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C程序设计基础教程  英文版
C程序设计基础教程  英文版

C程序设计基础教程 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:亚沙万P·卡内特卡编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:电子工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787121092671
  • 页数:449 页
图书介绍:本书是一本全球销量过百万的经典教材,全书由浅入深地介绍了有关C编程的基础知识,判断控制结构,循环控制结构,CASE控制结构,函数与指针,数据类型,C预处理器,数组,字符串处理,控制台输入/输出,文件输入/输出,位运算,Windows 编程,图形编程,网络编程,Linux编程等内容。配套CD-ROM包含相关程序代码、编译器、可执行文件、MATLAB例子等。
《C程序设计基础教程 英文版》目录

Chapter 1:Getting Started 1

1.1 Whatis C 2

1.2 Getting Started with C 3

1.2.1 The C Character Set 3

1.2.2 Constants,Variables and Keywords 4

1.2.3 Types of C Constants 4

1.2.4 Rules for Constructing Integer Constants 5

1.2.5 Rules for Constructing Real Constants 5

1.2.6 Rules for Constructing Character Constants 6

1.2.7 Types of C Variables 6

1.2.8 Rules for Constructing Variable Names 7

1.2.9 C Keywords 7

1.3 The First C Program 8

1.4 Compilation and Execution 11

1.5 Receiving Input 12

1.6 C Instructions 14

1.6.1 Type Declaration Instruction 14

1.6.2 Arithmetic Instruction 15

1.6.3 Integer and Float Conversions 17

1.6.4 Type Conversion in Assignments 17

1.6.5 Hierarchy of Operations 19

1.6.6 Associativity of Operators 20

1.7 Control Instructions in C 22

1.8 Summary 22

1.9 Exercise 23

Chapter 2:The Decision Control Structure 30

2.1 Decisions!Decisions! 30

2.2 The if Statement 31

2.2.1 The Real Thing 33

2.2.2 Multiple Statements within if 34

2.3 The if-else Statement 35

2.3.1 Nested if-elses 37

2.3.2 Forms of if 38

2.4 Use of Logical Operators 39

2.4.1 The else if Clause 41

2.4.2 The!Operator 44

2.4.3 Hierarchy of Operators Revisited 45

2.5 A Word of Caution 45

2.6 The Conditional Operators 47

2.7 Summary 48

2.8 Exercise 48

Chapter3:The Loop Control Structure 60

3.1 Loops 60

3.2 The while Loop 61

3.2.1 Tips and Traps 62

3.2.2 More Operators 65

3.3 The for Loop 67

3.3.1 Nesting of Loops 70

3.3.2 Multiple lnitialisations in the for Loop 71

3.4 The Odd Loop 72

3.5 The break Statement 73

3.6 The continue Statement 74

3.7 The do-while Loop 75

3.8 Summary 76

3.9 Exercise 77

Chapter4:The Case Control Structurs 84

4.1 Decisions Using switch 84

4.1.1 The Tips and Traps 87

4.2 switch Versus if-else Ladder 90

4.3 The goto Keyword 90

4.4 Summary 92

4.5 Exercise 92

Chapter 5:Functions & Pointers 97

5.1 What is a Function 97

5.1.1 Why Use Functions 102

5.2 Passing Values between Functions 103

5.3 Scope Rule of Functions 106

5.4 Calling Convention 106

5.5 One Dicey Issue 107

5.6 Advanced Features of Functions 108

5.6.1 Return Type of Function 108

5.6.2 Call by Value and Call by Reference 109

5.6.3 An Introduction to Pointers 109

5.6.4 Pointer Notation 109

5.6.5 Back to Function Calls 113

5.6.6 Conclusions 115

5.6.7 Recursion 116

5.6.8 Recursion and Stack 119

5.7 Adding Functions to the Library 120

5.8 Summary 122

5.9 Exercise 123

Chapter6:Data Types Revisited 132

6.1 Integers,long and short 132

6.2 Integers,signed and unsigned 134

6.3 Chars,signed and unsigned 134

6.4 Floats and Doubles 135

6.5 A Few More Issues 137

6.6 Storage Classes in C 138

6.6.1 Automatic Storage Class 138

6.6.2 Register Storage Class 140

6.6.3 Static Storage Class 141

6.6.4 External Storage Class 142

6.6.5 A Few Subtle Issues 144

6.6.6 Which to Use When 145

6.7 Summary 146

6.8 Exercise 146

Chapter 7:The C Preprocessor 152

