新编大学英语课文导读 1PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨梅,江文清主编
- 出 版 社:合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:731201609X
- 页数:164 页
Unit 1 Love 1
In-Class Reading A Good Heart to Lean On 1
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 1
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 1
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 1
D.Keys to the Exercises→练习答案 5
After-Class Reading 6
Passage Ⅰ A Kiss for Kate 6
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 6
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 6
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 6
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 8
Passage Ⅱ Benefits from Pets 10
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 10
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 10
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 10
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 11
Unit 2 Psychology in Our Daily Life 13
In-Class Reading Is There a Doctor in the Body? 13
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 13
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 13
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 13
D.Keys to the Exercises→练习答案 17
After-Class Reading 19
PassageⅠ The Psychology of Money 19
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 19
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 19
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 19
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 21
Passage Ⅱ How to Jump Queue Fury 22
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 22
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 22
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 22
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 23
Passage Ⅲ Comforting Thoughts 24
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 24
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 24
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 24
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 26
Unit 3 Culture 28
In-Class Reading Bridging Cultural Gaps Gracefully 28
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 28
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 28
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 28
D.Keys to the Exercises→练习答案 31
After-Class Reading 33
Passage Ⅰ Dining Customs in America 33
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 33
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 33
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 33
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 34
Passage Ⅱ Chinese and American Culture 35
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 35
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 36
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 36
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 37
Passage Ⅲ Specific Taboos 38
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 38
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 38
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 38
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 39
Unit 4 Holidays and Special Days 41
In-Class Reading A Merry Christmas 41
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 41
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 41
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 41
D.Keys to the Exercises→练习答案 44
After-Class Reading 46
Passage Ⅰ Merry Christmas 46
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 46
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 46
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 46
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 47
Passage Ⅱ April Fools'Day 49
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 49
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 49
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 49
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 51
Unit 5 Money 53
In-Class Reading Time Spent Agonizing over Money 53
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 53
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 53
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 53
D.Keys to the Exercises→练习答案 57
After-Class Reading 59
Passage Ⅰ Elias:A Parable 59
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 59
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 59
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 59
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 60
Passage Ⅱ A Letter to God 62
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 62
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 62
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 62
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 64
Unit 6 Shopping 66
In-Class Reading Consumer Behavior of Young People 66
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 66
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 66
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points难句分析 66
D.Keys to the Exercises→练习答案 69
After-Class Reading 70
Passage Ⅰ About Buying Things 70
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 70
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 70
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 70
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 71
Passage Ⅱ The Older Subculture 72
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 72
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 72
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 73
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 73
Passage Ⅲ Bargains 74
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 74
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 75
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 75
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 75
Unit 7 Emotions and Health 77
In-Class Reading The Secrets of Good Health 77
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 77
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 77
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 77
D.Keys to the Exercises→练习答案 81
After-Class Reading 83
Passage Ⅰ Your Anger Can Kill You 83
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 83
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 83
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 84
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 87
Passage Ⅱ How to Live to Be 100 88
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 88
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 88
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 89
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 91
Unit 8 Social Problems 92
In-Class Reading Latchkey Children-Knock,Knock.Is Anybody Home? 92
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 92
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 92
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 92
D.Keys to the Exercises→练习答案 97
After-Class Reading 98
Passage Ⅰ It's a Mugger's Game in Manhattan 98
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 98
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 98
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 98
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 101
Passage Ⅱ Thief 102
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 102
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 102
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 103
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 106
Unit 9 The Joy of Travel 109
In-Class Reading Transformative Travel 109
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 109
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 109
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 109
D.Keys to the Exercises→练习答案 113
After-Class Reading 114
Passage Ⅰ The Romance of Train Travel 114
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 114
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 115
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 115
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 116
Passage Ⅱ Aruba 118
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 118
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 118
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 118
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 120
Unit 10 Man and Animals 122
In-Class Reading Aggression in Humans and Animals 122
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 122
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 122
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 122
D.Keys to the Exercises→练习答案 127
After-Class Reading 129
Passage Ⅰ Should the Navy Draft Dolphins? 129
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 129
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 129
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 129
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 132
Passage Ⅱ Animals on the Job 133
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 133
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 133
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 133
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 135
Unit 11 Advertising 137
In-Class Reading What Advertising Does to Us 137
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 137
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 137
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 137
D.Keys to the Exercises→练习答案 141
After-Class Reading 142
Passage Ⅰ Advertising:The Selling of a Product 142
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 142
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 142
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 142
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 144
Passage Ⅱ Should Advertising Be Banned? 145
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 145
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 145
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 145
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 149
Unit 12 Reflections on Life 151
In-Class Reading A Diary of the Century 151
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 151
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 151
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 151
D.Keys to the Exercises→练习答案 154
After-Class Reading 156
Passage Ⅰ Age and Youth 156
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 156
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 156
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 156
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 159
Passage Ⅱ Let the Questions In 160
A.Structure of the Text→课文结构分析 160
B.Abstract of the Text→课文简述 160
C.Difficult Sentences and Language Points→难句分析 161
D.The Text in Chinese→参考译文 162
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