CCNP Cisco LAN Switch Configuration 复习重点及模拟试题 英文原版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Todd Lammle,Robert Padjen
- 出 版 社:北京:电子工业出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:750535793x
- 页数:334 页
Introduction 1
Chapter1 Overall CLSC Course Objectives 1
Describe the major features of the Catalyst Switches 2
Describe the architecture and functions of the major components of the Catalyst switches 6
Place Catalyst serles switches in a network for optimal performance benfit 11
Use the command line menu or menu-driven interface to configure the Catalyst sertes switches and the 14
Use the command line menu or menu-driven interface to configure trunks, virtual LANs, and ATM LAN Em 20
Maintain Catalyst series switches and perform basic troubleshooting 27
Chapter2 Introduction to Switching Concepts 31
Describe the advantages of LAN segmentation 32
Describe LAN segmentation using bridges 35
Descrlbe LAN segmentation using routers 37
Describe LAN segmentation using switches 39
Name and describe two switching methods 41
Describe full-and half-duplex Ethernet operation 44
Describe Token Ring swtching concepts 47
Chapter3 Virtual LANs 51
Define VLANs 52
Name seven reasons to create VLANs 54
Describe the role switches play in the creation of VLANs 58
Describe VLAN frame filtering and VLAN frame tagging 61
Describe how switches can be used with hubs 63
Name the five components of VLAN implementations 65
Describe static and dynamic VLANs 67
Describe the VLAN technologies 71
Describe Token Ring VLANs 74
Describe Cisco VLAN architecture 77
Chapter4 Placing Catalyst 5000 Series Switches in Your Network 81
Deseribe demand nodes and resource nodes 82
Describe configuration rules for demand nodes and resource nodes 85
Describe local resources and remote resources 88
Describe configuration rules for local resources and remote resources 90
Name five applications for Catalyst 5000 series switches 93
Chapter5 Catalyst 5000 Series Switch 97
Describe Catalyst 5000 series switch product evolution 98
Describe Catalyst 5000 product features 101
Describe Catalyst 5002 product features 103
Describe Catalyst 5500 product features 105
Chapter6 Catalyst 5000 Series Switch Product Architecture 109
Describe the architecture and function of major components of the Catalyst 5000 series switch 110
Trace a frame progress through a Catalyst 5000 series switch 116
Chapter7 Catalyst 5000 Series Switch Hardware 121
Describe the hardware features,funttions,and beneftits of Catalyst 5000 series switches 122
Describe the hardware features and functions of the Supervisor engine 126
Describe the hardware features and function of the modules in the Catalyst 5000 series switches 128
Chapter8 Configuring Catalyst 5000 Serles Switches 131
Prepare network connections 132
Establish a serial connection 135
Use the Catalyst 5000 switch CLL 137
Chapter9 Managing the Catalyst 5000 Series Switch Family 143
Descrlbe the different ways of managing the Catalyst 5000 series switch 144
Chapter10 Troubleshooting the Catalyst 5000 Serles Switches 149
Troubleshoot the Catalyst 5000 Series Switches 150
Chapter11 Catalyst 5000 Series Switch FDDI Module 167
Describe the major features and functions of the Catalyst 5000 FDDI/CDDI Module 169
Descrlbe IEEE 802.10 VLANs 174
Configure the Catalyst 5000 FDDI/CDDI Module 178
Chapter12 Introduction to ATM LAN Emulation 183
Define LAN Emulation 184
Describe the LAN Emulation components 189
Describe the start-up procedure of a LAN Emulation Client 194
Descrlbe how one LEC establishes communication with another LEC 197
Discuss how internetworking is achieved in a LANE environment 203
Chapter13 Catalyst 5000 Series Switch ATM LANE Module 207
List the features of the Catalyst 5000 LANE module 208
Outline the performance ratings for the ATM bus and the switching bus 211
Describe how to access the CLI for the LANE module 214
Describe the Simple Server Redundancy Protocol(SSRP) 216
Chapter14. Configuring the Catalyst 5000 Series Switch ATM LANE Mocule 219
Explain ATM address structure 220
Descrlbe how ATM addresses are automatically assigned 222
Describe the rules for assigning ATM components to ingerfaces 224
Configure LANE components on a Catalyst 5000 switch 226
Chapter15 Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 Hardware 231
Descrlbe the major features and benefits of the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switches 233
Descrlbe the hareware components and their functions of the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switches 236
Describe the architecture 242
Chapter16 Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 Features 247
Describe the following key features and applications of the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switches 248
Trace a frame progress through a Catalyst 1900 or a Catalyst 2820 switch 252
Chapter17 Conflguring Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 Switches 255
Use the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switch menus for configuration 256
Configure IP addresses and ports on the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switches 259
Configure VLANs on the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switches 263
View the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switch reports and summaries 267
Configure the ATM LANE module on the Catalyst 2820 switch 271
Chapter18 Catalyst 3000 Series Switches 277
Describe Catalyst 3000 series LAN switch products 278
Describe Catalyst 3000 series LAN switch product differences 281
Describe the Catalyst Stack System 284
Chapter19 Configuring the Catalyst 3000 Series Switches 289
Perform initial setup of a Catalyst 3000 series switch 290
Configure the switch for management 294
Configure port parameters 299
Configure VLANs and trunk links 301
Configure the ATM LANE module 305
Perform basic router module configuration 307
Chapter20 Maintaining the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 Switches 309
Describe the POST and diagnostic messages on the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 swicthes 310
Describe the cabling guidelines for the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switches 312
Use the statistics and reports to maintain the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switches 315
Describe the firmware upgrade procedures for the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switches 317
Chapter21 Troubleshooting the Catalyst 3000 Series Switches 321
Troubleshoot the Catalyst 3000 series switch subsystems 322
Troubleshoot network interfaces and connections 325
Use the switch LEDs to isolate problems 328
Isolate network segment problems 331
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