科技英语 第4册 Book 4 电学部分PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:周长根等编
- 出 版 社:广州:广东科技出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:753590534X
- 页数:331 页
ContentsLesson one 1
Text:The Growth of ElectroniosReading Material:Electrical and Electronic Engineeringin the FutureLesson Two 15
Text:ComputersReading Material:Computers in BusinessLesson Three 25
Text:LasersReading Material:Lasers in IndustryLesson Four 38
Text:The Binary System for ComputersReading Material:MicrocomputersLesson Five 49
Text:The Eleclron MicroscopeReading Material:The Value of TransistorsLesson Six 60
Text:Radio Links and MicrowavesReading Material:Messages by Elec?icityLesson Seven 73
Text:RefrigeratorReading Material:Construction of RefrigeratorLesson Eight 84
Text:RadioReading Material:TelevisionLesson Nine 95
Text:The Electric TelegraphReading Material:The TelephoneLesson Ten 110
Text:How a Refrigerator CoolsReading Material:Care of the RefrigeratorLesson Eleven 124
Text:Microwave OvenReading Material:Accessory EquipmentLesson Twelve 138
Text:ElectromagnetismReading Material:ElectromagnetismLesson Thirteen 151
Text:IronReading Material:Care of the IronLesson Fourteen 163
Text:Electricity and ElectronicsReading Material:Electrical EngineeringLesson Fifteen 177
Text:WasherReading Material:Design FlexibilityLesson Sixteen 190
Text:Electrons and ElectricityReading Material:ElectricityLesson Seventeen 202
Text:ElectrotechnologyReading Material:Control MotorsLesson Eighteen 217
Text:Radio Waves and Vacuum TubesReading Material:Image Orthicon TubesLesson Nineteen 231
Text:Electric Currents and CircuitsReading Material:Electric CircuitLesson Twenty 247
Text:Miniaturizati on and MicrominiaturizationReading Material:Micrc-miniaturizationAppendix 261
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