英语相似词语辨异 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:卢思源
- 出 版 社:福州:福建人民出版社
- 出版年份:1982
- ISBN:7173·608
- 页数:262 页
1.across,cross 1
2.adapt,adopt 2
3.addressee,addresser 3
4.admit,admit of 4
5.affect,effect 6
6.affection,affectation 8
7.afflict,inflict 9
8.again(连接副词),again(时间副词) 9
9.allusion,illusion 11
10.already,all ready 12
11.alternate,alternative 13
12.alumna,alumnae,alumnu s,alumni 15
13.always,all ways 16
14.amend,emend 17
15.amiable,amicable 18
16.ante-,anti 19
17.anyone,any one 21
18.anyway,any way 22
19.apiece,a piece 24
20.Arab,Arabian,Arabic 25
21.as far as,so far as 26
22.as fast as,as soon as 27
23.as it was,as it were 28
24.aside,a side 30
25.ass〔?s〕,ass〔a;s〕 30
26.assure,ensure,insure 31
27.astray,estray 33
28.at a distance,frorn a distance,in the distance 33
29.at ease,with ease 35
30.at hand,by hand,in hand,on hand,to hand 35
31.at heart,by heart,in heart 36
32.at last,at length 37
33.at least,not the least 38
34.at present,for the present 39
35.at the end of,by the end of 40
36.at the same time,in the same time 41
37.attend the meeting,attend to the meeting 42
38.aural,oral 43
39.averse,adverse 44
40.avocation,vocation 45
41.award,reward 46
42.ay,aye 47
43.be ashamed for,be ashamed of 48
44.be off,to be off 49
45.be tired of,be tiredwith 50
46.before long,long before 50
47.behind time,behind the times 52
48.below the mark,beside the mark,beyond the mark 53
49.beside,besides 54
50.blackboard,black board 55
51.blush,flush 57
52.Both(the)men are writing an article,The two men are writing an article 58
53.breath,breathe 59
54.by all means,by no means 60
55.by name,in name 61
56.by one o'clock,till one o'clock 62
57.by oneself,for oneself,in oneself,of oneself 63
58.by sea,at sea 64
59.by turns,in turn 66
60.call,calling 67
61.call at,call on 68
62.cannot do it,cannot but do it 69
63.carry on,carry out,carry through 69
64.casual,causal 71
65.Catholic,catholic 71
66.censer,censor 72
67.China,china 73
68.China's,Chinese 74
69.clench,clinch 75
70.climatic,climactic 76
71.cloth,clothe,clothes 77
72.clothes,clothing 78
73.complacent,complaisant 79
74.complaint about,complaint against 80
75.complement,compliment 81
76.comprehensibly,comprehensively 82
77.Comrade Zhang stands by me,Comrade Zhang stands beside me 83
78.Comrade Wang comes from Beijing,Comrade Wang has come from Beijing 85
79.conducive,conductive 86
80.confidant,confident 87
81.consist in,consist of 88
82.corps,corpse 89
83.council,counsel 90
84.countryman,country man 91
85.credible,creditable 92
86.cupfuls,cups full 93
87.dancing-teacher,dancing teacher 94
88.dare(普通动词),dare(情态动词) 96
89.day and night,night and day 97
90.decant,decent,descent,descant 98
91.decease,disease 99
92.definite,definitive 100
93.desert(v.),desert(n.,a.),desserf 101
94.determinately,determinedly 102
95.detract,distract 103
96.diary,dairy,daily 104
97.die,dye 105
98.disarmed,unarmed 106
99.discomfit,discomfort 107
100.discreet,discrete 107
101.disinterested,uninterested 108
102.distinguish,distinguished 109
103.egoist,egotist 110
104.elapse,lapse 110
105.eligible,illegible 111
106.ellipse,ellipsis 112
107.emerge,immerge 113
108.emergence,emergency 114
