- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:何田,孟继有
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:1984
- ISBN:7560005012
- 页数:336 页
Contents 2
Part One The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandⅠ.The People and the Land They Live in 2
Ⅱ.The Weather 10
Ⅲ.How the British Behave 13
Ⅳ.Monarchy and Government 23
Ⅴ.Politics and Press 34
Ⅵ.Policemen and Justice 48
Ⅶ.How the British Worship 56
Ⅷ.Social Welfare 59
Ⅸ.The Schools 66
Ⅹ.Universities and Colleges 70
Ⅺ.Popular Modern Fiction 76
Ⅻ.William Shakespeare 82
ⅩⅢ.London 93
ⅩⅣ.History 107
Part TWo Australia 134
Ⅰ.Location and Size 134
Ⅱ.The People 137
Ⅲ.The Land and Climate 146
Ⅳ.Resources and Industries 152
Ⅴ.Historv 160
Part Three The United States of America 168
Ⅰ.The Main Regions 168
Ⅱ.The Climate 182
Ⅲ.The Two Major Cities 188
Ⅳ.Early America 199
Ⅴ.The Government 216
Ⅵ.The Parties 239
Ⅶ.The Colour Problem 247
Ⅷ.Higher Education 260
Ⅸ.Communications 284
Appendix——Names of the Fifty American States 315
Part Four Canada 318
Ⅰ.The Way of Life 318
Ⅱ.Early Canada 321
Ⅲ.The Canadian Nation 330
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