- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李雪雁,李春焕编
- 出 版 社:开封:河南大学出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:781018816X
- 页数:462 页
Reading One 1
A.Hie Can Chiese Students Learn English Well? 1
B.Brief Talk on Reading Skill 5
C.Why Is the Native Language Learnt so Well? 9
D.Foreign Language Study in America 11
E.How to Read Body Language? 14
Notea (A-E) 18
Exercises (A-E) 21
Reading Tow 25
A.The Prince and the Judge 25
B.Thimas Alva Edison-Inventor 28
C.Tales of Goha (1) 34
Notea (A-C) 60
Exercises (A-C) 63
Reading Three 68
A.Tales of Goha(2) 68
B.How Hurricanes Get Their Names? 97
C.My Most Important Day 100
D.The Education of Benjarmin Franklin 102
Notes(A-D) 106
Exercises (A-D) 108
Reading Four 115
A.The Star-Child 115
B.Icarus-The Boy Who Flew tooHigh 130
C.The Remarkable Rocket 133
D.The Birthday of the Intanta 143
Notes(A-D) 154
Exercises (A-D) 157
Reading Five 164
A.A Boy and His Father Become Partners 164
B.Henry Ford-Inventor and Manufacturer 167
C.Baseball andHenry Wiggen 175
D.An Attack on Henry Wiggien 178
E.AnAncient Food in Modern Forms-Milk 182
Notes(A-E) 185
Exercises (A-E) 189
Reading Six 196
A.Mister Imagination 196
B.Why We Wakl in Circles 199
C.The Razor'sEdge(1) 202
Notes(A-C) 225
Exercises (A-C) 228
Readnig Seven 234
A.The Razor's Edge(2) 234
B.Courge and Hard Work Made Him Ace of Aces 266
C.Sorates 269
Notes(A-C) 271
Exercises (A-C) 273
Reading Eight 279
A.Football 279
B.On the Ball 305
C.Too Small to Ve Overlooked 307
D.High Diver 311
Notes(A-D) 316
Exercises (A-D) 321
Reading Nine 328
A.America on Wheels 328
B.Machines in the City 332
C.Machines on the Fram 335
D.Man and Machines 337
E.Man and Machines 341
F.Electronic Burgtar Alarms 348
Notes(A-F) 348
Exercises (A-F) 352
Reading Ten 357
A.The Untied Natioons:The World in One Building 357
B.New York City 361
C.Born to Lead:The Story of George Washington(1) 363
Notes(A-C) 399
Exercises (A-C) 402
Reading Eleven 406
A.Born to Lead:The Story of George Washington(2) 406
B.The Man Who Plannes the City of Washington 445
C.Man Hunters of the U.S.A. 448
Notes(A-C) 451
Exercises (A-c) 453
Appendix 459
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