- 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:华中农业大学编
- 出 版 社:华中农业大学印刷厂
- 出版年份:1998
- 页数:850 页
亚洲棉同源四倍体与陆地棉杂交和回交后代育性遗传的研究&孙济中等 1
棉花潜在性缺硼与有效施硼的研究&王运华等 10
棉花硼、钾营养相互关系的研究&刘武定等 19
水稻品种对白叶枯病成株抗性研究&张端品等 27
15个云南地方品种对白叶枯病抗性的遗传研究&谢岳峰等 38
关于不同籼稻品种和施肥时期稻株对15N的吸收及其分配的研究&王维金等 45
Using bulked extremes and recessive class to map genes for photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterility in rice&张启发等 50
Identifying and mapping a new gene for bacterial blight resistance in rice based on RFLP markers&林兴华 55
Importance of epistasis as the genetic basis of heterosis in an elite rice hybrid&余四斌等 59
Copia-like retrotransposons in rice:sequence heterogeneity,species distribution and chromosomal locations&王石平等 65
A novel lipoxygenase from rice&彭友良等 73
Chromosomal regions associated with segregation distortion of molecular markers in F2,backcross,doubled haploid,and recombinant inbred populations in rice(Oryza sativa L..)&徐云碧等 80
Mapping and genetic analysis of two fertility restorer loci in the wild--abortive cytoplasmic male ste-rility system of rice(Oryza sativa L.)&姚方印等 91
A genome-wide analysis of wide compatibility in rice and the precise location of the S5 locus in the molecular map&刘克德等 96
外引野稻对白叶枯病的抗性鉴定&孙恢鸿等 102
The effects of brassinolide treatments on growth and developmental processes in wheat plants&骆炳山等 106
Molecular cytogenetic characterization of Thinopyrum and wheat Th inopyrum translocated chro-mosomes in a wheat-Thinopyrum amphiploid&蔡习文等 114
Identification of QTLs for partial resistance to leaf rust(Puccinia hordei)in barley&漆小泉等 121
小麦白粉病成株期病情分级方法及其对产量影响的研究&石鹏皋 132
Characterization of a wheat class Ib chitinase gene differentially induced in isogenic lines by infection with Puccinia graminis&廖玉才等 138
Variation for thermal properties of starch in tropical maize germ plasm&李建生等 149
mt DNA heterogeneity of cytoplasmic male sterility in maize&郑用链等 153
Maize branching enzyme catalyzes synthesis of glycogen-like polysaccharide in glgB-deficient Esche-richia coli&关汉平等 163
Studies on"three line"polima cytoplasmic male sterility developed in Brassica napus L&傅廷栋等 167
甘蓝型油菜的粒色遗传和高油分育种的研究&刘后利 173
油菜菌核病(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)在我国的寄主范围及生态特性的调查研究&杨新美 184
Pioduction and cytogenetics of Brassica campestris-alboglabra chromosome addition lines&陈宝元等 196
Characterization of three loci controlling resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana accession Ms-O to two powdery mildew diseases&萧顺元等 204
Cellular responses of two rapid-cycling Brassica species.B.napus and B.carinata,to seawater salinity&贺铁等 216
Cloning and expression of phosphatidylcholine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D from Ricinus communis L&王学敏等 223
A model of tuber size distribution of potatoes intercropped with maize&谢从华等 229
苎麻(Boehmeria nivea)硼素营养诊断和施硼效应的研究&皮美美等 242
Molecular differentiation of fungi associated with brown stem rot and detection of Phialophora gregata in resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars&陈卫东等 250
Intergeneric somatic hybrid plants from protoplast fusion of Fortunclla crassifolia cultivar'Meiwa' with Citrus sinensis cultivar'Valencia'&邓秀新等 259