109.eminent,immanent,imminent 114
110.engage in,engage with 115
111.enmity,amity 116
112.enumerable,innumerable 117
113.envelop,envelope 117
114.eruption,irruption 118
115.everyday,every day 119
116.excellence,excellency 120
117.except,expect 121
118.exceptionable,exceptional 122
119.exercise,exorcise 122
120.exhausting,exhaustive 123
121.expanse,expense 124
122.ex-schoolmaster,late schoolmaster 125
123.factitious,fictitious 126
124.fiancé,fiancée 127
125.find,found 127
126.five dollars in note,a five-dollar note 128
127.for a moment,for the moment,in a moment 129
128.forbear,forebear 130
129.give way,give away 130
130.go on,go over 131
131.habitable,habitual 132
132.hand in hand,hand to hand 133
133.hand work,handwork,handiwork 134
134.hangar,hanger 134
135.have an eye on,have an eye for,have an eye to 135
136.have reference to,in reference to 136
137.He has been wired for from home,He has been wired to from home 137
138.He has nothing to say,He has nothing to be said,He has to say nothing 138
139.He is a marrying man,He is a married man 138
140.He is sorry,He is a sorry fellow 139
141.He showed me his house,He showed me over his house 140
142.home,at home 141
143.homework,housework 142
144.How are you?How do you do?How do you feel? 142
145.however,how ever 143
146.however,no matter how 145
147.human,humane 145
148.hypercritical,hypocritical 147
149.I'm late,am I not?I'm late,ain't I?I'm late,aren't I? 147
150.I have my hair cut,I have cut my hair 148
151.impassable,impassible 150
152.imperial,imperious 150
153.impetus,impetuous 151
154.in a body,in body 152
155.in a word,at a word 153
156.in an hour,after an hour 154
157.in behalf of,on behalf of 155
158.in case of,in the case of 156
159.in court,in the court 157
160.in favor of,in favor with 158
161.in point,in point of,in the point of 159
162.in possession of,in the possession of 160
163.in that case,in any case,in case of 160
164.in the cause of,in the course of 161
165.in the Doldrums,in the doldrums 162
166.in the field(s),on the field 163
167.in the island,on the island 164
168.in the south,on the south,to the south 164
169.in the water,on the water,on the waters 165
170.in the way,on the way,by the way 166
171.in view of,with a view to,with the view of 167
172.in word,in a word 169
173.indoor,indoors 170
174.industrial,industrious 170
175.ingenious,ingenuous 171
176.inhuman,unhuman 172
177.inquire after,inquire for 173
178.intense,intensive 174
179.into,in to 175
180.'invalid,in'valid,inva'lid 176
181.invaluable,valueless 177
182.irresponsible,irresponsive 178
183.'Is Comrade Li over sixty?Is Comrade'Li over sixty?Is ComradeLi'over sixty?Is Comrade Li over'sixty? 179
184.it's,its 180
185.judicial,judicious 181
186.later,latter 181
187.learn by heart,take to heart 183
188.1eather,leathery 183
189.Let's go,Let us go 184
190.lie,lay 185
191.lie(躺),lie(说谎) 187
192.lifelong,livelong 189
193.long for,for long 190
194.look after,look for,look on,look over 191
195.looker-on,onlooker 192
196.lose,loose 193
197.loyal,royal 193
198.maybe,may be 194
199.mean,means 195
200.mean time,meantime 196
201.mindful,mind full 196
202.minute(n.),minute(a.) 197
203.momentarily,momently 198
