- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:艾柯著
- 出 版 社:北京:文化艺术出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787503939617
- 页数:242 页
1 聆听幸福的声音苹果树的故事 2
The Boy and the Tree 3
上帝的礼物 5
The God's Greatest Gift 6
爱的故事 8
A Love Story 8
乞丐与三兄弟 10
Three Brothers and the Beggar 12
美丽心灵 15
The Most Beautiful Heart 16
最动听的歌 18
The Sweetest Melody 18
拥有朋友的兔子 20
The Hare with Many Friends 20
杜鹃和斑鸠 22
Cuckoo and Wood-pigeon 22
情同手足的鸽子 24
Two Pigeons 25
蝎子和乌龟 28
The Scorpion and the Tortoise 28
恋爱中的鸵鸟 30
The Ostrich in Love 30
恋爱中的狮子 32
The Lion in Love 32
一家子 34
A Family 34
有爱就能拥有一切 36
Love Can Have Everything 37
小树 39
The Sapling 39
心安草 41
A Heart's-ease 41
善良的心灵 43
A Good Conscience 43
感恩的狮子 45
The Grateful Lion 45
忠诚的小狗 47
The Loyal Dog 48
盛开在沙漠中的小花 51
Flower in the Desert 51
好友 53
The Two Friends 53
2 感悟人生百态一条环游世界的鱼 56
A Fish of the World 57
两颗种子 60
Two Seeds 60
苍蝇和蜂蜜 62
The Flies and the Honey Pot 62
吹牛的蛤蟆 63
A Braggart Frog 63
没有止境 65
Where Does It End 65
狐狸和山羊 67
The Fox and the Goat 67
命运女神和乞丐 69
Fortune and the Beggar 70
燕子的忠告 73
The Swallow' s Words 73
真正的天堂 74
True Heaven 75
鹰和甲虫 78
The Eagle and the Beetle 79
有裂痕的罐子 81
The Cracked Pot 82
愚蠢的少年 84
A Foolish Boy 84
狗和影子 86
The Dog and the Shadow 86
乌鸦和天鹅 87
The Raven and the Swan 87
蚂蚁和蚱蜢 88
The Ants and the Grasshopper 88
财宝和两个男人 89
The Treasure and the Two Men 89
狐狸和乌鸦 91
The Fox and the Crow 91
大火炉 92
The Big Oven 93
朱庇特和绵羊 95
Jupiter and the Sheep 95
狡猾的狐狸 97
The Kind Fox 98
分红 100
Sharing Up 100
墨丘利和樵夫 102
Mercury and the Woodman 102
金鹅 104
The Golden Goose 105
蜘蛛与老鹰 107
Eagle and Spider 108
猫和夜莺 110
Cat and Nightingale 110
狼和狐狸 112
The Wolf and the Fox 112
驴和盐 113
The Donkey and the Salt 114
穴乌和鸽子 116
The Jackdaw and the Doves 116
虚荣的寒鸦 117
The Vain Jackdaw 117
披着羊皮的狼 119
The Wolf in Sheep' s Clothing 119
狼和鹤 120
The Wolf and the Crane 120
青蛙找国王 122
The Frogs Desiring a King 122
乌龟和老鹰 124
The Tortoise and the Eagle 124
驴子和它的铃铛 125
The Ass and His Bell 125
3 领略智慧奥秘掉进井里的驴 128
Down in a Well 128
狮后的葬礼 130
The Funeral of the Lioness 131
西莫尼狄斯历险记 133
The Shipwreck of Simonides 133
愚蠢的猴子 135
The Harebrained Monkey 135
狐狸和蝉 137
Fox and Cicada 137
聪慧的儿子 139
The Wise Son 139
蝙蝠和黄鼠狼 141
The Bat and the Weasel 141
狐狸和生病的狮子 143
The Fox and the Sick Lion 144
狮子和蚊子 146
Lion and Gnat 146
重担 148
The Load 148
鹰、猫和野猪 150
The Eagle,the Catand the Wild Sow 150
老妇人和医生 152
The Old Woman and the Physician 152
狐狸和鹳 154
The Fox and the Stork 155
谁更强大 157
Who Is the Best 157
乌鸦和水壶 158
The Crow and the Pitcher 158
乞丐的愿望 159
The Beggar's Wish 159
狐狸和公鸡 161
The Fox and the Cockerel 161
鹤与蟹 163
The Crane and the Crab 164
狼和驴 166
The Wolf and the Donkey 167
两个园丁 169
The Two Gardeners 169
两头驴 171
The Two Donkeys 171
4 把握处世之道两为狗 174
Two Dogs 174
木匠 176
The Carpenter 176
父亲和两个女儿 178
The Father and His Two Daughters 178
出租车司机 179
A Taxi-driver 179
袋子 181
The Bag 182
农民和蛇 184
The Labourer and the Snake 184
男孩和蛇 185
The Boy and the Snake 185
狮子和老鼠 187
The Lion and the Mouse 187
橡果和南瓜 189
The Acorn and the Pumpkin 189
风筝 191
The Kite 191
“改过自新”的狐狸 192
The Penitent Fox 192
砂罐和铁罐 194
The Earthen Pot and the Iron Pot 194
钻石和萤火虫 195
The Diamond and the Glow-worm 195
狼落狗窝 196
Wolf in the Kennels 196
狐狸 198
Fox 198
小鹰 200
An Eagle 200
矢车菊 202
The Cornflower 202
橡树和苇草 204
The Oak and the Reed 204
狼和小羊 206
Wolf and Lamb 207
兽类的瘟疫 208
The Plague of the Beasts 209
杂色羊 211
Speckled Sheep 211
独眼的母鹿 213
The One-Eyed Doe 213
井底之蛙 214
Don't Be a Frog in the Well 215
城里老鼠和乡下老鼠 218
The City Mouse and the Country Mouse 218
穿过地狱就是天堂 220
Purgatory May Be Paradise 220
通向伟大的坦途 222
The Royal Road to Greatness 223
狗与狼 226
The Dog and the Wolf 226
小偷和公鸡 228
The Thieves and the Cock 228
驴子和马尔斯犬 229
The Ass and the Lap-dog 229
无法弥补的过错 231
The Gossiper 231
猴子与渔夫 233
The Monkey and the Fishermen 233
牧人和大海 234
The Shepherd and the Sea 235
改变自己,而不是世界 237
Change Yourself,Not the World 237
海克力斯和车夫 238
Hercules and the Wagoner 238
磨房主、他的儿子和他们的驴 239
The Man,the Boy,and the Donkey 239
主人和老鼠 241
Master and the Mice 241
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