十年一剑 福建中西医结合研究院十周年论文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈可冀主编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787030526205
- 页数:668 页
第一章 院士论坛 3
1在福建中西医结合研究院成立大会上的致辞&韩启德 3
2提倡多元模式 推进中西医结合 发展中医药事业——理念决定方法方法决定结果&陈可冀 5
3杂谈怎样做一名合格的研究生导师&陈可冀 15
4素食与心血管健康&陈可冀 23
5关于活血化瘀临床研究的心路历程&陈可冀 30
6用现代科学观看中医&朱清时 33
7当前我国的科研道德建设&秦伯益 39
8新世纪的药物研究的趋势与实践&陈凯先 45
9中医药在当代的作用与使命&陈凯先 52
10新药创制:从大国走向强国&陈凯先 58
11中医药送给世界的礼物——从屠呦呦教授获得诺贝尔奖说起&陈凯先 66
12深入贯彻落实科学发展观 推动中药事业健康发展&姚新生 80
13Neuroprotective strategy in pharmaco-therapy of neurodegerenative diseases&Gengtao Liu 84
14加强中医药自主创新 提高防治疾病水平&李连达 100
15中医中药在临床肿瘤学中的作用&孙燕 103
16中药资源的可持续发展&肖培根 115
17下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴在某些疾病中的重要作用&沈自尹 119
18艾滋病的预防与控制&曾毅 126
19肿瘤防治 路在何方——探索中医的相关战略地位&程书钧 144
20再生医学研究进展&吴祖泽 152
21神经调控为核心,转化医学为目标,开拓针刺疗法新高潮&韩济生 162
22枸杞子与神经保护&苏国辉 171
23探索传统中药复方黄芩汤(PHY906)在癌症患者化疗和放射治疗上的辅助治疗&郑永齐 177
24全国中药资源普查试点工作&黄璐琦 186
第二章 心血管病研究 195
1 Blood Stasis Syndrome and its treatment with activating blood circulation to remove blood stasis therapy&Keji Chen 195
2 Complementary/alternative medicine in cardiovascular diseases 2013&Keji Chen 204
3 Complex networks approach for analyzing the correlation of Traditional Chinese Medicine syndrome evolvement and cardiovascular events in patients with stable Coronary Heart Disease&Zhuye Gao 206
4 Chronic aspirin via dose-dependent and selective inhibition of cardiac proteasome possibly contributed a potential risk to the ischemic heart&Chunjiang Tan 214
5 Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the major constituents in Shexiang Tongxin Dropping Pill by HPLC- Q-TOF-MS/MS and UPLC-QqQ-MS/MS&Daxin Chen 234
6 Xiongshao capsule promotes angiogenesis of HUVEC via enhancing cell proliferation and up-regulating the expression of bFGF and VEGF&Jiumao Lin 258
7 The effect of Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction on in vitro endothelial progenitor cell tube formation&Gao Dong 269
8 A microarray analysis of angiogenesis modulation effect of Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction on endothelial cells&Jun Song 276
9 In vitro angiogenesis effect of Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction and vascular endothelial growth factor: a comparison study&Fan Lin 284
10 Effect of EphB4/EphrinB2 reverse signal on angiogenesis induced by Xuefu Zhuyu capsule containing serum in human microvascular endothelial cell 1&Jingsi Zhang 296
第三章 肿瘤研究 307
1 The applied research on serum protein fingerprints in the prediction of Qi Deficiency and Blood Stasis-Phlegm Syndrome with non-small cell lung cancer&Zhizhen Liu 307
2 Ethyl acetate extract from Jiedu Xiaozheng Yin inhibits proliferation of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by suppressing polycomb gene product Bmil and Wnt/β-catenin signaling&Xuzheng Chen 315
3 Fuzheng-Yiliu granules inhibit growth of hepatocellular cancer by regulating immune fuction and inducing apoptosis in vivo and in vitro&Zhiyun Cao 329
4 Nitidine chloride inhibits hepatic cancer growth via modulation of multiple signaling pathways&Jiumao Lin 340
5 Pien Tze Huang-induced apoptosis in human colon cancer HT- 29 cells is associated with regulation of the Bcl-2 family and activation of caspase 3&Jiumao Lin 357
6 Pien Tze Huang inhibits tumor cell proliferation and promotes apoptosis via suppressing the STAT3 pathway in a colorectal cancer mouse model&Qunchuan Zhuang 365