柑桔的越冬栽培及抗寒品种的选育&章文才等 267
A high-resolution linkage map of the citrus tristeza virus resistance gene region in Poncirus trifolia-ta(L.)Rof&方德秋等 276
Development and characterization of SCAR markers linked to the citrus tristeza virus resistance gene from Poncirus trifoliata&邓占鳌等 284
Response of peach tree growth and cropping to soil water deficit at various phenological stages of fruit development&李绍华 292
Localization of calcium in the cells of apical meristem during flower differentiation of Japanese pear,Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai&彭抒昂等 304
Evaluation of RAPD analysis for cultivar identification of persimmons&罗正荣等 318
早生优质茶树新品系“浙农139”选育&刘祖生等 325
Phylogeny and biogeography of Aralia sect.Aralia(Araliaceae)&文军等 330
Applications of biotechnology and molecular genetics to tree improvement&黄应华等 340
中国梅的变异与分布研究&包满珠 陈俊愉 355
农桐间作系统综合效益分析及多目标模式优化&蒋建平等 361
Allozyme and RAPD analysis of the genetic diversity and geographic variation in wild populations of the American chestnut&黄宏文等 369
Pollen wall structure using a new stripping-sputtering device for scanning eletron microscopy&蓝盛银等 378
A simulation study of responses of the northeast China transect to elevated CO2 and climate change&高琼等 385
水稻土特性的发展和水稻田的绿肥耕作制&陈华癸 399
红壤丘陵山区植被恢复研究&刘更另 414
Study on 14 ? intergrade mineral of red earth and yellow brown earth in Hubei Province&李学垣等 419
Influences of fertilizer structures on soil improvement and crop yield in paddy soil derived from red earth&陈明亮等 431
黄绵土表土结皮的形成、破坏过程及微形态特征&张光远等 437
1.4-nm intergrade mineral is soils of subtropical China.a review&贺纪正等 449
寻找新农用抗生素的方法研究——湖北省汉水沿岸拮抗性真菌类群分析&陈耀邦 455
Transformation of metalaxyl by the fungus Syncephalastrum racemosum&郑重等 460
Model of population dynamics of Scirpophaga incertulas(Walker)(Lepidoptera:Pyralidae)&夏敬源等 466
植物青枯菌(Pseudomonas solanacearum)致病机理&何礼远等 475
Characterization and cloning of glycogen phosphorylase 1 from Dictyostelium discoideum&罗顺等 485
Germin-like oxalate oxidase,a H2O2-producing enzyme,accumulates in barley attacked by the powdery mildew fungus&张自国等 496
Microbiology of paw-tsay.Ⅰ.Laetobacilli and lactic acid fermentation&赵学慧 503
农用抗生素5102的研究Ⅱ.5102-2号抗生素的分离和鉴别&张声华等 509
The activity of nitrifying and denitrifing bacteria in paddy soil&周启等 515
苏云金杆菌的一个新血清型&喻子牛等 519
The research and development of agricultural biotechnology in China&范云六等 524
Reproductive capacity of bacteroids in nodules of Trifolium repens L.and Glycine max(L.)Merr&周俊初等 528
Expression of a streptomyces plasmid promoter in Escherichia coli&邓子新等 538
Streptomyces lividans 66 contains a gene for phage resistance which is similar to the phageλea59 endonuclease gene&周秀芬等 544
Sexuality and formation of monocaryotic fruit body in Auricularia auricula and Auricularia polytricha&罗信昌等 553
Repeated polyketide synthase modules involved in the biosynthesis of a heptaene m.acrolide by Strepto-myces sp.FR-008&胡治浩等 561
Use of the polymerase chain reaction to identify coding sequences for chitin synthase isozymes inPhialophora verrucosa&彭 明等 571
A bifunctional cosmid vector for the mobilized conjugal transfer of DNA from Escherichia coli to Streptomyces sp&鲍锴等 578
Rhizobium hainanense sp.nov.,Isolated from tropical legumes&陈文新等 583