7.1 Features of C Preprocessor 152

7.2 Macro Expansion 153

7.2.1 Macros with Arguments 155

7.2.2 Macros versus Functions 158

7.3 File Inclusion 158

7.4 Conditional Compilation 159

7.5 #if and #elif Directives 162

7.6 Miscellaneous Directives 163

7.6.1 #undef Directive 163

7.6.2 #pragma Directive 163

7.7 The Build Process 165

7.7.1 Preprocessing 166

7.7.2 Compilation 166

7.7.3 Assembling 166

7.7.4 Linking 167

7.7.5 Loading 168

7.8 Summary 168

7.9 Exercise 169

Chapter 8:Arrays 172

8.1 What are Arrays 172

8.1.1 A Simple Program Using Array 173

8.2 More on Arrays 175

8.2.1 Array Initialisation 175

8.2.2 Bounds Checking 176

8.2.3 Passing Array Elements to a Function 177

8.3 Pointers and Arrays 178

8.3.1 Passing an Entire Array to a Function 183

8.3.2 The Real Thing 183

8.4 Two Dimensional Arrays 184

8.4.1 Initialising a 2-Dimensional Array 185

8.4.2 Memory Map of a 2-Dimensional Array 186

8.4.3 Pointers and 2-Dimensional Arrays 186

8.4.4 Pointer to an Array 188

8.4.5 Passing 2-D Array to a Function 189

8.5 Array of Pointers 192

8.6 Three-Dimensional Array 193

8.7 Summary 194

8.8 Exercise 195

Chapter 9:Puppetting On Strings 210

9.1 What are Strings 210

9.2 More about Strings 211

9.3 Pointers and Strings 214

9.4 Standard Library String Functions 215

9.4.1 strlen() 215

9.4.2 strcpy() 217

9.4.3 strcat() 219

9.4.4 strcmp() 219

9.5 Two-Dimensional Array of Characters 220

9.6 Array of Pointers to Strings 222

9.7 Limitation of Array of Pointers to Strings 224

9.7.1 Solution 225

9.8 Summary 226

9.9 Exercise 226

Chapter 10:Structures 231

10.1 Why Use Structures 231

10.1.1 Declaring a Structure 233

10.1.2 Accessing Structure Elements 235

10.1.3 How Structure Elements are Stored 235

10.2 Array of Structures 236

10.3 Additional Features of Structures 237

10.4 Uses of Structures 243

10.5 Summary 244

10.6 Exercise 244

Chapter 11:Console Input/Output 249

11.1 Types of I/O 249

11.2 Console I/O Functions 250

11.2.1 Formatted Console I/O Functions 250

11.2.2 sprintf() and sscanf() Functions 256

11.2.3 Unformatted Console I/O Functions 256

11.3 Summary 259

11.4 Exercise 259

Chapter 12:File Input/Output 263

12.1 Data Organization 264

12.2 File Operations 264

12.2.1 Opening a File 265

12.2.2 Reading from a File 266

12.2.3 Trouble in Opening a File 266

12.2.4 Closing the File 267

12.3 Counting Characters,Tabs,Spaces, 268

12.4 A File-copy Program 269

12.4.1 Wriring to a File 269

12.5 File Opening Modes 270

12.6 Siring(line)I/O in Files 270

12.6.1 The Awkward Newline 272

12.7 Record I/O in Files 272

12.8 Text Files and Binary Files 275

12.9 Record I/O Revisited 277

12.10 Database Management 279

12.11 Low Level Disk I/O 283

12.11.1 A Low Level File-copy Program 283

12.12 I/O Under Windows 286

12.13 Summary 286

12.14 Exercise 287

Chapter 13:More Issues In Input/Output 294

13.1 Using argc and argv 294

13.2 Detecting Errors in Reading/Writing 297

13.3 Standard I/O Devices 298

13.4 I/O Redirection 299

13.4.1 Redirecting the Output 299

13.4.2 Redirecting the Input 300

13.4.3 Both Ways at Once 301

13.5 Summary 301

13.6 Exercise 302

Chapter 14:Operations On Bits 303

14.1 Bitwise Operators 303

14.1.1 One's Complement Operator 305

14.1.2 Right Shift Operator 306

14.1.3 Left Shift Operator 307

14.1.4 Bitwise AND Operator 310

14.1.5 Bitwise OR Operator 313

14.1.6 Bitwise XOR Operator 313