7 Pien Tze Huang inhibits metastasis of human colorectal carcinoma cells via modulation of TGF-β1/ZEB/miR-200 signaling network&Aling Shen 375
8 Effects of Pien Tze Huang on angiogenesis in vivo and in vitro&Aling Shen 385
9 Hedyotis Diffusa Willd extract induces apoptosis via activation of the mitochondrion- dependent pathway in human colon carcinoma cells&Jiumao Lin 395
10 Scutellaria barbata D.Don inhibits tumor angiogenesis via suppression of Hedgehog pathway in a mouse model of colorectal cancer&Lihui Wei 408
第四章 骨关节炎研究 421
1 A biomechanical experiment and clinical study of figure of eight plus circular wiring fixation to treat olecranon fractures&Wulian Wang 421
2 Duhuo Jisheng Decoction promotes chondrocyte proliferation through accelerated G 1/S transition in osteoarthritis&Guangwen Wu 431
3 Computational approaches for exploring the potential synergy and polypharmacology of Duhuo Jisheng Decoction in the therapy of osteoarthritis&Chunsong Zheng 447
4 Duhuo Jisheng Decoction-containing serum promotes proliferation of interleukin-1β induced chondrocytes through the p16 cyclin D1/CDK4 Rb pathway&Guangwen Wu 459
5 Protective effects of the Tougu Xiaotong capsule on morphology and osteoprotegerin/nuclear factor-кB ligand expression in rabbits with knee osteoarthritis&Sainan Chen 475
6 Experimental study of millimeter wave-induced differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into chondrocytes&Guangwen Wu 487
7 Millimeter wave treatment inhibits apoptosis of chondrocytes via regulation dynamic equilibrium of intracellular free Ca2+&Jinxia Ye 499
8 Electroacupuncture promoted chondrocytes proliferation via accelerating G 1 /S transition in cell cycle&Yali Huang 512
9 Deciphering the underlying mechanisms of DieSun Miaofang in traumatic injury om a systems pharmacology perspective&Chunsong Zheng 523
10 Replacing Shox2 with human SHOX leads to congenital disc degeneration of the temporomandibular joint in mice&Xihai Li 535
第五章 中药药效物质基础研究 549
1 Bio-inspired sensor coupled with bio-bar code and hybridization chain reaction for Hg 2+ assay&Huifeng Xu 549
2 Solid phase extraction-field amplified sample injection coupled with CE-ESI-MS for on-line pre-concentration and quantitative analysis of brain-gut peptides&Hongzhi Ye 560
3 Enzyme-free and Label-free electrochemical biosensor for lead ion based on DNA concatamers and hexaammineruthenium&Huifeng Xu 573
4 CE-ESI-MS coupled with dynamic pH junction online concentration for analysis of bioactive peptides in human urine samples&Hongzhi Ye 581
5 Field-amplified sample stacking in capillary electrophoresis for the determination of alkaloids in Sinomenium acutum&Lili Wang 592
6 Antioxidant activity of polysaccharide extracted from Ganoderma lucidum using response surface methodology&Yongjun Kan 602
7 Chemical composition, antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and a pro-apoptotic effect in SGC-7901 of the essential oil from Toona sinensis (A.Juss.) Roem.leaves&JianGuo Wu 617
8 Quantitative and chemical fingerprint analysis for the quality evaluation of Receptaculum Nelumbinis by RP-HPLC coupled with hierarchical clustering analysis&YanBin Wu 633
9 Investigation of the extracts from Bidens pilosa Linn.var.radiata Sch. Bip.for antioxidant activities and cytotoxicity against human tumor cells&Jianguo Wu 645
10 Computational pharmacological comparison of Salvia miltiorrhiza and Panax notoginseng used in the therapy of cardiovascular diseases&Chunsong Zheng 659
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