴过关(Getting Through a Check) 154

66.薄纸、厚纸(Thin Paper,Thick Paper) 156

67.指鹿为马(Calling a Stag a Horse) 158

68.字谜游戏(A Chain Word Puzzle) 160

69.周游世界(Round the World) 162

70.国名与国籍(Names of States and Nationalities) 164

71.生日聚会(A Birthday Party) 166

72.你到过哪里?(Where Have You Been?) 169

73.学会生存(Learning to Survive) 171

74.学会观察(Learning to Observe) 173

75.英语缩略语比赛(A Match of Abbreviations) 176

参考答案 182
