- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:邓文杰编著
- 出 版 社:上海:华东师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787561759967
- 页数:353 页
Introduction 1
0.1 Purpose and approaches 1
0.2 Hierarchical structure of English grammar 3
Chapter One Composition of NP and VP 10
1.1 Two formulae 10
1.2 Composition of NP 11
1.3 Composition of VP 14
Chapter Two NP:The Determiner 23
2.1 Membership 23
2.2 Collocation 25
2.3 Simple and compound determiner 32
Chapter Three NP:The Article 37
3.1 Reference 37
3.2 Idiomatic use 42
Chapter Four NP:Number,Case and Gender 49
4.1 Number 49
4.2 Case 54
4.3 Gender 59
Chapter Five NP:Modifiers and Pronoun 65
5.1 Modifiers 65
5.2 Pronoun 70
Chapter Six VP:The Tense 79
6.1 Two tenses and no more 79
6.2 Sense of time 81
6.3 Tense and time 81
Chapter Seven VP:The Aspect 88
7.1 Progressive 88
7.2 Perfective 93
7.3 Perfective progressive 98
Chapter Eight VP:The Passive Voice 101
8.1 Form of the passive 101
8.2 Condition and constraints for the use of the passive 102
8.3 Expressions active in form but passive in meaning 106
Chapter Nine VP:The Mood and The Means of Denoting The Future Time 110
9.1 The Mood and the moods 110
9.2 Mandative and formulaic 111
9.3 Means of denoting the future time 113
Chapter Ten VP:Modal Auxiliaries 119
10.1 Orientation 119
10.2 Significance of the distinction of the two orientations 120
10.3 Main modals 122
10.4 Comparisons 125
10.5 Negation 129
Chapter Eleven NP and VP:The Adjective and The Adverb(1) 132
11.1 Syntactic functions of the adjective 132
11.2 Syntactic classification 135
11.3 Semantic classification:stative vs.dynamic,gradable vs.non-gradable 138
11.4 Adverb as phrasal element 139
11.5 Adverb as clausal element 142
Chapter Twelve NP and VP:The Adjective and The Adverb(2),The Preposition 148
12.1 Adverb"with two forms" 148
12.2 Degrees of adjective and adverb 149
12.3 Preposition 152
Chapter Thirteen Transformation:Existential Sentence and Transformed Sentences Wheret is Involved 162
13.1 Transformation and expansion 162
13.2 Existential sentence and sentence in which it is involved 164
13.3 Transformed sentences where it is involved 168
Chapter Fourteen Transformation:Statement,Question,Command and Exclamation 173
14.1 Statement 174
14.2 Question 176
14.3 Command 180
14.4 Exclamation 181
Chapter Fifteen Transformation:Fronting and Postponement 186
15.1 Fronting 186
15.2 Inversion 188
15.3 Postponement 191
15.4 Fronting and postponement 193
Chapter Sixteen Transformation:Substitution and Ellipsis 197
16.1 Substitution for noun phrases and their constituents 197
16.2 Substitution for predicate,predication and clauses 199
16.3 Ellipsis 202
Chapter Seventeen Expansion:From NP to Clause 208
17.1 NP1 realized by finite and non-finite clauses 208
17.2 (NP4)realized by finite and non-finite clauses 211
17.3 (NP2)realized by finite and non-finite clauses 214
17.4 Finite and non-finite clauses as objects of the preposition 215
Chapter Eighteen Expansion:From(C)to Clause 220
18.1 Clauses as(Cs) 220
18.2 Clauses as(Co) 223
Chapter Nineteen Expansion:From(M)to Clause 231
19.1 Clauses as(M1) 231
19.2 Finite clauses as(M2) 233
19.3 Non-finite clauses as(M2) 237
Chapter Twenty Expansion:From[A]to Clause(1) 243
20.1 Semantic classification and description 243
Chapter Twenty-one Expansion:From[A]to Clause(2) 255
21.1 Position in sentence 255
21.2 Dangling clause and its acceptability 258
21.3 Syntactic classification 260
Chapter Twenty-two Expansion:Coordination and Apposition 266
22.1 Syndetic and asyndetic coordination 266
22.2 Syntactic features and semantic implications of coordinators 267
22.3 Correlatives and some other points about coordination 272
22.4 Apposition 274
Chapter Twenty-three Sentence Analysis:Phrase Structure Rules 280
23.1 Phrase structure rules(1-3) 280
23.2 Supplementary features provided by the phrase rules 286
23.3 Practice of sentence analysis 289
Chapter Twenty-four Sentence Analysis:Transformed Sentences 291
24.1 Transformed sentences 291
24.2 Practice of sentence analysis 298
Chapter Twenty-five Sentence Analysis:Ambiguous Sentences 301
25.1 Ambiguous sentences 301
25.2 Practice of sentence analysis 307
Key to Exercises 310
Bibliography 347
Index 348
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