14.2 The showbits() Function 314

14.3 Hexadecimal Numbering System 315

14.4 Relation between Binary and Hex 316

14.5 Summary 317

14.6 Exercise 317

Chapter 15:Miscellaneous Features 320

15.1 Enumerated Data Type 320

15.1.1 Uses of Enumerated Data Type 321

15.1.2 Are Enums Necessary 323

15.2 Renaming Data types with typedef 323

15.3 Typecasting 325

15.4 Bit Fields 326

15.5 Pointers to Functions 327

15.6 Functions Returning Pointers 329

15.7 Functions with Variable Number of Arguments 330

15.8 Unions 332

15.8.1 Union of Structures 336

15.8.2 Utility of Unions 337

15.9 The volatile Qualifier 338

15.10 Summary 339

15.11 Exercise 339

Chapter 16:C Under Windows 342

16.1 Which Windows 343

16.2 Salient Features of Windows Programming 343

16.2.1 Powerful API Functions 344

16.2.2 Sharing of Functions 344

16.2.3 Consistent Look and Feel 344

16.2.4 Hardware Independent Programming 345

16.2.5 Event Driven Programming Model 345

16.3 Obvious Programming Differences 347

16.3.1 Integers 347

16.3.2 Heavy Use of typedef 347

16.3.3 Size of Pointers 348

16.4 The First Windows Program 349

16.5 Hungarian Notation 351

16.6 Role of the Message Box 351

16.7 Here Comes the window 352

16.8 More Windows 354

16.9 A Real-World Window 355

16.9.1 Creation and Displaying of Window 356

16.9.2 Interaction with Window 356

16.9.3 Reacting to Messages 357

16.10 Program Instances 359

16.11 Summary 359

16.12 Exercise 360

Chapter 17:Graphics Under Windows 361

17.1 Graphics as of Now 361

17.2 Device Independent Drawing 362

17.3 Hello Windows 362

17.4 Drawing Shapes 365

17.5 Types of Pens 367

17.6 Types of Brushes 369

17.6.1 Code and Resources 371

17.7 Freehand Drawing,the Paintbrush Style 371

17.7.1 Capturing the Mouse 373

17.8 Device Context,a Closer Look 374

17.9 Displaying a Bitmap 375

17.10 Animation at Work 377

17.10.1 WM_CREATE and OnCreate() 379

17.10.2 WM_TIMER and OnTimer() 380

17.10.3 A Few More Points 380

17.11 Windows.the Endless World 381

17.12 Summary 381

17.13 Exercise 382

Chapter 18:Internet Programming 383

18.1 Network Communication 383

18.2 Packets and Sockets 385

18.3 Before We Start 385

18.3.1 Protocols 385

18.3.2 IP Addresses 386

18.3.3 Port Numbers 386

18.3.4 Byte Ordering 387

18.4 Getting Started 387

18.5 What's The Time Now 389

18.5.1 Creation of Socket 392

18.5.2 Sending Data to a Time Server 392

18.5.3 Receiving Date and Time 393

18.6 Communicating with Whois Server 393

18.7 Give Me the Home Page 396

18.8 Sending and Receiving Emails 397

18.9 Two-Way Communication 405

18.10 Summary 410

18.11 Exercise 410

Chapter 19:C Under Linux 411

19.1 What is Linux 411

19.2 C Programming Under Linux 412

19.3 The'Hello Linux'Program 412

19.4 Processes 413

19.5 Parent and Child Processes 414

19.6 More Processes 417

19.7 Zombies and Orphans 418

19.8 One Interesting Fact 419

19.9 Summary 420

19.10 Exercise 420

Chapter 20:More Linux Programming 422

20.1 Communication using Signals 422

20.2 Handling Multiple Signals 424

20.3 Registering a Common Handler 425

20.4 Blocking Signals 426

20.5 Event Driven Programming 428

20.6 Where Do You Go From Here 431

20.7 Summary 431

20.8 Exercise 432

Appendix A:Precedence Table 433

Appendix B:Library Functions 434

Appendix C:Chasing The Bugs 440

Appendix D:ASCII Chart 444

Appendix E:Helper.h File 447

Appendix F:Linux Installation 448