204.momentary,momentous 199
205.monogram,monograph 200
206.moral,morale 200
207.need(普通动词),need(情态动词) 201
208.no more…than,not more…than 202
209.not all,not any,not both,not either 203
210.nothing but,anything but 204
211.O,oh 205
212.observance,observation 206
213.of age,of an age,of the age 207
214.official,officious 208
215.Old Wang,the postman is at the door.Old Wang,the postman,is at the door 209
216.on no account,of no account,on aceount of 210
217.Only Liu's son criticized him.Liu's only son criticized him.Liu's son only criticized him.Liu's son criticized him only 211
218.onto,on to 213
219.out of question,out of the question 214
220.personality,personalty 215
221.perspicuous,perspicacious 216
222.petrol,petroleum 217
223.placable,placeable 218
224.precedent,president 218
225.prescribe,proscribe 220
226.presumptive,presumptuous 220
227.prevail over,prevail on 221
228.principal,principle 222
229.provide,provided 222
230.quite,quiet 223
231.recover,re-cover 225
232.renumerate,remunerate 226
233.respectful,respectable 226
234.respectably,respectfully,respectively 227
235.resume,résumé 228
236.rise,raise 229
237.rise,arise 230
238.rouse,arouse 231
239.seasonable,seasonal 232
240.send,send for 233
241.set it on fire,set it on the fire 234
242.sew,sow 234
243.She is home,She is at home 235
244.So do I,So I do 236
245.so that,so…that 238
246.so-and-so,so-so 239
247.soluble,solvable 239
248.some time,sometime,sometimes 240
249.speciality,specialty 241
250.succeed in,succeed to 242
251.sweet,suite 243
252.take a chair,take the chair 244
253.take measures,take measure 244
254.take part in,take part with 245
255.take place,take one's place 246
256.talk about somebody,talk to somebody,talk with somebody 246
257.tell somebody about something,tell somebody of something,tell somebody from somebody 248
258.than,then 248
259.They are friendly to us,They are being friendly to us 250
260.This building is in repair,This building is under repair 251
261.This is a picture of Old Wang,This is a picture of Old Wang's 252
262.time,times 254
263.ton,tun 255
264.touch,touch on 255
265.treat of,treat with 256
266.trouble about,trouble for 257
267.turn to account,take into account 257
268.unaware,unawares 258
269.unwanted,unwonted 259
270.up-to-date,up to date 260
271.urban,urbane 261
272.We stood waiting,We waited standing 261
273.wont,won't 262
- 《词语翻译丛谈》陈忠诚著 1983
- 《最有趣的词语故事》吴庆芳编著 2014
- 《唐代墓志文化词语专题研究》姜同绚著 2019
- 《看拼音写词语生字注音组词》上海元远教育 2019
- 《汉语词语的时空域及喻域研究 以“上”“旁”“大”“来”等词语为例》顾倩著 2018
- 《唐文 小学生多功能词语词典 彩色版》唐文辞书编委会编 2017
- 《看拼音写词语生字注音组词 二年级 下》上海元远教育 2019
- 《中国佛教学术论典 66 佛教词语构造与汉语词汇的发展 慧琳和他的一切经音义》星云大师监修;佛光山文教基金会总编辑;永明,永进,永本,满果,满耕编辑 2002
- 《中国佛教学术论典 67 古尊宿语要代词助词研究 汉魏六朝佛经意译词研究 魏晋南北朝佛经词语辑释》星云大师监修;佛光山文教基金会总编辑;永明,永进,永本,满果,满耕编辑 2002
- 《节能减排常用词语》赵旭东等编著 2013
- 《润滑油液分析实验》卢小辉,谢小鹏编 2018
- 《法语口语 1 第2版》(中国)王璇,夏正华,卢小梅 2019
- 《高等职业教育“十三五”规划教材 工业机器人拆装与调试 工业机器人技术专业》胡月霞,卢玉锋,王志彬主编;周彦云,付志勇,郭微副主编 2019
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- 《我不喜欢人类,我想住进森林》(挪)阿澜·卢(ErlendLoe) 2019
- 《商务英语综合教程 高级》祝慧敏,卢小军 2018
- 《李清照词传》卢静云著 2017
- 《傅立叶级数和边值问题 英文》(美)詹姆斯·沃德·布朗,(美)卢埃尔·V.丘吉尔著 2019
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