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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:黄源深主编;蒋瑞华编
  • 出 版 社:上海:华东师范大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1992
  • ISBN:7561708807
  • 页数:171 页

Lesson One 1

Glad to Meet You! 1

很高兴见到您! 1

Useful Sentences 1

Dialogue 2

Word List 2

Notes 3

Grammar Tense Ⅰ 3

Exercises 5

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 7

Useful Sentences 8

这是上海最好的季节 8

This Is the Best Season in Shanghai 8

Lesson Two 8

Dialogue 9

Word List 10

Notes 10

Grammar Exclamatory Sentence 10

Exercises 11

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 13

Lesson Three 14

I'd Like to Invite You to Our Dinner Party 14

我想请您赴宴 14

Useful Sentences 14

Dialogue 15

Notes 16

Grammar Could,Would,Should,Might的用法 16

Word List 16

Exercises 17

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 18

Lesson Four 20

I'd Like to Make an Appointment with You 20

我想和你约个时间见面 20

Useful Sentences 20

Dialogue 21

Word List 22

Notes 23

Grammar Tense Ⅱ 23

Exercises 24

Chinese Translation of the Dialogues 26

复习 27

Dialogue 1 27

Review 27

Lesson Five 27

Dialogue 2 28

Dialogue 3 28

Word List 29

Notes 29

Exercises 29

Chinese Translation of the Dialogues 31

Lesson Six 33

Welcome to China 33

欢迎您来中国 33

Useful Sentences 33

Dialogue 34

Word List 35

Grammar Tag Questions 36

Notes 36

Exercises 38

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 39

Lesson Seven 41

How Are You Getting On Here? 41

您在这儿过得怎么样? 41

Useful Sentences 41

Dialogue 42

Word List 43

Notes 43

Grammar Tense Ⅲ 43

Exercises 44

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 46

为您的健康干杯! 47

Useful Sentences 47

Here Is to Your Health! 47

Lesson Eight 47

Dialogue 48

Word List 49

Notes 50

Exercises 51

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 52

Lesson Nine 54

What a Grand View! 54

多么壮观的景色! 54

Useful Sentences 54

Dialogue 55

Word List 56

Notes 57

Grammar Tense Ⅳ 58

Exercises 59

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 61

Lesson Ten 63

Review 63

复习 63

Dialogue 1 63

Dialogue 2 64

Dialogue 3 65

Word List 65

Exercises 66

Chinese Translation of theDialogues 67

这是个好主意,是吗? 70

Useful Sentences 70

That's a Good Idea,Isn't It? 70

Lesson Eleven 70

Dialogue 71

Word List 71

Notes 73

Grammar Passive Voice 73

Exercises 74

Chinese Translation of theDialogue 76

Lesson Twelve 77

Thank You for Your Interest 77

感谢您的来访 77

Useful Sentences 77

Dialogue 78

Word List 80

Notes 81

Exercises 81

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 82

Lesson Thirteen 84

How Do You Like Working Here? 84

您在这儿工作觉得好吗? 84

Useful Sentences 84

Dialogue 85

Word List 86

Notes 87

Grammar Tense Ⅴ 87

Exercises 89

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 90

Lesson Fourteen 91

We Are Agreed,Then? 91

那我们达成协议了? 91

Useful Sentences 91

Dialogue 92

Word List 93

Notes 94

Exercises 94

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 95

Lesson Fifteen 97

Review 97

复习 97

Dialogue 1 97

Dialogue 2 98

Dialogue 3 98

Word List 99

Exercises 99

Chinese Translation of the Dialogues 101

Useful Sentences 103

您有什么要申报的吗? 103

Lesson Sixteen 103

Do You Have Anything to Declare? 103

Dialogue 104

Word List 105

Notes 106

Exercises 106

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 107

Lesson Seventeen 109

Could You Tell Me the Way to the Nearest Restaurant? 109

请问去最近的饭店怎么走? 109

Useful Sentences 109

Dialogue 110

Word List 111

Notes 112

Exercises 113

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 114

Lesson Eighteen 115

That Must Be the Golden Gate Bridge 115

那一定是金门大桥了 115

Useful Sentences 115

Dialogue 116

Word List 117

Exercises 118

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 119

Lesson Nineteen 121

Thank You for All That You Have Done for Me 121

谢谢您为我做的一切 121

Useful Sentences 121

Dialogue 122

Notes 123

Word List 123

Exercises 124

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 126

Lesson Twenty 127

Review 127

复习 127

Dialogue 1 127

Dialogue 2 128

Dialogue 3 128

Word List 129

Exercises 129

Chinese Translation of the Dialogues 130

中国的大门将会开得更大 132

Useful Sentences 132

Lesson Twenty-one 132

The Door of China Will Be Opened Wider Than Ever 132

Dialogue 134

Word List 135

Notes 135

Exercises 136

Chinese Translation of the Dialogues 137

Lesson Twenty-two 138

This is the Nanpu Bridge 138

这就是南浦大桥 138

Useful Sentences 138

Dialogue 139

Exercises 141

Notes 141

Word List 141

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 143

Lesson Twenty-three 144

Pudong Will Be Totally Different 144

浦东将会大不一样 144

Useful Sentences 144

Dialogue 145

Word List 146

Exercises 147

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 148

Lesson Twenty-four 150

We Are Doing Everything to Improve the Investment Environment 150

我们正尽一切努力改善投资环境 150

Useful Sentences 150

Dialogue 151

Word List 153

Notes 154

Exercises 154

Chinese Translation of the Dialogue 155

Lesson Twenty-five 157

Review 157

复习 157

Dialogue 1 157

Dialogue 2 158

Dialogue 3 158

Word List 159

Exercises 159

Chinese Translation of the Dialogues 160

Vocabulary词汇表 162
