- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)斯坦利·帕利沃达(Stanley J.Paliwoda)著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社;普兰蒂斯霍尔出版公司
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7300024661
- 页数:164 页
1 People 6
Segmentation 11
Negotiation 13
Sales 15
Checklist: be aware 16
References and further reading 18
2 Process 20
Levels of comPetitiveness 25
ExPort sales 26
ExPorting with local technical Presence 27
IntErnationalization beyond exporting 28
Investment Issues 31
Checklist: be aware 32
References and further reading 33
3 Power 35
Corporate power: is it transferable? 35
Market POwer: can it be measured? 40
Market Power of trading blocs 41
Checklist: be aware 45
References and further reading 46
4 Product/service 48
Bland products for a global market? 49
Standardization 50
Adaptation 55
Local cultUral interfaces 58
Checklist: be aware 62
References and further reading 64
5 promotion and publicity 66
Transferability 68
Origination costs for foreign markets 76
The importance of publicity and public relations 77
Checklist: be aware 82
References and further reading 83
6 Pricing 85
Bringing the product/service to the foreign market 85
Additional foreign costs 86
Recovering funds from abroad 89
Positioning for comPetitiveness 90
Checklist: be aware 94
ApPendix: INCOTERMS 1990 96
References and further reading 97
7 Place of sala/distribution 98
Moving goods from the factory to the foreign markets 98
Comparing channels of distribution 101
Producer intermediary and customer Perceptions 102
Trends in place of sale/distribution 106
Trade-offs in setting customer service levels 109
Checklist: be aware 112
References and further reading 115
8 Planning and control 117
Foreign markets can be planned and controlled 120
Information inPuts required 122
Assessing and evaluating foreign market information 129
A longer-term horizon for investment 132
Checklist: be aware 134
References and further reading 135
9 PrecedentS 138
Political 141
Legal 143
Social 143
Commercial 145
Checklist: be aware 146
References and further reading 147
BibliograPhy 149
Index 159
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