应急英语口语15天快训 留学生活篇PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:龙湛,魏婧,马文静等编著
- 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:756052673X
- 页数:104 页
Part Ⅰ On the Trip 旅途中 2
Day 1 Preparations(准备) 2
Section A Signing the Visa(签证) 2
Section B Passing Through the Territory of a Country and Changing Flights(过境,转机) 5
Section C Changing Currency(兑换货币) 8
Day 2 On the Flight(飞行) 12
1.At the passport control immigration desk(出示护照) 13
2.Boarding(登机时) 14
3.After the plane has taken off(飞机起飞后) 14
Day 3 Arrival(到达) 18
Part Ⅱ Settle Down 生活安顿 24
Day 4 Homestay Family(寄宿家庭) 24
1.Phoning home(打电话报平安) 25
2.Getting to know the family(熟悉寄宿家庭) 26
3.Presenting gifts(赠送礼物) 26
Day 5 Becoming Familiar with the Environment(熟悉环境) 31
Section A At the Restaurant(在餐厅) 31
1.Ordering lunch(点餐) 32
2.Complaining about the delayed meal(上菜太慢时的抱怨) 34
3.Paying for the meal and the service charge(付餐费和小费) 34
Section B At the Post Office(在邮局) 37
1.Sending a package(寄包裹) 38
2.At the post office(在邮局) 39
Section C At the Department Store(在超市) 42
1.Changing things just bought(换货) 44
2.Buying shirts at a department store(在商场买衬衫) 45
Section D At the Bank(在银行) 47
Opening an account(开设银行账户) 48
Part Ⅲ Study on Campus 校园学习 54
Day 6 For New Students(新生入校) 54
Section A School Registration(注册) 54
Section B Getting to Know New Friends(交朋友) 59
1.Getting to know each other(认识新朋友) 60
2.Introducing another person(介绍朋友给另一人) 61
Day 7 In Class(上课) 63
1.Airing opinions(发表意见) 64
2.Asking questions in class(课堂提问) 65
3.Semester report and presentation(学期报告和陈述) 65
4.Asking for homework(问作业) 66
Day 8 In the Lab(在实验室) 70
1.Starting an experiment(开始实验) 70
2.Asking questions(问问题) 71
3.Communicating with your tutor(与导师交流) 72
Day 9 In the Library(在图书馆) 73
Borrowing a book at the library(借书) 74
Day 10 Studies and Exams(学习与考试) 77
1.Before an exam(考试前) 77
2.Conversation after an exam(考试后的交谈) 78
3.Getting the result(知道成绩) 79
Part Ⅳ Daily Life 日常生活 82
Day 11 Haircut(理发) 82
1.Making an appointment(预约) 83
2.Haircut(剪发) 83
Day 12 Doctors and Pharmacy(医生与药店) 86
1.At the reception office(在接待室) 87
2.Getting the examination(接受检查) 88
3.At the pharmacy(在药店) 89
Day 13 Lost and Found(失物招领) 92
Part Ⅴ Cultural Differences 文化差异 96
Day 14 Holidays(节日) 96
1.At the weekend(在周末) 96
2.On Halloween(在万圣节) 97
3.On Christmas(在圣诞节) 98
Day 15 Culture Shock and Cultural Clashes(文化休克与文化冲突) 101
1.Somebody complained about me(被抱怨时) 101
2.Refusing(学会拒绝) 102
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