The characterization of chicken antibodies raised against Fusarium spp.by enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay and immunoblotting&甘志波等 587
Replication at the telomeres of the Streptomyces Linear plasmid pSLA2&覃重军等 597
Furin-dependent intracellular activation of the human stromelysin-3 zymogen&裴端卿等 608
含黄曲霉毒素B1的日粮对广西陆川猪安全剂量的测定&吴文彩等 612
猪应激敏感性生化遗传标记的研究&熊远著等 618
セルロ一スアセテ一ト膜电気泳动によるphi,6 pgd遗伝子型の同时判定と豚ハロセン遗伝子型の推定&邓昌彦等 624
猪伪狂犬病病毒鄂A株的分离鉴定&陈焕春等 628
A comparative research on the genetic diversity in Chinese Jiangxi native pig breeds and Russian LargeWhite pig breeds&罗明等 634
Banding and the localization of microsatellites by primed insitu DNA synthesis on pachytene biva-lents of pigs&李奎等 639
中国水牛资源调查&童碧泉等 643
乳肉兼用型水牛新品种选育研究初报&章纯熙等 651
Precision mapping of quantitative trait loci&曾昭邦 658
家兔胚源性特异蛋白-1的分离纯化及其理化性质&杨在清等 670
Characterization of satellite cells derived from chickens with the low score normal(LSN)muscle weakness&李再楷等 675
The diversity and evolutionary relationships of the pregnancy-associated glycoproteins,an aspartic proteinase subfamily consisting of many trophoblast-expressed genes&谢三才等 686
中国丽叩甲属的新种新纪录(鞘翅目:叩甲科)&江世宏 694
不同浓度的电解质和非电解质溶液对花?精子活动的影响&严安生等 700
Inhibition of HIV-1 replication using a mutated tRNALys-3 primer&鲁元安等 704
Prospects for intergrated fish culture in China's veservoins&熊邦喜等 713
中华绒螯蟹多倍体的诱导研究:Ⅱ.热休克诱导中华绒螯蟹三倍体胚胎和四倍体溞状幼体&陈立侨等 718
东湖饮水有机污染物致突变性研究进展&王家玲 728
Antioxidant properties fractions and polyphenol constituents from green,oolong and black teas&谢笔钧等 736
油菜籽中单宁的提取、组成及性质的研究&吴谋成等 745
直刀刃滚刀式切碎器的分析与设计&庞生海等 750
估计作物吸水强度的动态模拟方法及其应用&雷廷武等 759
高湿物料滚筒破碎烘干机干燥特性的研究&韩捷等 769
中国的种子工程&朱明 773
综合开发湖北山区资源浅议&韩桐魁等 778
关于农村股份式合作经济的思考&杨名远 782
A planned and market economy and economic development&夏振坤 787
过程机制道路——新中国农业技术变革思考&朱明宽 797
试论湖北长江中游经济区发展战略“龙骨天线”模式&刘春仁 802
地价管理中存在的问题及对策研究&陆红生 805
论我国农业保险体制与从业人员的培养&沈达尊 809
关于我国农村社会保障制度建设的探讨&李守经等 815
刘易斯陷阱与我国农村劳动力的梯度转移&雷海章 819
The application of ecological economics on a Chinese ecological farm&姜学民等 823
Effects of distribution assumptions for sediment yields on farm returns in a chance constrained pro-gramming model&徐峰等 833
我国农村实现小康目标的难点与对策研究&郭犹焕等 845
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- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《现代水泥技术发展与应用论文集》天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司编 2019
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- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
- 《赵松乔先生百年诞辰纪念文集》《赵松乔先生百年诞辰纪念文集》编辑组 2019
- 《王蒙文集 新版 37 评点《红楼梦》 下》王蒙著 2020
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- 《大学英语教学的跨文化交际视角研究与创新发展》许丽云,刘枫,尚利明著 2020
- 《东方杂志 第110册 第25卷 第一至四号 1928年1月-1928年2月》上海书店出版社编 2012
- 《清明 我们的节日》冯骥才编 2017
- 《现代水泥技术发展与应用论文集》天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司编 2019
- 《甘肃省档案馆指南》甘肃省档案馆编 2018
- 《莼江曲谱 2 中国昆曲博物馆藏稀见昆剧手抄曲谱汇编之一》郭腊梅主编;孙伊婷副主编;孙文明,孙伊婷编委;中国昆曲博物馆编 2018
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- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《中央财政支持提升专业服务产业发展能力项目水利工程专业课程建设成果 设施农业工程技术》赵英编 2018
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- 《大学英语四级考试全真试题 标准模拟 四级》汪开虎主编 2012
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